Lothar Schulte

Lothar Schulte

Catedràtic d'Universitat

Scopus Author ID: 7003971543
Àrea de coneixement : Geografia Física

Grup de Recerca:

Informació de contacte
Departament de Geografia
Departament de Geografia Física i AGR, C/ Montalegre, 6-8

Formació acadèmica

Magister Artium en Geografía . Universidades de Düsseldorf y de Köln, Alemania . 09/02/1995 . (Diplomatura / Llicenciatura / Grau)
Tesina en Geografía . Universidades de Düsseldorf, Alemania . 09/02/1995 . (Diplomatura / Llicenciatura / Grau)
Doctor en Geografía . Universitat de Barcelona . 21/02/2000 . (Doctorat )
Doctor Europaeus . Universitat de Barcelona . 20/03/2000 . (Doctorat )

Participacions a Congressos

Schulte, L.; Peña, J.C; Wetter, O.; Carvalho, F.; Wirth, S.B., Gómez-Bolea, A.; Badoux, A. (2022). Pattern of severe alpine floods of the last 540 years reconstructed from temporal-spatial analysis of natural and documentary archives. (Presentació comunicació) . 6th Open Scientific Meeting, PAGES Agadir 2022. 'Learning from the past for a sustainable future'. 16 - 20 MAY 2022 . Schulte, L.; Peña, J.C; Wetter, O.; Carvalho, F.; Wirth, S.B., Gómez-Bolea, A.; Badoux, A., 2022. Pattern of severe alpine floods of the last 540 years reconstructed from temporal-spatial analysis of natural and documentary archives. In: 6th Open Scientific Meeting, Conference Program and Abstracts, Past Global Changes, Agadir 2022, p.129-130 . Agadir Marocco (online) . MARROC
Schulte, A.; Schulte, L.; Peña, J.C; Fuller, I.; Carvalho, F. (2022). Pattern of severe alpine floods of the last 540 years reconstructed from temporal-spatial analysis of natural and documentary archives. (Presentació comunicació) . 6th Open Scientific Meeting, PAGES Agadir 2022. 'Learning from the past for a sustainable future'. 16 - 20 MAY 2022 . Schulte, A.; Schulte, L.; Peña, J.C; Fuller, I.; Carvalho, F., 2022. Extraordinary floods and climatic variability in southern New Zealand from 1862 to 2020. In: 6th Open Scientific Meeting, Conference Program and Abstracts, Past Global Changes, Agadir 2022, p.130 . Agadir Marocco (online) . MARROC
Sánchez-García, C.; Schulte, L. (2022). Analysis of the correlation between climate and historical extreme flood events in the southeastern Iberian Peninsula: The case of the Andarax River. (Presentació comunicació) . 6th Open Scientific Meeting, PAGES Agadir 2022. 'Learning from the past for a sustainable future'. 16 - 20 MAY 2022 . Sánchez-García, C.; Schulte, L., 2022. Analysis of the correlation between climate and historical extreme flood events in the southeastern Iberian Peninsula: The case of the Andarax River. In: 6th Open Scientific Meeting, Conference Program and Abstracts, Past Global Changes, Agadir 2022, p.182 . Agadir Marocco (online) . MARROC
Sánchez-García, C.; Carvalho, F.; Schulte, L. (2022). Analysis of an extreme hydrological event in a semi-arid region. The case of the 2012 flood in the Antas River, Spain. (Presentació comunicació) . 6th Open Scientific Meeting, PAGES Agadir 2022. 'Learning from the past for a sustainable future'. 16 - 20 MAY 2022 . Sánchez-García, C.; Carvalho, F.; Schulte, L., 2022. Analysis of an extreme hydrological event in a semi-arid region. The case of the 2012 flood in the Antas River, Spain. In: 6th Open Scientific Meeting, Conference Program and Abstracts, Past Global Changes, Agadir 2022, p.128-129 . Agadir Marocco (online) . MARROC
Peña, J.C; Balasch, J.C.; Pino, D.; Schulte, L.; Barriendos, M.; Ruiz-Bellet, L.; Prohom, M.; Tuset, J., Mazon, J.; Castelltort, X. (2022). Atmospheric variability linked to large floods in the lower Ebro River basin. (Presentació comunicació) . EMS Annual Meeting 2022, European Meteorological Society. 4-9 September 2022 . Peña, J.C; Balasch, J.C.; Pino, D.; Schulte, L.; Barriendos, M.; Ruiz-Bellet, L.; Prohom, M.; Tuset, J., Mazon, J.; Castelltort, X. 2022. Atmospheric variability linked to large floods in the lower Ebro River basin. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts 19, EMS2022-230. European Meteorological Society. https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2022-230 . Bonn . ALEMANYA
Casanovas-Arimon, L.; Schulte, L.; Muntán-Bordas, Gómez-Bolea, A.; E. Carvalho, F. (2022). Dendrogeomorphological variability of the Eistlenbach, Tschingelsee and Spreitlouwi alluvial fans, Bernese Alps. (Presentació comunicació) . 6th Open Scientific Meeting, PAGES Agadir 2022. 'Learning from the past for a sustainable future'. 16 - 20 MAY 2022 . Casanovas-Arimon, L.; Schulte, L.; Muntán-Bordas, Gómez-Bolea, A.; E. Carvalho, F., 2022. Dendrogeomorphological variability of the Eistlenbach, Tschingelsee and Spreitlouwi alluvial fans, Bernese Alps. In: 6th Open Scientific Meeting, Conference Program and Abstracts, Past Global Changes, Agadir 2022, p.135-136 . Agadir Marocco (online) . MARROC
Calero, A.M.; Schulte, L.; Carvalho, F. (2022). Analysis of the last 75 years of floods in a high-resolution sedimentary record from the Tschingelsee (Swiss Alps). (Presentació comunicació) . 6th Open Scientific Meeting, PAGES Agadir 2022. 'Learning from the past for a sustainable future'. 16 - 20 MAY 2022 . Calero, A.M.; Schulte, L.; Carvalho, F. 2022. Analysis of the last 75 years of floods in a high-resolution sedimentary record from the Tschingelsee (Swiss Alps). In: 6th Open Scientific Meeting, Conference Program and Abstracts, Past Global Changes, Agadir 2022, p.119-120 . Agadir Marocco (online) . MARROC
Ballesteros Canovas, J.A; Schulte, L. (2022). Open Scientific Meeting, Session OSM16: Towards an improved understanding of past flood variability and examples on how such data can have a bearing on present and future flood risk management. (Presidència de sessió) . 6th Open Scientific Meeting, PAGES Agadir 2022. 'Learning from the past for a sustainable future'. 16 - 20 MAY 2022 . Ballesteros Canovas, J.A; Schulte, L., 2022. Open Scientific Meeting, Session OSM16: Towards an improved understanding of past flood variability and examples on how such data can have a bearing on present and future flood risk management.. In: 6th Open Scientific Meeting, Conference Program and Abstracts, Past Global Changes, Agadir 2022, p.125-136 . Agadir Marocco (online) . MARROC
Wirth, S.B.; Kremer, K.; Schulte, L. (2020). Flood reconstructions from lake sediments considering historical river deviations. (Presentació comunicació) . 6th International Paleofloods Congress, Plamerston North, January 29th-31st . Wirth, S.B.; Kremer, K.; Schulte, L., 2020. Flood reconstructions from lake sediments considering historical river deviations. In: Fuller, I.; Macklin, M.; Schulte, L., 2020. 6th International Paleofloods Congress, Conference Programm and Abstracts, Massey University, University of New Zealand, p.4 . Palmerston North . NOVA ZELANDA
Schulte, L. (2020). Paleofloods in the Southern Hemisphere, Session 3, Wednesday January 29th. (Presidència de sessió) . 6th International Paleofloods Congress. Palmerston North, January 29th-31st 2020 . Fuller, I.; Macklin, M.; Schulte, L., 2020. 6th International Paleofloods Congress, Conference Programm and Abstracts, 38 pp. Massey University, University of New Zealand . Palmerston North . NOVA ZELANDA


Paleogeoecology and Natural Hazards (PaleoRisk) (Ajuts de Suport als Grups de Recerca de Catalunya (SGR)) . 2022 - 2024 . Ref.2021 SGR 01103 . Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) . IP: Lothar Schulte . (12 Investigadors)
  • Canvi climàtic
  • forçament climàtic i antròpic
  • arxiu de paleoinundacions
  • Riscos Naturals
  • geoarxius
NextGenerationEU CALL FOR COMPLEMENTARY REQUALIFICATION OF THE SPANISH UNIVERSITY SYSTEM 2021-23: Contrato post-doc MARGARITA SALAS/RECUALIFICACIÓN en el seno del Grup de Recerca 2021 SGR 01103 Paleogeoecology and Natural Hazards (Investigador Principal: Lothar Schulte). Persona contratada: Dr. Carlos Sánches García () . 2022 - 2024 . Ref.MARSALA21-22 . Unión Europea NextGenerationEU . PRTR . IP: Lothar Schulte
Elaboració d'Embotits Fitomicetogenesics. Convenio entre la empresa Liquats Vegetals S.A. y la Universitat de Barcelona () . 2022 - 2025 . Ref.DI 2021 79 . Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) . IP: Lothar Schulte . (3 Investigadors)
Análisis pluridisciplinar e integración de series multi-archivos para el desarrollo de modelos espacio-temporales de inundaciones históricas (PN de Ciencias y Tecnologías Medioambientales) . 2021 - 2024 . Ref.PID2020-113664RB-I00 . Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) . IP: Lothar Schulte . (11 Investigadors)
  • Impacto ambiental y social
  • Paleoinundaciones
  • inundaciones históricas
  • medio
  • Cambio climático
Language of the Anthropocene. Lessons in anthropogenic impact: a knowledge network of geological signals to unite and assess global evidence of the Anthropocene (Sense especificar) . 2021 - 2026 . Ref.IGCP 732 . Organització de les Nacions Unides per a l'Educació, la Ciència i la Cultura . IP: Michael Wagreich
Ajut per incentivar i consolidar la recerca d'excel·lència ja existent a les universitats públiques de Catalunya. Programa ICREA Academia 2019 (Sense especificar) . 2020 - 2024 . Fundació Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA) . IP: Lothar Schulte . (1 Investigadors)
Past Global Changes Floods Working Group (PAGES-FWG), 2nd phase (Sense especificar) . 2019 - 2022 . Ref.PAGES-FWG 2019-2021 . Swiss Academy of Sciences . IP: Juan Antonio Ballesteros Canovas; Lothar Schulte . (27 Investigadors) . The PAGES Floods Working Group (FWG) aims to coordinate, synthesize and promote data and results on the natural variability of paleofloods. The overarching aim of the second phase of FWG is to follow up on the promotion and strength of the interdisciplinary collaboration started during the group's first phase, and more specifically, to develop the targets identified in each Work Package. The goals of the second phase are: i) To intensify efforts to collect, standardize and disseminate the collaborative Flood Database; ii) To integrate pluri-archive flood time series and to share best practices of methodologies to statistically analyze paleoflood data; iii) To improve engagement with stakeholders and policymakers. Lothar Schulte, Professor of the University of Barcelona, is the leading coordinator of the Workpackage 2 'Integrating and analyzing paleoflood data'.
  • floods
  • Global change
  • climate change mitigation
  • Climate change
Paleogeoecologia, Riscos Naturals i Gestió Ambiental (PaleoRisk) (Ajuts de Suport als Grups de Recerca de Catalunya (SGR)) . 2017 - 2021 . Ref.2017SGR1106 . Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) . IP: Lothar Schulte . (12 Investigadors)
  • Canvi climàtic
  • forçament climàtic i antròpic
  • arxiu de paleoinundacions
  • Riscos Naturals
  • geoarxius
Alpine flood histories and climate change: Grebe Valley, Fiordland (Sense especificar) . 2017 - 2018 . Ref.56588-GEO . Massey University Research Fund . IP: Ian C. Fuller . (6 Investigadors) . The project investigates floods in the Southern Alps, where proxy data from sedimentary records such as flood plain deposits and lake sediments, lichens and tree rings, can provide data for the study of the potential effects of climatic changes on alpine floods outside the known range of extreme events reconstructed from documentary and instrumental data. These data series will contribute to a more precise frequency analysis of floods in gauged and ungauged catchments using "field flood data" than can be provided by statistical and hydrological models. The results of the project will be interpreted and transferred to the relevant public agencies for an accurate evaluation of the most recent severe-catastrophic floods.
Methodological developments for multi-archive analysis of past flood variability. Project of the Floods Working Group - Past Global Changes (PAGES) () . 2016 - 2018 . Past Global Changes (PAGES)- International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme . IP: Lothar Schulte . (4 Investigadors) . Combining datasets from different archives is still challenging. This project would contribute to the development of a methodological approach to uniform the datasets, making data acquired from different archives comparable.

Publicacions en revistes

Peña, J.C.; Balasch, J.C., Pino, D., Schulte, L., Barriendos, M., Ruiz-Bellet, J.L., Prohom, M.; Tuset, J.; Mazon, J; Castelltort, X. (2022). Low-frequency atmospheric variability patterns and synoptic types linked to large floods in the lower Ebro River basin. Journal of Climate, 35(8), pp. 2351 - 2371 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 0894-8755
Carvalho, F.; Schulte, L. (2021). Reconstruction of mining activities in the Western Alps during the past 2500 years from natural archives. Science of the Total Environment, 750 (2021)(141208), pp. 1 - 16 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141208 . ISSN: 0048-9697
Schulte, L.; Schillereff, D.; Santisteban, J.I., Marret-Davies, F. (2020). Pluridisciplinary analysis and multi-archive reconstruction of paleofloods. Global and Planetary Change, 191 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 0921-8181
Peña, J.C.; Schulte, L. (2020). Simulated and reconstructed atmospheric variability and their relation with large Pre-industrial summer floods in the Hasli-Aare catchment (Swiss Alps) since 1300 CE. Global and Planetary Change, 190(103191) . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103191 . ISSN: 0921-8181
Blöschl, G.; Kiss, A.; Viglione, A.; Barriendos, M.M.; Böhm, O.; Brázdil, R.; C¿ur, D.; Demarée, G.; Llasat, M.C.; Macdonald, N.; Retsö, D.; Roald, L.; Schmocker-Fackel, P.; Amorim, I.; Bělinová, M.; Benito, G.; Bertolin, Ch.; Camuffo, D.; Cornel, D.; Doktor, R.; Elleder, L.; Enzi, S.; Garcia, J.C.; Glaser, R.; Hall, J.; Haslinger, K.; Hofstätter, M.; Komma, J.; Limanówka, D., Lun, D,; Panin, A.; Parajka, J.; Petrić, H.; Rodrigo, H.S.; Rohr, C.; Schönbein, J.; Schulte, L.; Silva, L.P.; Toonen, W.H.J.; Valent, P.; Waser, J.; Wetter, O. (2020). Current European flood-rich period exceptional compared with past 500 years. Nature, 583, pp. 560 - 566 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2478-3 . ISSN: 0028-0836
Ballesteros Canovas, J.A.; Schulte, L.; Corella, J.P.; Wilhelm, B. (2020). Floods in a warmer world: Insights from paleohydrology. Past Global Changes Magazine, 28(1), pp. 31 - 31 . https://doi.org/10.22498/pages.28.1.31 . ISSN: 2411-605X
Schulte, L.; Schillereff, D.; Santisteban, J.I. (2019). Pluridisciplinary analysis and multi-archive reconstruction of paleofloods: societal demand, challenges and progress. Global and Planetary Change, 177, pp. 225 - 238 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 0921-8181
Schulte, L.; Oliver Wetter, O.; Wilhelm, B.; Peña, J.C.; Amann, B.; Wirth S.B.; Carvalho, F.; Gómez-Bolea, A. (2019). Integration of multi-archive datasets towards the development of a four-dimensional paleoflood model in alpine catchments. Global and Planetary Change, 180, pp. 66 - 88 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 0921-8181
Sánchez-García, C.; Schulte, L.; Carvalho, F.; Peña, J.C. (2019). 500-year flood history in the arid environments of south-eastern Spain. The case of the Almanzora River. Global and Planetary Change, 181 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 0921-8181
Lüning, S.; Schulte, L.; Garcés-Pastor, S.; Danladi, I.B.; Gałka, M. (2019). The Medieval Climate Anomaly in the Mediterranean region. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34, pp. 1625 - 1649 . https://doi.org/10.1029/2019PA003734 . ISSN: 2572-4517
Wilhelm B.; Ballesteros Canovas J.A.; Macdonald N.; Toonen W.; Baker V.; Barriendos M.; Benito G.; Brauer A.; Corella Aznar J.P.; Denniston R.; Glaser R.; Ionita M.; Kahle M.; Liu T.; Luetscher M.; Macklin M.; Mudelsee M.; Munoz S.; Schulte L.; St George S.; Stoffel M.; Wetter O. (2018). Interpreting historical, botanical, and geological evidence to aid preparations for future floods. WIREs Water, 6(1) . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 2049-1948
Schulte, L.; Peña, J.C.; Wetter, O.; Wilhelm, B.; Amann, B.; Wirth, S.; Glur, L.; Carvalho, F. (2018). Integration of multi-archive datasets and paleoclimate modelling of past flood extremes in the Swiss Alps. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20(EGU2018-2061-1) . https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2018/EGU2018-2061-1.pdf . ISSN: 1029-7006
Elsie Jones, E.J.; Burjachs, F.; Ferrer-García, C.; Giralt, S.; Schulte, L.; Fernández-López de Pablo, J. (2018). A multi-proxy approach to understanding complex responses of saltlake catchments to climate variability and human pressure: A Late Quaternary case study from south-eastern, Spain. Quaternary Science Reviews, 184, pp. 201 - 223 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2017.12.015 . ISSN: 0277-3791
Carvalho, F.; Schulte, L. (2017). Evidence of historical mining inferred from metal concentration of alluvial sediments in the Bernese Alps. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19(EGU2017-15077) . ISSN: 1029-7006
Barbería, L.; Schulte, L.; Carvalho, F.; Peña, J.P. (2017). Point pattern analysis applied to flood and landslide damage events in Switzerland (1972-2009). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19(EGU2017-14154) . ISSN: 1029-7006
Schulte, L.; Carvalho, F.; Llorca, J.; Monterrubio,G.; Peña, J.C.; Cabrera-Medina, P.; Gómez-Bolea, A.; Sánchez-García, C. (2016). Response of paleofloods to climate variability in alpine catchments of different size reconstructed from floodplain sediments. Similarities or differences?. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18(EGU2016-9544-1) . ISSN: 1029-7006
Sánchez García, C.; Schulte, L.; Peña, J.C.; Carvalho, F.; Brembilla, C. (2016). A 500-year history of floods in the semi arid basins of south-eastern Spain. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18(EGU2016-8255) . ISSN: 1029-7006
Peña, J.C; Schulte, L.; Badoux, A. (2016). Summer North Atlantic Oscillation and flood variability in Switzerland. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18(EGU2016-5729) . ISSN: 1029-7006
Monterrubio, G.; Schulte, L. (2016). Historical flood analysis of the Eistlenbach and Farnigraben torrents in the Hasli Valley (Bernese Alps) inferred from sedimentary records, historical maps and remote sensing. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18(EGU2016-11515) . ISSN: 1029-7006
Llorca, J.; Schulte, L.; Carvalho, F. (2016). Spatial and temporal modelling of fluvial aggradation in the Hasli Valley (Swiss Alps) during the last 1300 years. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18(EGU2016-8543) . ISSN: 1029-7006
Cabrera-Medin, P.; Schulte, L.; Carvalho, F.; Peña, J.C.; García, C. (2016). The influence of snow cover on alpine floods reconstructed from the analysis of satellite images. The case of the Hasli-Aare river basin, Berner Oberland (1987-2012). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18(EGU2016-9751) . ISSN: 1029-7006
Schulte, L.; Peña, J.C.; Carvalho, F.; Schmidt, T.; Julià, R.; Llorca, J.; Veit, H. (2015). A 2600-year history of floods in the Bernese Alps, Switzerland: frequencies, mechanisms and climate forcing. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19(7), pp. 3047 - 3072 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 1027-5606
Schulte, L; Peña, J.C.; Carvalho, F; Julià, R.; Gómez-Bolea, A.; Burjachs, F.; Llorca, J.; Rubio, P.; Veit, H (2015). Frequencies, mechanisms and climate forcing of paleofloods in the Bernese Alps (Switzerland) inferred from natural, historical, and instrumental time series. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17(EGU2015-11581-1), pp. 11581 - 11581 . ISSN: 1029-7006
Schulte, L (2015). Interactive comment on "Quantitative historicalhydrology in Europe" by G. Benito et al. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions , 12, pp. 1837 - 1841 . ISSN: 1812-2108
Peña, J.C.; Schulte, L.; Badoux, A.; Barriendos, M.; Barrera-Escoda, A. (2015). Influence of solar forcing, climate variability and modes of low-frequency atmospheric variability on summer floods in Switzerland. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19(9), pp. 3807 - 3827 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 1027-5606
Carvalho, F; Schulte, L (2015). Identification of trends and patterns in sediment geochemistry from the Aare delta plain, Swiss Alps. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 17, pp. 14425 - 14425 . ISSN: 1029-7006
Schulte, L; Peña, J.C.; Burjachs, F.; Carvalho, F; Llorca, J.; Julià, R.; Lomax, J.; Schmidt, T.; Rubio, P.; Losada, J.; Veit, H. (2014). Solar forcing and atmospheric control of paleoflood dynamics in the Bernese Alps, Switzerland. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16(EGU2014-4140) . ISSN: 1029-7006
Peña-Rabadán, J.C.; Schulte, L. (2014). Effects of solar activity and climate variability on large floods in Switzerland. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles(65), pp. 469 - 475 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 0212-9426
Kiss, A.; Blöschl, G.; Brazdil, R.; Barriendos, M.; Benito, G.; Bertolin, C.; Camuffo, D.;Demaree, G.; Elleder, L.; Enzi,S.; Glaser, R.; Hall, J.; Kotyza, O.; Llasat, C; MacDonald, N.; Perdigao, R.; Retsö, D.; Roald, L.; Ruiz Bellet, J.L.; Schönbeim, J; Schmocker-Fackel, P.; Schulte, L.; Valasek, h.; Wetter, O. (2014). A 500-year overview and analysis of flood changes in Europe: preliminary results. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16(EGU2014-16988) . ISSN: 1029-7006
Gómez-Ortiz, A.; Salvador-Franch, F.; Salvà-Catarineu, M.; Oliva, M.; Palacios, D.; Tanarro, L.M.; Schulte, L. (2014). Inexistence of permafrost at the top of Veleta peak (Sierra Nevada, Spain). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16(EGU2014-6690) . ISSN: 1029-7006
Carvalho, F.; Schulte, L. (2013). Morphological control on sedimentation rates and patterns of delta floodplains in the Swiss Alps. Geomorphology, 198, pp. 163 - 176 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.05.025 . ISSN: 0169-555X

Textos del currículum


Brief biography

Lothar Schulte studied Geography, Geology and Economic History at the Univ. of Düsseldorf and Cologne, and obtained his Ph.D. in 2000 at the Univ. of Barcelona. His thesis on Quaternary landscape evolution in Mediterranean dryland environments received the 3-year national award on Quaternary Science and Geomorphology from the Spanish Quaternary Research Association and the Spanish Geomorphology Association. In 2000 he was contracted by the University of Barcelona as Assistant Professor at the Department of Geography giving lectures in Geomorphology, Landscape conservation, Global change, Remote Sensing, Fieldwork, etc. Between 2001 and 2002, he was an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Postdoc fellow at the University of Berne, Switzerland. In 2002, he was also contracted by the University of Berne for a lecture. In 2006, he was appointed Associate Professor and, in 2017, Full-Professor (Catedrático) in the Department of Geography, University of Barcelona.

Since 2006, he has acted as Principal Investigator of the PaleoRisk Research Group and of multiple granted research projects. Since his appointment in 2006, he has raised funding of 1,335,086 ¿ (674,336 ¿ during the last 5 years). In 2011 and 2019, he received the ICREA Academy Award. Since 2008, he has participated in the evaluation processes of the DFG 806 Collaborative Research Centre and DFG research projects, and has written expert evaluation reports for research foundations, agencies and institutions, including AEI, AQU, IGS and FWO. Since 2018, he has been the coordinator of the Floods Working Group of the international network Past Global Changes (PAGES).

His research activities are focused on the study of the development of river basins and fluvial landscapes focusing particularly on the historical interaction between flood dynamics, land-use and hydraulic management, ranging from pluri-millennial time scales to historical times. This research is concerned primarily with the impact of global change on mountain, environments and local communities. Reference records of past floods were obtained in the European Alps, New Zealand's Alps, Betics, NE-Spain using multidisciplinary approaches. Space-time flood basin models were then developed that integrate information about flood driving factors, human occupation, and mechanisms of resilience and hydraulic management.

Teaching Activities (at the Universities of Barcelona, Berne, Düsseldorf)

Graduate Studies (since 2000): 348,5 crédits in Natural hazards, Fieldwork in Geography, Global Change, Geomorphology, Remote Sensing, Landscape conservation, Climatology, Biogeography, Fieldwork in Physical Geography. Final projects in Geography, Geographical field courses to the Swiss Alps, Iberian Peninsula, SW-USA, SE-Spain, NE-Spain, Seminars.


- ICREA Academia in 2019 (210,000 ¿)

- ICREA Academia in 2011 (225,000 ¿)

- INQUA in 2003 (800 $),

- AEQUA-SEG in 2002 (1500 ¿),


· 23 stays abroad: USA, New Zealand, Germany, Switzerland

· 69 Scientific fieldwork campaigns: in Fiordland and Southern Alps (New Zealand), Argentinian Patagonia, Chile's lake district, SW-USA, European Alps, Sierra Nevada, basins in SW and NE-Spain

· 14 Scientific excursions and field courses to USA, Siberia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Switzerland, Germany.

· Participation in 31 research projects (2 EC projects)

· Research funding obtained as PI (12 projects)

· Organization of 2 Conferences and 7 Workshops

· Supervision of 5 PhD theses, 4 theses in progres