Maria Teresa Morla Folch

Invest. Prog. Juan de la Cierva Formación

Información de contacto
Departamento de Sociología


Docencia Impartida

Teoria Sociològica II (Grado) - Sociología(1) - Universidad de Barcelona.
Sociologia (Grado) - Administración y Dirección de Empresas(1) - Universidad de Barcelona.
Estructura Social a Amèrica Llatina: Composició i Canvis de les Desigualtats (Master oficial) - Estudis Llatinoamericans - Universidad de Barcelona.

Publicaciones en revistas

Soler, Marta; Morlà-Folch,Teresa ;García-Carrión, Rocío; Valls; Rosa (2019). Transforming rural education in Colombia through family participation: the case of school as a learning community. Journal of Social Science Education, 18(4), pp. 67 - 80 . . ISSN: 1618-5293
Girbés-Peco, S.; Foraster, M. J.; Mara, L. C.; & Morlà-Folch, T. (2020). The role of the democratic organization in the La borda housing cooperative in Spain. Habitat International, 102 . . ISSN: 0197-3975
Rodríguez-Oramas, A.; Morlà-Folch, T.; Vieites, M.; Ruiz-Eugenio, L. (2022). Improving students' academic performance and reducing conflicts through family involvement in primary school learning activities: a Mexican case study. Cambridge Journal of Education, 52(2), pp. 235 - 254 . . ISSN: 0305-764X
Morlà-Folch, T.; Ríos González, O.; Mara, L.C.; García Yeste, C. (2020). Impact of the extension of learning time on the learning space of the platform for people affected by mortgages Tarragona. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 24 . . ISSN: 2210-6561
Morlà-Folch, T., Aubert, A., Burgués de Freitas, A., & Hernández-Lara, A.B. (2021). The Mondragon Case: Companies Addressing Social Impact and Dialogic Methodologies. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 1609-4069
Morlà-Folch, T.; Renta Davids, A. I.; Pedrós Cuxart, M.; Valls-Carol, R. (2022). A research synthesis of the impacts of successful educational actions on student outcomes. Educational Research Review. The Journal of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI), 37, p. 100482 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 1747-938X
Bordanoba-Gallego, L.; Serradell, O.; Morlà-Folch, T.; Ruiz-Eugenio, L.; Pulido, C. (2023). Feudalism, meritocracy and sexual harassment. HSE-Social and Education History, 12(2), pp. 119 - 133 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 2014-3567