Natalia J. Laso is a Serra Hunter fellow in English Linguistics at the University of Barcelona. She holds a PhD in English Philology from the University of Barcelona and is also a member of the GRELIC-Lexicology and Corpus Linguistics Research Group. Her research is focused on two main areas: a) science writing and the main challenges that NNES writers face when writing their research in English; and b) the use of corpora in the linguistics classroom. She has co-edited the volume Biomedical English: a corpus-based approach (by Isabel Verdaguer, Natalia J. Laso & Danica Salazar. Eds.), published by John Benjamins Publishing.
Dr. Laso is currently participating in the following research project: 'Hacia un MCERL/VC más accesible: ajuste de los descriptores con resultados basados en corpus de aprendices' (PID2020-117041GA-I00), funded by the MCIUN - Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and she is also compiling the FineDesc Learner corpus, in collaboration with other Spanish Universities.