Departament: Department of History and Archaeology

Teresa Abello Guell

Associate professor

Antonio Jose Aguilera Martin

Senior lecturer

Josep-Lluis Alay Rodriguez

Profesor Asociado

Agusti Alcoberro Pericay

Senior lecturer

Ramon Alvarez Arza

Profesor Asociado

Maria Karen Alvaro Rueda

Senior lecturer

Daniel Aznar Martinez

Adjunct part-time

Xavier Ballestin Navarro

Senior lecturer

Maria Mercedes Bergadà Zapata

Associate professor

María Cristina Borderias Mondejar

Emerit teacher

Monica Borrell Cairol

Lecturer Professor

Ivan Briz Godino

Beatriz de Galindo Profesor

Carles Buenacasa Perez

Senior lecturer

Jaume Buxeda Garrigós

University Full professor

Jordi Buyreu Juan

Profesor Asociado

David Cao Costoya

Lecturer Professor

Angel Casals Martinez

Senior lecturer

Pau Castell Granados

Lecturer Professor

Giovanni C. Cattini

Senior lecturer

Miguel Angel Cau Ontiveros

Investigador ICREA

Alfredo Chamorro Esteban

Adjunct part-time

Agusti Colomines Companys

Associate professor

Mireia Comas Via

Senior lecturer

Xavier Costa Badia

Lecturer Professor

Magi Crusells Valeta

Profesor Asociado

Maria del Rocio Da Riva Muñoz

University Full professor

Jaume Danti Riu

Full professor

Joan Daura Lujan

Associate professor

A. Margarita Diaz Andreu Garcia

Investigadora ICREA

Ines Domingo Sanz

Investigadora ICREA

Oriol Dueñas Iturbe

Lecturer Professor

Maria Adela Fargas Peñarrocha

Associate professor

Albert Farre Ventura

Profesor Asociado

Llorenc Ferrer Alos

Full professor

Jose Maria Fullola Pericot

Emerit teacher

Ignasi Garces Estallo

Senior lecturer

Elisabeth Garcia Marrase

Adjunct part-time

David Garcia Rubert

Senior lecturer

Manuel Garcia Sanchez

Senior lecturer

Maria Pilar Garcia-Arguelles Andreu

Associate professor

Blanca Gari de Aguilera

Full professor

Victor Gavin Munte

Senior lecturer

Alberto Ghanime Rodriguez

Profesor Asociado

Francisco Javier Gil Pujol

Full professor

Francisco Gracia Alonso

Full professor

Valentí Gual Vilà

Associate professor

Jordi Ibarz Gelabert

Senior lecturer

Martin Iturralde Valls

Lecturer Professor

Santiago Fco Izquierdo Ballester

Lecturer Professor

Juan Antonio Jimenez Sanchez

Associate professor

Victor Joaquin Jurado Riba

Adjunct part-time

Rosa Lluch Bramon

Associate professor

Paola Lo Cascio

Senior lecturer

Francisco Javier Lopez Cachero

University Full professor

Dolores Lopez Perez

Associate professor

Maria Soledad Madrid Fernandez

Senior lecturer

Javier Mangado Llach

University Full professor

Gerard Mari Brull

Senior lecturer

Salvatore Marino

Senior lecturer

Patricia Victoria Martinez Alvarez

Profesora Asociada

Veronica Martinez Ferreras

Senior lecturer

Miguel Angel Martinez Rodriguez

Associate professor

Catalina Mas Florit

Senior lecturer

Ida Mauro

Senior lecturer

Andres Mayayo Artal

Full professor

Pere Maymo Capdevila

Lecturer Professor

Roberta Bruna Mentesana

Lecturer Professor

Natàlia Moragas Segura

Senior lecturer

Jordi Nadal Lorenzo

Associate professor

Juan Pedro Navarro Martinez

Researcher Juan de la Cierva

Gustau Nerin Abad

Senior lecturer

Jaume Noguera Guillen

Associate professor

Francesc Xavier Oms Arias

Lecturer Professor

Chiara Pagnotta

Associate professor

Juan Luis Palos Peñarroya

Associate professor

Alessandra Pecci

Senior lecturer

Alberto Pellegrini

Profesor Asociado

Ricardo Piqueras Cespedes

Associate professor

Daniel Piñol Alabart

Associate professor

Luis Pons Pujol

Senior lecturer

Victor Revilla Calvo

Full professor

Santiago Riera Mora

University Full professor

Gisela Ripoll López

Full professor

Manel Risques Corbella

Emerit teacher

Jordi Roca Vernet

Senior lecturer

Daniel Roig Sanz

Profesor Asociado

Juan Jose Romero Marin

Adjunct part-time

Jose Luis Ruiz Peinado Alonso

Senior lecturer

Elvira Sanchez Mateos

Profesora Asociada

Marta Sánchez de la Torre

Senior lecturer

Jordi Sancho Parra

Investigador predoctoral AGAUR-SDUR

Marta Sancho Planas

University Full professor

Jordi Sant Gisbert

Adjunct part-time

Carlos Santacana Torres

Full professor

Montserrat Sanz Borras

Researcher Ramon i Cajal APID program

Antoni Segura Mas

Emerit teacher

Diego Sola Garcia

Senior lecturer

Queralt Sole Barjau

Senior lecturer

Maria Soler Sala

University Full professor

Javier Tebar Hurtado

Senior lecturer

Gemma Torres Delgado

Lecturer Professor

Meritxell Tous Mata

Senior lecturer

Esther Trave Allepuz

Senior lecturer

Jose Vilella Masana

Full professor

Joan Villarroya Font

Emerit teacher

Raul Villegas Marin

Senior lecturer

Ricard Vinyes Ribas

Emerit teacher

Antoni Vives Riera

Senior lecturer

Carles Viñas Gracia

Lecturer Professor

Cielo Rosa Zaidenwerg

Profesora Asociada