Catedrático de Universitat
Grupo de Investigación:
Curriculum Vitae
2012: ICREA Academia Researcher (Award)
2012: Secretary of the Doctorate Commission of the Faculty of Geography and History
2010 - present: Member of the Senate of the University of Barcelona
2010: Accreditation 'Catedrático de Universidad' by the National Agency of Quality Assessment and Acreditation (ANECA)
2008 - present: Member of the Assessment Committee of the Collaborative Research Centre 806 of the German Council of Science (DFG)
2007 - present: Member of the Doctorate Commission of the Faculty of Geography and History
2006 - present: Head of the FLUVALPS Research Group at the University of Barcelona (
2006: Advanced Research Accreditation by the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU)
2005: Professor of Physical Geography at the University of Barcelona, Spain
2005: Member of the Spanish National INQUA Committee
2003 - present: Corresponding Member of the Commission on Palaeoecology and Human Evolution (INQUA)
2003: Award: 'XVI INQUA Congress Committee Award', Reno (USA), 2003
2002: 5th Spanish Award on Geomorphology
2002: Lecturer at the University of Berne (Switzerland)
2001 - 2002: Post-doc at the University of Berne, funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
2000 - 2005: Assistant Professor at the University of Barcelona
2000: Doctor Europaeus, PhD in Geography, University of Barcelona
1996 - 1999: Research stays at CAL Berkeley (USA), Univ. Marburg, Düsseldorf, Kiel (DEU), Univ. Bernardo O'Higgins (Chile)
1996 - 1999: Pre-doc schollarship at the University of Barcelona funded by the Catalan Government
1995: Postgraduate contract at the University of Düsseldorf (Germany)
1988 - 1995: Magister Artium in Geography, Geology, Economic History at the University of Düsseldorf and at the University of Cologne (Germany)