I have been a Serra Húnter tenure-eligible lecturer in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures and English Studies, University of Barcelona, since 2021. Since 2008 I have taught different literature subjects in English Studies and at the postgraduate level in the Master CRIC (Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities). I have participated in the Teacher's Training Master of the University of Barcelona.
I hold a BA in English Literature (University of Barcelona) and and a PhD in English Literature (University of Barcelona). My PhD thesis, "Traducciones del franquismo en el Mercado español contemporáneo. El caso de Jane Eyre de Juan G. de Luaces" (2013) studied the reception of Charlotte Brontë's novel in Spain from the 19th century and focused on the current marketing of a translation that was produced, and censored, during the Franco dictatorship
I was awarded a competitive Pre-doctoral research grant (2005FI00982) by the Catalan Government to complete my PhD studies (2005-2008) and I participated in the project led by Dr. Assumpta Camps "La traducción literaria en España (repertorio informatizado crítico-bibliográfico de las traducciones publicadas en España, 1940-2002)" (2003-2006) (MCTE - BFF2003-02216). Two more projects gave me the opportunity to continue my research in the field of translation, more particularly focused on the Spanish postwar period: "Transformacions: Traductors i Il·lustradors a la Primera Postguerra a Catalunya (1940-1950)" (2007-2009) (AGAUR - 2007 EBRE 9) and "Cap a un entramat editorial de l'Espanya de postguerra: dades inèdites (1940-1960)" (2009-2010) (GRPR - Projectes de recerca per a grups precompetitius. Universitat de Barcelona), both led by Professor Hurtley. More recently, I was invited to become a member of the long-established research group TRACE (Translation and Censorship) and participated in the project "Traducción inglés-español y censura en España (TRACE 1939-1985): cadenas textuales y contexto cultural", directed by Dr. Camino Gutiérrez Lanza at the Universidad de Léon (2013-2015) (MINECO - FFI2012-39012-C04-03).
My participation in the research projects and the FI research grant, mentioned above, have led me to contribute extensively to the field of the translation and the censorship of literature in English during the Franco Regime. Both nationally and internationally, I have published a number of articles and book chapters and I have delivered papers in conferences on the Spanish reception of Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, Virginia Woolf, Rosamond Lehmann, Vita Sackville-West, Radclyffe Hall, Margaret Mitchell and D. H. Lawrence, among others. On the other hand, I have provided unpublished information on the life and (censored) work of the multifaceted Juan G. de Luaces, who had established a name for himself as a journalist, poet and writer of prose fiction in 1920s and 30s Spain. Following the Civil War, Luaces became the country's most prolific translator of literary texts from English into Spanish.
My current research is twofold: I am working on the reception of Charlotte Brontë and Jane Eyre in the Spanish Peninsula and I am studying translations censored in Franco's time that circulate in the contemporary literary market.