Catedràtic d'Universitat
Grup de Recerca:
Brief biography
Lothar Schulte studied Geography, Geology and Economic History at the Univ. of Düsseldorf and Cologne, and obtained his Ph.D. in 2000 at the Univ. of Barcelona. His thesis on Quaternary landscape evolution in Mediterranean dryland environments received the 3-year national award on Quaternary Science and Geomorphology from the Spanish Quaternary Research Association and the Spanish Geomorphology Association. In 2000 he was contracted by the University of Barcelona as Assistant Professor at the Department of Geography giving lectures in Geomorphology, Landscape conservation, Global change, Remote Sensing, Fieldwork, etc. Between 2001 and 2002, he was an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Postdoc fellow at the University of Berne, Switzerland. In 2002, he was also contracted by the University of Berne for a lecture. In 2006, he was appointed Associate Professor and, in 2017, Full-Professor (Catedrático) in the Department of Geography, University of Barcelona.
Since 2006, he has acted as Principal Investigator of the PaleoRisk Research Group and of multiple granted research projects. Since his appointment in 2006, he has raised funding of 1,335,086 ¿ (674,336 ¿ during the last 5 years). In 2011 and 2019, he received the ICREA Academy Award. Since 2008, he has participated in the evaluation processes of the DFG 806 Collaborative Research Centre and DFG research projects, and has written expert evaluation reports for research foundations, agencies and institutions, including AEI, AQU, IGS and FWO. Since 2018, he has been the coordinator of the Floods Working Group of the international network Past Global Changes (PAGES).
His research activities are focused on the study of the development of river basins and fluvial landscapes focusing particularly on the historical interaction between flood dynamics, land-use and hydraulic management, ranging from pluri-millennial time scales to historical times. This research is concerned primarily with the impact of global change on mountain, environments and local communities. Reference records of past floods were obtained in the European Alps, New Zealand's Alps, Betics, NE-Spain using multidisciplinary approaches. Space-time flood basin models were then developed that integrate information about flood driving factors, human occupation, and mechanisms of resilience and hydraulic management.
Teaching Activities (at the Universities of Barcelona, Berne, Düsseldorf)
Graduate Studies (since 2000): 348,5 crédits in Natural hazards, Fieldwork in Geography, Global Change, Geomorphology, Remote Sensing, Landscape conservation, Climatology, Biogeography, Fieldwork in Physical Geography. Final projects in Geography, Geographical field courses to the Swiss Alps, Iberian Peninsula, SW-USA, SE-Spain, NE-Spain, Seminars.
- ICREA Academia in 2019 (210,000 ¿)
- ICREA Academia in 2011 (225,000 ¿)
- INQUA in 2003 (800 $),
- AEQUA-SEG in 2002 (1500 ¿),
· 23 stays abroad: USA, New Zealand, Germany, Switzerland
· 69 Scientific fieldwork campaigns: in Fiordland and Southern Alps (New Zealand), Argentinian Patagonia, Chile's lake district, SW-USA, European Alps, Sierra Nevada, basins in SW and NE-Spain
· 14 Scientific excursions and field courses to USA, Siberia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Switzerland, Germany.
· Participation in 31 research projects (2 EC projects)
· Research funding obtained as PI (12 projects)
· Organization of 2 Conferences and 7 Workshops
· Supervision of 5 PhD theses, 4 theses in progres