Catedràtic d'Universitat
Grup de Recerca:
Grups d'Innovació Docent: e-Lindo
Dr. Juan Daniel Prades García (Barcelona, 1982) is Degree in Physics (2005) and Degree in Electronic Engineering (2009), Master in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2007), and Doctor in Nanoscience (2nd February 2009) by the University of Barcelona. His Ph.D Thesis, entitled 'Modelling of the Chemical and Light Interactions in Individual Metal Oxide Nanowires for Sensing Applications' and carried out under the supervision of Dr. Albert Cirera, was qualified cum laude and was awarded with the Honors Doctorate by the Univesity of Barcelona.
In February 2009, he started his postdoctoral activity in the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), where he was hired as a postdoctoral researcher for 6.5 months. This contract finished when he won a position as a Lecturer Professor for 5 years at the Department of Electronics of the University of Barcelona in public open competition. Since, September 2014, he is appointed as Assistant Professor at the Department of Enginering at the same institution. These two positions imply research as well as lecturing duties in Degree, Master and Doctorate programs, where he has taught more than 1000 hours of lectures. He has independently supervised 14 Degree and Master Theses, as well as 4 Doctorate Thesis (Dr. Carlos López Gandara, Dr. Núria García, Dr. Martin Hoffmann, Dr. Sergio Illera). Currently, he personally supervises the work of 3 more Ph.D students.
His research interests are centred in the development of novel device concepts with better and new performances by means of integrating nanomaterials in conventional microelectronic systems.
Along his career he has participated in 4 European Projects (NANOS4 MMP4-CT-2003-001528, S3 NMP-2009-1.2-3 247768, EuNetAir COST Action TD1105, ERC Starting Grant no. 336917) and in more than 15 National Projects.
Since 2007, he has published 65 articles in international, peer-reviewed, journals. These works signify activities initiated independently by the applicant with different national and international groups, as demonstrated by the great diversity of co-authors. Overall, his published work has received more than 1300 citations and his h-factor is currently 21 (source ISI WoK, excluding self-citations). Additionally, he has co-authored 10 book chapters and more than 180 contributions to conferences, with 18 invited talks in peer-reviewed international conferences.
In parallel, he has also carried out technology transfer activities with the industry, participating in 12 R&D contracts. He holds the co-authorship of 3 Spanish Patents, transferred and extended to several European countries. He has also funded a spin-off company, Electronic Nanosystems (2008), awarded with the prestigious Solvay Prize 2008. Recently, his valorisation and technology transfer activities have been recognized with the VALORTEC 2011 Prize of the Regional Government of Catalonia.
As a member of the Department of Electronics, he is ascribed to the Group of Micro-Nanotechnologies and Nanoscopies for Electron and Optoelectronic Devices (MIND), in which he leads the research in design, modelling and characterization of nanodevices for sensing applications. The research of his current work-group, formed by 2 postdoctoral young researchers and 3 Ph.D students, is funded by personal national fellowships and by the projects enlisted below.
As for the research management, he has been Principal Investigator in 5 R&D Contracts with the industry, devoted to materials deposition and characterization, device test and application-specific electronic design, and in 2 National Projects funded in competitive calls. He is also Manager of the Committee for Training Schools of the EuNetAir COST Action TD1105. Recently, he has been awarded with an ERC Starting Grant by the European Research Council.
A new low-power instrument for impedance measurements in biomedicine based on FFT. Application to Interleukin-10 protein detection
. En Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers EUROSENSORS, 2014 .Low-current instrument for voltammetric measurement in biological and nanoscale applications
. En Proceedings of the 28th Conference on Design of Circuits and Integrated Systms (DCIS 2013) .