Teaching Innovation Groups:
Innovació Docent en Matemàtiques i Informàtica
Contact Information
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585 934039053 maria.salamo(a)ub.edu
Maria Salamó Llorente started her teaching and research activities at the University of Ramon Llull (URL), where she carried out her thesis. In 2001, she was given the prize Epson Ibèrica for the best thesis project in the field of Information Technologies and Communications. Once finished the thesis, she was working as a postdoctoral researcher at the 'Adaptive Information Cluster' of the University College Dublin, where she participated and developed part of an international project (03/IN.3/I361). Maria Salamó Llorente is currently an associate professor and researcher in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Barcelona (UB). She belongs to the research group 'Language and Computation Center (CLIC)' at UB (2017 SGR 341) and to the group of teaching innovation (GINDOC-UB/138). Her main research interests are developed around the role played by artificial intelligence to help users (and improve their experiences) in their daily tasks. To focus this interest, she has lines of research open in three areas, but all converge on a common point: the artificial intelligence. The first line of research is focused on Machine Learning. The main objective is to provide intelligent systems with tools to learn and adapt autonomously, whether in a classifier system, in a recommendation system, in a multi-agent system, or in a 3D volume visualization system. The second line of research is aimed at the recommendation systems to improve the personalization of the contents that are presented to a user considering their preferences. She is working on both recommendation systems for individuals and for groups of users. Finally, the last line of research is focused on extracting knowledge of texts in natural language from on-line social media and on configuring the profiles of users in recommender systems. Among other activities, she has an active role in the research communities of Machine Learning, Recommender Systems, and Natural Language Processing. She has supervised 2 doctoral theses and she is currently supervising 4 doctoral theses and a postdoctoral researcher. From 1998 to the present she has participated in several competitive research and development projects, both at the national (34 in total) and (1) international levels. She has also participated in eight innovation projects in the field of teaching, in one of them as the PI (2014PID/UB-030). She is the co-author of more than 60 publications in journals, books and congresses. From these, 26 papers have been published in peer reviewed journals (ISSN) (17 of which are in the JCR). Dr. Salamó also has participated in scientific committees (e.g., IADIS Intelligent Systems and Agents, Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference, or International Catalan Conference on Artificial Intelligence)and is has been a reviewer in many JCR journals, such as Knowledge-Based Systems, Pattern Recognition Letters, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Information Processing and Management, among others
Academic training
Diplomada en Informática
. Escola Universitària Politècnica de Mataró (centro adscrito UPC)
. 05/10/1995
. (Diploma / Degree / Activities)Ingeniería en Informática
. Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull
. 01/07/1999
. (Diploma / Degree / Activities)Diploma Estudios Avanzados (DEA)
. Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull
. 27/09/2000
. (Diploma / Degree / Activities)Doctor en Informática
. Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull
. 08/10/2004
. (Ph.D.)
Activity interests
Case-based Reasoning (CBR)
. Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull
. (01/09/1999)
Inteligencia artificial
aprendizaje artificial
Algoritmos genéticos
Artificial Intelligence
Conversational Recommender Systems
. University College Dublin - Ireland
. (01/01/2005)
Sistemes recomanadors
user interface
User modelling
Reasoning and personalization techniques for human behavior based user feedback
. Universitat de Barcelona
. (15/02/2006)
Sistemes recomanadors
User modelling
user interface
Artificial Intelligence
Adaptive learning with case-based reasoning
. Universitat de Barcelona
. (15/02/2006)
Inteligencia artificial
aprendizaje artificial
User preference statement based on natural language processing for improving recommender systems
. Universitat de Barcelona
. (01/05/2010)
Artificial Intelligence
Sistemes recomanadors
User modelling
Artificial intelligence for large volume visualizations
. Universidad de Barcelona
. (01/05/2010)
Artificial Intelligence
Machine learning
Self-adaptive Multi agent systems
. Universitat de Barcelona
. (01/09/2009)
Artificial Intelligence
Sistemes multiagent
Machine learning
Natural Language Processing
. (01/07/2011)
Lenguaje natural
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural
Journal Publications
Contreras, D.; Salamó, M.(2020).
Data-driven decision making in Critique-based recommenders: from a critique to social media data.Journal of Intelligent Information Systems(54), pp. 23 - 44
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 0925-9902Contreras, D.; Salamó, M.(2020).
A Cognitively Inspired Clustering Approach for Critique-Based Recommenders.Cognitive Computation(12), pp. 428 - 441
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 1866-9956Contreras, D.; Salamó, M.; Rodríguez, I.; Puig, A.(2018).
Shopping Decisions Made in a Virtual World: Defining a State-Based Model of Collaborative and Conversational User-Recommender Interactions.Ieee Consumer Electronics Magazine, 7(4), pp. 26 - 35
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 2162-2248Horowitz, D.; Contreras, D.; Salamó, M.(2018).
EventAware: A mobile recommender system for events.Pattern Recognition Letters, 105, pp. 121 - 134
. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2017.07.003. ISSN: 0167-8655Maria Salamó Llorente; Inmaculada Rodríguez Santiago; Maite López Sánchez; Anna Puig Puig; Simone Balocco; Mariona Taulé Delor(2016).
Recurso docente para la atención de la diversidad en el aula mediante la predicción de notas.ReVisión: Revista Ie investigación en Docencia Universitaria de la Informática, 9(1), pp. 38 - 53
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 1989-1199Contreras, D.; Salamó, M.; Rodríguez, I.; Puig, A.(2015).
A 3D Visual Interface for Critiquing-based Recommenders: Architecture and Interaction.International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 3(3), pp. 7 - 15
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 1989-1660Roberto, J.; Salamó, M.; Martí, M.A.(2015).
Polarity analisys od reviews based on the omission of asymetric sentences.Procesamiento del lenguaje natural (54), pp. 77 - 84
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 1135-5948Contreras, D.; Salamó, M.; Pascual, J.(2015).
A Web-based Environment to Support Online and Collaborative Group Recommendation Scenarios.Applied Artificial Intelligence, 29(5), pp. 480 - 499
. Publicació online (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08839514.2015.1026661#.VVw9zi68qCQ) / http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08839514.2015.1026661#.VVw9zi68qCQ. ISSN: 0883-9514Roberto, J.A.; Salamó, M.; Martí, M.A. (2014).
Función de las secuencias narrativas en la clasificación de la polaridad de reviews.Procesamiento del lenguaje natural (52), pp. 69 - 76
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 1135-5948Alexander, J.; Salamó,M.; Martí, M.A.(2013).
Clasificación automática del registro lingüístico en textos del español: un análisis contrastivo.Linguamática. Revista para o Processamento Automático das Línguas Ibéricas, 5(1), pp. 59 - 67
. http://www.linguamatica.com/index.php/linguamatica/article/view/153. ISSN: 1647-0818Campos, J.; López-Sánchez, M.; Salamó, M.; Rodríguez, J.A.; Avila, P.(2013).
Robust regulation adaptation in multi-agent systems.ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 8(3), pp. 1 - 27
. https://doi.org/10.1145/2517328. ISSN: 1556-4665Roberto, J.A.; Martí, M.A.; Salamó, M.(2012).
Análisis de la riqueza léxica en el contexto de la clasificación de atributos demográficos latentes.Procesamiento del lenguaje natural (48), pp. 97 - 104
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 1135-5948Salamó, M.; Escalera, S.(2012).
Increasing retrieval quality in conversational recommenders.IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 24(10), pp. 1876 - 1888
. https://doi.org/10.1109/TKDE.2011.116. ISSN: 1041-4347Salamó, M.; McCarthy, K.; Smyth, B.(2012).
Generating Recommendations for Consensus Negotiations in Group Personalization Services.Personal And Ubiquitous Computing, 16(5), pp. 597 - 610
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 1617-4909Escalera, S.; Amoros, O.; Puig, A.; Salamó, M.(2011).
Intelligent GPGPU classification in volume visualization: a framework based on error-correcting output codes.Computer Graphics Forum, 30(7), pp. 2107 - 2115
. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2011.02043.x. ISSN: 0167-7055Salamo, M.; Lopez-Sanchez, M.(2011).
Rough Set based Approaches to Feature Selection for Case-Based Reasoning Classifiers.Pattern Recognition Letters, 32(2), pp. 280 - 292
. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2010.08.013. ISSN: 0167-8655Campos, J.; Esteva, M.; Lopez-Sanchez, M.; Morales, J.; Salamo, M.(2011).
Organisational adaptation of multi-agent systems in a peer-to-peer scenario.Computing, 91(1), pp. 169 - 215
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 0010-485XMaria Salamó & Maite López-Sánchez(2011).
Adaptive case-based reasoning using retention and forgetting strategies.Knowledge-Based Systems, 24(2), pp. 230 - 247
. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2010.08.003. ISSN: 0950-7051Salamó, M.; Reilly, J.; McGinty, L.; Smyth, B.; (2005).
Knowledge Discovery from user preferences in Conversational Recommenders.Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3721, pp. 228 - 239
. https://doi.org/10.1007/11564126_25. ISSN: 0302-9743Salamó, M.; Golobardes, E.(2004).
Dynamic Case-Base Maintenance for a Case-Based Reasoning system.Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3315, pp. 93 - 103. ISSN: 0302-9743Kovatchev, Venelin; Salamo, Maria; Antonia Marti, M.(2016).
Comparing Distributional Semantics Models for identifying groups of semantically related words.Procesamiento del lenguaje natural (57), pp. 109 - 116. ISSN: 1135-5948Horowitz, Daniel; Contreras, David; Salamo, Maria(2016).
EventAware: A Context-Aware Tag-Based Mobile Recommender System for Events.FRONTIERS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND APPLICATIONS, 288, pp. 273 - 282
. https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-696-5-273. ISSN: 0922-6389Martí, M.A.; Taulé, M.; Kovatchev, V.; Salamó, M.(2019).
DISCOver: DIStributional approach based on syntactic dependencies for discovering COnstructions.Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 1613-7027Pascual, Jordi; Contreras, David; Salamo, Maria(2014).
Analysis of a collaborative advisory channel for group recommendation.FRONTIERS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND APPLICATIONS, 269, pp. 116 - 125
. https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-452-7-116. ISSN: 0922-6389Roberto, John; Salamo, Maria; Antonia Marti, M.(2015).
Polarity analysis of reviews based on the omission of asymmetric sentences.Procesamiento del lenguaje natural (54), pp. 77 - 84. ISSN: 1135-5948Nakhjiri, N.; Salamó, M.; Sànchez-Marrè, M.(2020).
Reputation-Based Maintenance in Case-Based Reasoning.Knowledge-Based Systems, 193
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 0950-7051Rosso, P.; Casacuberta, F.; Gonzalo, J.; Plaza,L.; Carrillo, J.; Amigó, E.; Verdejo, M.F.; Taulé, M.; Salamó, M.; Martí, M.A.(2020).
MISMIS: Misinformation and Miscommunication in social media: aggregating information and analysing language.Procesamiento del lenguaje natural (65), pp. 101 - 104
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 1135-5948Güell, M.; Salamó, M.; Contreras, D.; Boratto, L.(2020).
Integrating a cognitive assistant within a critique-based recommender.Cognitive Systems Research, 64, pp. 1 - 14
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 1389-0417Contreras, D.; Salamó, M.; Boratto, L.(2021).
Integrating Collaboration and Leadership in Conversational Group Recommender Systems.ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 39(4), pp. 1 - 32
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 1046-8188Zoumpekas, T.; Puig, A.; Salamó, M.; Garcı́a-Sellés, D.; Blanco Nuñez, L.; Guinau, M.(2021).
An intelligent framework for end‐to‐end rockfall detection.International Journal of Intelligent Systems, pp. 1 - 32
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 0884-8173Rodríguez, I.; Salamó, M.; Puig, A.(2020).
Design and evaluation of gamification experiences in computer science studies.International Conference on Higher Education Advances, 2020-June, pp. 1137 - 1145
. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11212. ISSN: 2603-5871Gómez, E.; Shui, C.; Boratto, L.; Salamó, M.; Ramos, G.(2022).
Enabling cross-continent provider fairness in educational recommender systems.Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal Of Grid Computing-Theory Methods And Applications, 127, pp. 435 - 447
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 0167-739XGómez, E.; Boratto, L.; Salamó, M.(2022).
Provider fairness across continents in collaborative recommender systems.Information Processing & Management, 59(1)
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 0306-4573Blanco, L.; García-Sellés, D.; Guinau, M.; Zoumpekas, T.; Puig, A.; Salamó, M.; Gratacós, O.; Muñoz, J.A.; Janeras, M.; Pedraza, O.(2022).
Machine Learning-Based Rockfalls Detection with 3D Point Clouds, Example in the Montserrat Massif (Spain).Remote Sensing, 14(17), p. 4306
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 2072-4292Zoumpekas, Thanasis; Salamo, Maria; Puig, Anna(2022).
Effective Early Stopping of Point Cloud Neural Networks.Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 156 - 167
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 0302-9743Zoumpekas, T.; Salamó, M.; Puig, A.(2022).
Rethinking Design and Evaluation of 3D Point Cloud Segmentation Models.Remote Sensing, 14(23), p. 6049
. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14236049. ISSN: 2072-4292
Other publications
Kovatchev, Venelin; Martí, M. Antònia; Salamó Maria(2018).
ETPC - A Paraphrase Identification Corpus Annotated with Extended Paraphrase Typology and Negation
. In
LREC 2018, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
. (pp. 1384 - 1392)
. Creative Commons 4.0 International License
. ISBN: 979-10-95546-00-9
. Online publication (http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2018/pdf/661.pdf)Nakhjiri, N.; Salamó, M; Sànchez-Marré, M.(2018).
Feature-Tree Labeling for Case Base Maintenance
. In
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.
. IOS Press
. ISBN: 978-1-6144-695-8
Kovatchev, Venelin; Martí, M. Antònia; Salamó, Maria(2018).
WARP-Text: A Web-Based Tool for Annotating Relationships Between Pairs of Texts
. In
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations
. (pp. 132 - 136)
. ISBN: 978-1-948087-53-7
. Online publication (http://coling2018.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/coling18-demo.pdf)Horowitz, D. ; Contreras, D.; Salamó, M.(2016).
EventAware: A Context-Aware Tag-Based Mobile Recommender System for Events
. In
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.
. Volume. 288
. (pp. 273 - 282)
. IOS Press
. ISBN: 978-1-6144-695-8
. 10.3233/978-1-61499-696-5-273Almajano, P.; López-Sánchez, M.; Rodríguez, I.; Puig, A.; Salamó, M.; Ribera, M.(2016).
Training Infrastructure to Participate in Real Life Institutions: Learning Through Virtual Worlds
. In
Handbook of Research on 3-D Virtual Environments and Hypermedia for Ubiquitous Learning
. (pp. 192 - 219)
. IGI Global
. ISBN: 152250125
Robert, J.; Salamó, M.; Martí, M.A.(2015).
Genre-based stages for classification for polarity analysis
. In
Proceedings of the Twenty-Eight International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference
. Volume. 1
. (pp. 229 - 232)
. AAAI Press
. ISBN: 978-1-57735-730
Salamó, M.; Rodríguez-Santiago, I.; López, M.; Puig, A.; Balocco, S.; Taulé, M.; Rodríguez, J.(2015).
GradeForeseer: Recurso docente para la predicción de notas del alumnado de informática
. In
Actas de las XXI Jornadas de la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática
. (pp. 89 - 96)
. Universidad de La Salle
. ISBN: 978-99920-70-10
. http://jenui2015.uols.org/app/assets/files/ActasJENUI2015.pdfContreras, D.; Salamó, M.(2015).
On the use of User-Generated content in Critiquing Recommendation
. In
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
. Volume. 277
. (pp. 195 - 204)
. IOS Press
. ISBN: 978-1-61499-577-7
Pascual, J.; Contreras, D.; Salamó, M.(2014).
Analysis of a collaborative advisory channel for group recommendation
. In
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development - Recent Advances and Applications
. Number. 269
. (pp. 116 - 125)
. IOS Press
. ISBN: 978-1-61499-451-0
Salamó, M; Puig, A.; Contreras, D.(2013).
An approach to couple two forms of feedback in conversational recommenders
. In
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence, October 23-25, 2013, University of Vic, Catalonia, Spain. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 256.
. (pp. 273 - 282)
. IOS Press
. ISBN: 978-16144993193
. http://ebooks.iospress.nl/volumearticle/35260Grau, S.; Puig, A.; Escalera, E.; Salamó, M.; Amorós, O.;(2013).
Efficient Complementary viewpoint selection in volume rendering
. In
WSCG 2013 21st WSCG Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2013 in cooperation with the Eurographics Association
. (pp. 69 - 78)
Contreras, D.; Salamó, M; Puig, A.; Rodríguez, I.;(2013).
Integrating a Conversational Recommender System within a 3D Collaborative Environment
. In
XV Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial
. (pp. 89 - 98)
Grau, S.; Puig, A.; Escalera, S.; Salamó, M.(2013).
Intelligent interactive volume classification
. In
Proceedings of Pacific Graphics Conference
. (pp. 23 - 28)
. Eurographics Association
. ISBN: 978-3-905674-50-7
Amoros, O.; Puig, A.; Escalera, S.; Salamó, M.(2011).
GPGPU Volume Classification using SimpleOpenCL
. In
Proceedings VI CVC Workshop on the progress of Research & Development
. Number. 19
. (pp. 78 - 85)
. ISBN: 978-84-938351-5-6
Escalera, S.; Amoros, O.; Puig, A; Salamó, M.(2011).
Intelligent GPGPU Classification in Volume Visualization: A framework based on Error-Correcting Output Codes
. In
19th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2011)
Salamó, M.; Escalera, S.; Radeva, P.(2009).
Quality Enhancement Based on Reinforcement Learning and Feature Weighting for a Critiquing-Based Recommender
. In
Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development, 8th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2009
. Volume. 5650
. (pp. 298 - 312)
. Springer Verlag
. ISBN: 978-3-642-02997-4
Rodríguez, I, Salamó, M; López-Sánchez, M; Cerquides, J; Puig, A; Sierra, C.(2007).
Completing the Virtual Analogy of Real Institutions via iObjects
. In
Tenth Catalan Conference on Artificial Intelligence CCIA'07
. Volume. 163
. (pp. 95 - 103)
. IOS Press
. ISBN: 0922-6389
Salamó, M,; López-Sánchez, M.(2007).
Feature Selection based on Rough Sets for Case-Based Reasoning
. In
in Workshop Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning: Uncertainty and Fuzzyness in Case-Based Reasonig
. (pp. 11 - 20)
. ISBN: 978-1-85923-222-4
. http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~eyke/UFCBR07.htmlMcCarthy, K; Salamó, M; McGinty, L.; Smyth, B.(2006).
CATS: A synchronous Approach to Collaborative Group Recommendation
. In
19th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society
. (pp. 1 - 16)
. AAAI Press
. ISBN: 978-1-57735-261-7
Coyle, L; Rey, G; McCarthy, K; Salamó, M; Smyth, B; Nixon, P.(2006).
Developing a Distributed Context-aware Collaborative Recommender System
. In
Workshop Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces at International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
. (pp. 8 - 6)
McCarthy, K; Salamó, M; Coyle, L; McGinty, L; Smyth, B.(2006).
Group Recommender Systems: A critiquing Based Approach
. In
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
. (pp. 267 - 269)
. ISBN: 1-59593-287-9
Salamó, M; Smyth, B; McCarthy, K.; Reilly, J; McGinty, L.(2006).
Modeling knowledge and reasoning in conversational recommendation agents
. In
Architectural Design of Multi-agent Systems
. Number. XIII
. (pp. 247 - 267)
. IGI Global
. ISBN: 9781599011087
McCarthy, K.; McGinty, L.; Smyth, B.; Salamó, M.(2006).
Social interaction in the CATS group recommender
. In
Workshop on the social navigation and community based adaptation technologies at the 4th International Conference on Adaptive hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based systems
. Number. 1
. (pp. 1 - 8)
McCarthy, K; McGinty, L; Smyth, B.; Salamó, B. (2006).
The needs of the many: A case-based group recommender system
. In
Advances in Case-Based Reasoning, Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning
. Volume. 4106
. (pp. 196 - 210)
. ISBN: 3-540-36843-4
Salamó, M; Reilly, J; McGinty, L; Smyth, B.(2005).
Improving Incremental Critiquing
. In
18th Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
. Number. 1
. (pp. 379 - 388)
. ISBN: 1-85923-197-7
Salamó, M; Reilly, J; McGinty, L; Smyth, B.(2005).
Knowledge Discovery from User Preferences in Conversational Recommendation
. In
16th European Conference on Machine Learning and 9th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases
. Volume. LNAI
. Number. 3721
. (pp. 228 - 239)
. Springer Verlag
. ISBN: 3-540-29244-6
Salamó, M; Smyth, B; McCarthy, K.; Reilly, J; McGinty, L.(2005).
Reducing Critiquing Repetition in Conversational Recommendation
. In
IX Workshop on Multi-agent information Retrieval and Recommmender Systems
. Number. 1
. (pp. 55 - 61)
Salamó, M; Golobardes, E.(2004).
Dynamic Case-Based Maintenance for a case-based reasoning system
. In
Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2004
. Volume. LNAI
. Number. 3315
. (pp. 93 - 103)
. Springer Verlag
. ISBN: 3-540-23806-9
Salamó, M; Golobardes, E.(2004).
Dynamic update of experience for a Case-Based Reasoning system
. In
2nd European Starting Al Researcher Symposium
. Volume. 1
. Number. 1
. (pp. 158 - 167)
Salamó, M; Golobardes, E.(2004).
Global, Local and Mixed Rough Sets Case Base Maintenance Techniques
. In
Recent Advances in Artificial Intelligence Research and Development
. Volume. 1
. Number. 1
. (pp. 127 - 134)
. IOS Press
Salamó, M; Golobardes, E.(2003).
Hybrid Deletion Policies for Case Base Maintenance
. In
Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium Conference
. Volume. 1
. Number. 1
. (pp. 150 - 155)
. AAAI Press
. ISBN: 1-57735-177-0
Salamó, M; Golobardes, E.(2003).
Unifying weighting and case reduction methods based on Rough Sets to improve retrieval
. In
Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development (ICCCR 2003)
. Volume. LNCS/LNAI
. Number. 2689
. (pp. 494 - 508)
. Springer Verlag
. ISBN: 3540404333
Contrera, D; Salamó, M.; Rodríguez, I.; Puig, A.; Yáñez, A.(2015).
Supporting Users Experience in a 3D eCommerce Environment
. In
Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction
. ACM New York, NY, USA
. ISBN: 978-1-4503-3463-1
. 10.1145/2829875.2829914Jiménez, O.; Salamó, M.; Boratto, L.(2019).
Distance-Aware Event Recommendation in Event-Based Social Networks
. In
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development.Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications.
. Volume. 319
. (pp. 235 - 244)
. IOS Press
. ISBN: 978-1-64368-014-9
. 10.3233/FAIA190130Contreras, D.; Salamó, M.(2019).
History and Opinion Collaborative Recommender: An approach for Social Recommendations
. In
Artificial Intelligence Research and Development. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
. Volume. 319
. (pp. 285 - 294)
. IOS Press
. ISBN: 978-1-64368-014-9
. 10.3233/FAIA190135Kovatchev, Venelin; Martí, M. Antònia; Salamó, Maria; Beltrán, Javier(2019).
Qualitative Evaluation Framework for Paraphrase Identification
. In
Proceedings of the 12th Recent Advances in Naural Language Processing conference
. (pp. 568 - 577)
. ISBN: 978-954-452-055-7
. Online publication (https://dblp.org/db/conf/ranlp/ranlp2019.html)Kovatchev, Venelin; Gold, Darina; Martí, M. Antònia; Salamó, Maria; Zesc, Torsten(2020).
Decomposing and Comparing Meaning Relations: Paraphrasing, Textual Entailment, and Specificity
. In
LREC 2020, Twelfth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
. (pp. 5782 - 5791)
. Creative Commons 4.0 International License
. ISBN: 979-10-95546-34-4
. Online publication (http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2020/pdf/2020.lrec-1.709.pdf)Gómez, Elizabeth,; Boratto, Ludovico; Salamó, Maria(2021).
Disparate impact in Item Recommendation: A case of Geographic Imbalance
. In
Advances in Information Retrieval - 43rd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2021
. (pp. 190 - 206)
. Springer
. ISBN: 978-3-030-72112-1
. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-72113-8_13Ariza, Alejandro; Fabbri, Francesco; Boratto, Ludovico; Salamó, Maria(2021).
From the Beatles to Billie Eilish: Connecting Provider Representativeness and Exposure in Session-Based Recommender Systems
. In
Advances in Information Retrieval - 43rd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2021
. (pp. 201 - 208)
. Springer
. ISBN: 978-3-030-72239-5
. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-72240-1_16Gómez, Elizabeth; Shui Zhang, Carlos; Boratto, Ludovico; Salamó, Maria; Marras, Mirko(2021).
The Winner Takes it All: Geographic Imbalance and Provider (Un)fairness in Educational Recommender Systems
. In
SIGIR '21: The 44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
. (pp. 1808 - 1812)
. ISBN: 978-1-4503-8037-9
. https://doi.org/10.1145/3404835.3463235Zoumpekas,T.; Molina, G.; Salamó M.; Puig, A.(2021).
Benchmarking Deep Learning Models on Point Cloud Segmentation
. In
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
. IOS Press
I. Rodríguez, M. Salamó, A. Puig(2020).
Design and Evaluation of Gamification Experiences in Computer Science Studies
. In
Proceedings of International Conference on Higher Education Advances (Head'20) DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11212
. http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11212Zoumpekas,T.; Molina, G.; Puig, A.; Salamó, M.(2022).
CLOSED: A Dashboard for 3D Point Cloud Segmentation Analysis using Deep Learning
. In
International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - (Volume 4)
. (pp. 403 - 410)
. SciTePress
. ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5
. 10.5220/0010826000003124Silveira, J.D.; Salamó, M.; Boratto, L.(2022).
Enabling Reproducibility in Group Recommender Systems
. In
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
. Volume. 356
. (pp. 115 - 124)
. IOS Press
. ISBN: 978-1-64368-326-3
. 10.3233/FAIA220324 (http:// 10.3233/FAIA220324 https://ebooks.iospress.nl/volumearticle/61230)Rojas, C.; Contreras, D.; Salamó, M.(2022).
Analysis of Biases in Calibrated Recommendations
. In
Advances in Bias and Fairness in Information Retrieval. BIAS 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science
. Volume. 1610
. (pp. 91 - 103)
. Springer
. ISBN: 978-3-031-09315-9
. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-09316-6_9 (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-09316-6_9)Zoumpekas, T.; Salamó, M.; Puig, A.(2022).
Effective Early Stopping of Point Cloud Neural Networks
. In
Modelling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science
. Volume. 13408
. (pp. 156 - 167)
. Springer, Cham
. ISBN: 978-3-031-13447-0
. 10.1007/978-3-031-13448-7_13 (https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-13448-7_13)
Insider and Outside Recommender Systems: Fundamental components
. (XI Conferencia Internacional de computación e informática del norte de chile (INFONOR'2020)).
Participations in Conferences
Salamó, M.(2018).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence
. SPAINSalamó, M.(2018).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence
. SPAINSalamó, M.(2018).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
Industrial Conference on Data Mining. International Workshop Case-Based Reasoning CBR-MD
. UNITED STATESSalamó, M.(2017).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
International Conference on Information and Communication Theory (ICoICT)
. MALAYSIASalamó, M.(2017).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence
. PORTUGALSalamó, M.(2016).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence
. PORTUGALHorowitz, D.; Contreras, D.; Salamó, M.(2016).
EventAware: A Context-Aware Tag-Based Mobile Recommender system for Events.
(Presentation of communication)
International Conference of the Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence. BCN
. SPAINSalamó, M.(2015).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
IADIS Intelligent Systems and Agents (ISA 2015)
. SPAINRoberto, J.A.; Salamó, M.; Martí, M.A.(2015).
Genre-based stages classification for polarity analysis.
The Twenty-Eighth International Flairs Conference
. UNITED STATESSalamó, M.; Rodríguez, I.; López-Sánchez, M.; Puig, A.; Balocco, S.; Taulé, M.; Rodríguez, J.(2015).
GRADEFORESEER: Recurso docente para la predicción de notas del alumnado de informática.
(Presentation of communication)
XXI Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática, Jenui-2015
Canaleta, X., A. Climent i L. Vicent (Eds.) Actas de las XXI Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática, Jenui-2015. 89-96. ISBN: 978-99920-70-10-9. Andorra la Vella
. ANDORRAContreras, D; Salamó, M.(2015).
On the user of User-Generated content in Critiquing Recommendation.
(Presentation of communication)
International Conference of the Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence
Proceedings of the International Conference of the Catalan Association of artificial intelligence. Valencia
. SPAINContreras, D.; Salamo, M.; Rodríguez, I.; Puig, A.(2015).
Supporting Users Experience in a 3D eCommerce Environment.
XVI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction
Paper nº: 45. ISBN: 978-1-4503-3463-1. Vilanova i la Geltrú
. SPAINSalamó, M.(2014).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
IADIS Intelligent Systems and Agents (ISA 2014)
. PORTUGALContreras, D.; Salamo, M.; Rodríguez, I.; Puig, A.(2014).
An approach to improve user experience with conversational recommenders through a 3D virtual environment.
XV International Conference on Human Computer Interaction
Paper nº 66, published by ACM, ISBN:978-1-4503-2880-7. Tenerife
. SPAINOriol Pujol Lluís Garrido Sergio Escalera Simone Balocco Maria Salamó Inmaculada Rodríguez Victor Ponce Eloi Puertas Alex Pardo Albert Clapés Antonio Hernández Miguel Ángel Bautista Santiago Seguí Petia Radeva Jordi Vitrià(2014).
International Conference of the Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence (CCIA 2014).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
. SPAINSalamó, M.(2012).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
IADIS Intelligent Systems and Agents (ISA 2012)
. PORTUGALMaria Salamó; Anna Puig; David Contreras(2013).
An approach to couple two forms of feedback in conversational recommenders.
(Presentation of communication)
Sixteenth International Conference of the Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence (CCIA 2013). Vic
. SPAINSergi Grau; Anna Puig; Sergio Escalera; Maria Salamo; Oscar Amoros(2013).
Efficient complementary viewpoint selection in volume rendering.
(Presentation of communication)
WSCG 2013 21st WSCG Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2013 in cooperation with the Eurographics Association
. CZECH REPUBLICDavid Contreras; Maria Salamó; Anna Puig; Inmaculada Rodriguez(2013).
Integrating a Conversational Recommender System within a 3D Collaborative Environment.
(Presentation of communication)
XV Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial
Actas del congresos. Madrid
. SPAINSergi Grau; Anna Puig; Sergio Escalera; Maria Salamo(2013).
Intelligent Interactive Volume Classification.
(Presentation of communication)
Pacific Graphics 2013
Pacific Graphics 2013, B. Levy, X. Tong, and KK. Yin (Guest Editors), Volume 32 (2013), Number 7
. SINGAPORESalamó, M.(2012).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
IADIS Intelligent Systems and Agents (ISA 2012)
. PORTUGALMaria Salamó(2011).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
Genetics-based Machine Learning track of GECCO 2011
. UNITED STATESMaria Salamó(2011).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
International Conference on information Technology: New Generations 2011
. UNITED STATESMaria Salamó(2011).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
Intelligent Systems and Control
. UNITED KINGDOMMaria Salamó(2011).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
IADIS Intelligent Systems and Agents (ISA 2011)
. PORTUGALAmoros, O.; Escalera, S.; Puig, A.; Salamó, M.(2011).
GPGPU volume classification using simpleopenCL.
CVCR&D2011, VI CVC Workshop on the progress of Research & Development. Bellaterra
. SPAINMaria Salamó(2010).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
IADIS Intelligent Systems and Agents (ISA 2010)
. GERMANYMaria Salamó(2010).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
Genetics-based Machine Learning track of GECCO 2010
. UNITED STATESMaria Salamó(2009).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
Genetics-based Machine Learning track of GECCO 2009
. UNITED STATESMaria Salamó(2009).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
IADIS Intelligent Systems and Agents 2009
. PORTUGALSalamó, M.; Escalera, S.; Radeva, P.(2009).
Quality Enhancement based on Reinforcement Learning and Feature Weighting for a Critiquing-based Recommender.
(Presentation of communication)
International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning
978-3-642-02997-4, pp. 298-312. Seattle
. UNITED STATESMaria Salamó(2008).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
IADIS Intelligent Systems and Agents 2008
. NETHERLANDSMaria Salamó(2007).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
IADIS Intelligent Systems and Agents (ISA 2007)
. PORTUGALSalamó, M; López-Sánchez, M.(2007).
Feature Selection based on Rough Sets for Case-Based Reasoning.
(Presentation of communication)
Seventh International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning. Belfast
. NORTHERN IRELANDMaria Salamó(2005).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
Genetics-based Machine Learning track of GECCO 2005
. UNITED STATESMaria Salamó(2004).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
18th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference
. UNITED STATESSalamó, M; Reilly, J; McGinty, L; Smyth, B.(2005).
Knowledge Discovery from User Preferentes in Conversational Recommendation.
(Presentation of communication)
16th European Conference on Machina Learning and 9th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Database
Springer. Porto
. PORTUGALSalamó, M; Smyth, B; McCarthy, K; Reilly, J; McGinty, L.(2005).
Reducing critiquing repetition in Conversational Recommendation.
(Presentation of communication)
IX Workshop on Multi-agent Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Edimburgo
. SCOTLANDMaria Salamó(2004).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
18th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference
. UNITED STATESSalamó, M; Golobardes, E.(2004).
Dynamic Case-Based Maintenance.
(Presentation of communication)
IX Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Springer. Puebla
. MEXICOSalamó, M; Golobardes, E.(2004).
Dynamic update of experience for a Case-Based reasoning system.
(Presentation of communication)
2nd Starting AI Researcher symposium
IOS press. Valencia
. SPAINSalamó, M; Golobardes, E.(2004).
Global, Local and Mixed Rough Sets Case Base Maintenance Techniques.
(Presentation of communication)
Congrès Català d'Intel·ligència artificial
IOS press. Barcelona
. SPAINSalamó, M; Golobardes, E.(2003).
Hybrid Deletion policies for Case Base Maintenance.
(Presentation of communication)
Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society
AAAI. St. Augustine
. UNITED STATESSalamó, M; Golobardes, E.(2003).
Unifying weighting and case reduction methods based on rough sets to improvise retrieval.
International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning
Springer. Throndheim
. NORWAYSalamó, M.(2015).
Calidad y evaluación de la docencia.
(Chair of session)
XXI Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática
. ANDORRAKovatchev, V.; Martí, M.A.; Salamó, M.(2018).
ETPC - A Paraphrase Identification Corpus Annotated with Extended Paraphrase Typology and Negation.
(Presentation of communication)
Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Proceedings of the 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. Miyazaki
. JAPANKovatchev, V.; Martí, M.; Salamó, M.(2018).
WARP-Text: A Web-Based Tool for Annotating Relationships Between Pairs of Texts.
(Presentation of communication)
International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics. Santa Fe
. UNITED STATESNakhjiri, N.; Salamó, M.; Sánchez-Marré, M.(2018).
Feature-Tree Labeling for Case Base Maintenance.
(Presentation of communication)
21st International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence
Proceedings of 21st International Conference of the Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence. Roses
. SPAINKovatchev, V.; Salamó, M.; Martí, M.A.(2016).
Comparing Distributional semantics Models for identifying groups of semantically related words.
(Presentation of communication)
. SPAINSalamó, M.(2019).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence
. SPAINSalamó, M.(2019).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence
. SPAINContreras, D.; Salamó, M.(2019).
History and Opinion Collaborative Recommender: An Approach for Social Recommendations.
(Presentation of communication)
International Conference of the Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence. Mallorca
. SPAINJiménez, O.; Salamó, M.; Boratto, L.(2019).
Distance-Aware Event Recommendation in Event-Based Social Networks.
(Presentation of communication)
International Conference of the Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence. Mallorca
. SPAINBlanco, L.; García-Sellés, D.; Pascual, N.; Puig, A.; Salamó, M.; Guinau, M.; Gratacos, O.; Muñoz, J.A.; Janeras, M.; Pedraza, O.(2021).
Identificación y clasificación de desprendimientos de roca con LIDAR y machine learning en Montserrat y Castellfollit de la Roca (Cataluña).
(Presentation of communication)
X Congreso Geológico de España. 5-7 Julio 2021. Vitoria-Gasteiz
. SPAINSalamó, M.(2021).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence
. SPAINSalamó, M.;(2019).
(Chair of session)
Congrès Català Intel·ligència Artificial
. SPAINGómez, Elizabeth; Boratto, Ludovico; Salamó, Maria(2021).
Disparate impact in Item Recommendation: A case of Geographic Imbalance.
(Presentation of communication)
43rd European Conference on IR Research (ECIR 2021). Lucca, Tuscany
. ITALYGómez, Elizabeth; Shui Zhang, Carlos; Boratto, Ludovico; Salamó, Maria; Marras, Mirko(2021).
The Winner Takes it All: Geographic Imbalance and Provider (Un)fairness in Educational Recommender Systems.
(Presentation of communication)
44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2021)
. CANADASalamó, M.(2020).
Inside and Outside Recommender Systems: Fundamental Components.
(Invited conference)
XI Conferencia Internacional de computación e Informática del Norte de Chile. Copiapó
. CHILERojas, C.; Contreras, D.; Salamó, M.(2022).
Analysis of Biases in Calibrated Recommendations.
(Presentation of communication)
Advances in Bias and Fairness in Information Retrieval. BIAS 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science
. NORWAYSalamó, M.(2019).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence
. SPAINSalamó, M.(2022).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence
. SPAINSalamó, M.(2021).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence
. SPAINSalamó, M.(2020).
(Participation in scientific/organizer committee)
International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence
. SPAINBlanco, Laura; Garcia-Sellé, David; Pascual, Nicolas; Puig, Anna; Salamó, Maria; Guinau, Marta; Gratacós, Òscar; Muñoz, Josep Anton; Janeras, Marc; Pedraza, Oriol(2020).
Methodology for rockfall activity identification and Machine Learning classification based on Point Clouds monitoring in Montserrat Massif (Spain).
22nd EGU General Assembly, 4-8 May, 2020
. AUSTRIASalamó, M.;(2019).
Chair Session 2: Recommenders, data science and logic.
(Chair of session)
International Conference of the Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence. Mallorca
. SPAINZoumpekas, T.; Puig, A.; Salamó, M.;(2022).
Deep Learning on Temporal 3D Point Clouds.
Deep Learning Symposium, 2022. Barcelona
FairTransNLP-Language: Analysing toxicity and stereotypes in language for unbiased, fair and transparent systems
(PN de Tecnologías Informáticas)
2022 - 2025
. Ref.PID2021-124361OB-C33
. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)
. PI: Maria Taule Delor; Maria Salamo Llorente
. (7 Researchers)
Sistemas justos
Aprendizaje con desacuerdos
Corpus sin sesgo
(HORIZON 2020. EIT. European Institute of Innovation and Technology.)
. Ref.21105
. Unió Europea
. PI: Petia Ivanova Radeva
. (10 Researchers)
(HORIZON 2020. EIT. European Institute of Innovation and Technology.)
. Ref.20646
. Unió Europea
. PI: Petia Ivanova Radeva
. (11 Researchers)
VIPO customers profiling system to improve the buying experience
(HORIZON 2020. EIT. European Institute of Innovation and Technology.)
. Ref.20299
. Unió Europea
. PI: Petia Ivanova Radeva
. (11 Researchers)
learninG, pRocessing, And oPtimising shapES (GRAPES)
(HORIZON 2020. PILLAR 1-EXCELLENT SCIENCE. MCA. Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions.)
2019 - 2023
. Ref.860843
. Unió Europea
. PI: Carlos Antonio d'Andrea
. (6 Researchers)
Desinformación y agresividad en Social Media: Analizando el lenguaje
(Programa Nacional de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones)
2019 - 2021
. Ref.PGC2018-096212-B-C33
. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
. PI: Maria Taule Delor; Maria Salamo Llorente
. (8 Researchers)
Lenguaje agresivo
Noticias falsas
Mensajes de odio
Nou format audiovisual amb funcionalitats tecnològiques avançades per a l'aprenentatge: nanomooc
(Sense especificar)
2019 - 2021
. Ref.COMRDI18-1-0010-02
. ACCIÓ. Agència de Suport a l'Empresa Catalana
. PI: Ana Puig PuigCLiC- Centre de LLenguatge i computació
(Ajuts de Suport als Grups de Recerca de Catalunya (SGR))
2017 - 2021
. Ref.2017SGR341
. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR)
. PI: Maria Taule Delor
. (12 Researchers)
Sistemes de Recomanació
Processament del Llenguatge Natural
Sistemes multiagent
Lingüística informática
Inteligencia artificial
Lingüística computacional
Adquisició de segones llengües
lingüistica de corpus
Enginyeria lingüística
INDOMAIN - Innovació Docent en Matemàtiques i Informàtica
(Projectes d'Innovació Docent)
2016 - 2025
. Ref.GINDOC-UB/138
. Universitat de Barcelona
. PI: Laura Igual Muñoz
. (25 Researchers)
SomEMBED-Slang: comprensión del lenguaje en los medios de comunicación social. Representando contextos de forma continua-Lengua no estándar
(Programa Nacional de Tecnologías informáticas)
2016 - 2018
. Ref.TIN2015-71147-C2-2-P
. Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad
. PI: Maria Taule Delor
. (3 Researchers)
. El proyecto SomEMBED tiene como objetivo general la exploración y producción de métodos y técnicas como el uso de representaciones continuas de texto (embeddings), entre otros, para la extracción de patrones sintáctico-semánticos que ayuden en tareas como el perfilado de autores, la detección de opiniones engañosas o fraudulentas y la identificación de lenguaje figurado en los medios de comunicación social. Es objetivo también del proyecto la creación de una infraestructura básica de recursos lingüísticos orientados al análisis de la lengua no estándar, fundamentalmente corpus de lengua informal y de aprendices de L2. Estos corpus serán el objeto de procesamiento de los diferentes métodos desarrollados.
medios de comunicación social
lengua no estándar
Representaciones continuas del texto (embedding)
CLiC - Centre de Llenguatge i Computació
(Ajuts de Suport als Grups de Recerca de Catalunya (SGR))
2014 - 2017
. Ref.2014SGR623
. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR)
. PI: Maria Antonia Marti Antonin
. (8 Researchers)
Lingüística computacional
lingüistica de corpus
Enginyeria lingüística
Processament del Llenguatge Natural
Lingüística informática
Mòdul pedagògic en un sistema tutor intel·ligent per a predir l'evolució de l'alumnat
2014 - 2015
. Ref.2014PID/UB-030
. Universitat de Barcelona
. PI: Maria Salamo Llorente
. (7 Researchers)
Aprendizaje automático
Mòdul Pedagògic en un Sistema Tutor Intel·ligent per a predir l’evolució de l’alumnat
(Projectes d'Innovació Docent)
2014 - 2015
. Ref.2014PID-UB/030
. Universitat de Barcelona
. PI: Maria Salamo Llorente
. (6 Researchers)
DIANA-Construcciones: Buscando el conocimiento oculto en los textos
(Tecnologías Informáticas (TIN), de Servicios para la Sociedad de la Información (TSI) y e-Ciencia(ECI))
2013 - 2015
. Ref.TIN2012-38603-C02-02
. Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad
. PI: M. Antonia Marti Antonin
. (7 Researchers)
Semàntica Distribucional
Estructura Argumental
análisis semántico
ReMedi: Multi-modal Home Assistive Technology for Dementia and Alzheimer's diseases
(Sense especificar)
2012 - 2013
. Ref.Recercaixa-306684
. Fundació Caixa de Pensions 'La Caixa'
. PI: Oriol Pujol VilaTécnicas de Aprendizaje Automático para Sistemas de Visión de Gran Escala: Aplicaciones al Análisis de Imagen Médica
(Tecnologías Informáticas (TIN), de Servicios para la Sociedad de la Información (TSI) y e-Ciencia(ECI))
2010 - 2012
. Ref.TIN2009-14404-C02-02
. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)
. PI: Petia Ivanova Radeva
. (6 Researchers)
Aprendizaje automático
Etiquetaje activo
Análisis de imagen coronaria
Análisis de imagen médica
Aprendizaje automático online
Visualització de Volum i Intel·ligència Artificial
(Projectes de recerca per potenciar els grups de recerca consolidats )
2009 - 2013
. Ref.2009SGR362
. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR)
. PI: Jesus Cerquides Bueno
. (6 Researchers)
Aprenentatge automàtic
Intel·ligència artificial
Sistemes multiagent
Visualització de volum
(Projectes d'Innovació Docent)
2009 - 2010
. Ref.2009PID-UB/33
. Universitat de Barcelona
(Projectes d'Innovació Docent)
2009 - 2010
. Ref.2009PID-UB/07
. Universitat de Barcelona
(Projectes d'Innovació Docent)
2009 - 2010
. Ref.2009PID-UB/04
. Universitat de Barcelona
. PI: Sergio Escalera GuerreroDissenys i realització d'un programa pilot per a la prospecció, difusió i fidelització d'alumnes a la titulació d'enginyeria tècnica informàtica de sistemes / grau d'informàtica
(Projectes d'Innovació Docent)
2008 - 2009
. Ref.2008PID-UB/125
. Universitat de Barcelona
. PI: Oriol Pujol VilaProgramació dels graus de la Facultat de Matemàtiques de la UB (Pla 2009)
(Projectes d'Innovació Docent)
2008 - 2009
. Ref.2008PID-UB/006
. Universitat de Barcelona
. PI: Maria Carmen Cascante CanutMAMIM: Modelos de aprendizaje multiarea para el análisis de imagen médica
(Tecnologías Informáticas (TIN), de Servicios para la Sociedad de la Información (TSI) y e-Ciencia(ECI))
2006 - 2009
. Ref.TIN2006-15308-C02-02
. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia
. PI: Petia Ivanova Radeva
. (8 Researchers)
e-Prog: Anàlisi, disseny, implementació i avaluació d'un entorn interactiu i col.laboratiu en la docència de les assignatures de programació
(Projectes d'Innovació Docent)
2006 - 2007
. Ref.2006PID-UB/017
. Universitat de Barcelona
. PI: Ana Puig PuigAdaptive Information Cluster research group
(Sense especificar)
2005 - 2006
. Ref.03/IN.3/I361
. Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) invests in academic researchers and research teams who are most likely to generate new knowledge, leading edge technologies and competitive enterprises in the fields of science and engineering underpinning three broad areas: (1) biotechnology; (2) information and communications technology; (3) Sustainable energy and energy-efficient technologies.
. PI: Barry Smyth
. (150 Researchers)
Artificial Intelligence
Machine learning
Aprendizaje automático
Sistemas de Recomendación
Soporte parcial al proyecto: Herramienta de Recuperación de Imágenes Mamográficas por Análisis de Contenido (HRIMAC) para el asesoramiento en el diagnóstico del cáncer de mama
(Sense especificar)
2004 - 2005
. Ref.PGR-PR2004-05
. Universitat Ramon Llull
. PI: Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
. (6 Researchers)
Inteligencia artificial
Cáncer de mama
Computación Evolutiva (EC)
aprendizaje artificial
Soporte parcial al proyecto 'Integración y desarrollo de modelos evolutivos Michigan y Pittsburgh de aprendizaje de reglas. Razonamiento basado en Casos y data Mining en el entorno KEEL'
(Sense especificar)
2004 - 2005
. Ref.PGR-PR2004-04
. Universitat Ramon Llull
. PI: Ester Bernadó Mansilla
. (6 Researchers)
Inteligencia artificial
Minería de Datos (DM)
Computación Evolutiva (EC)
aprendizaje artificial
Xarxa Temàtica Catalana d'Intel·ligència Artificial III
(Xarxes temàtiques)
2003 - 2005
. Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació (Generalitat de Catalunya) DURSI
. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR)
. PI: Josep Puyol Gruart
aprendizaje artificial
Inteligencia artificial
Red española de minería de datos y aprendizaje
(Programa Nacional de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones)
2003 - 2004
. Ref.TIC2002-11124-E
. Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT)
. PI: José Riquelme Santos
Minería de Datos (DM)
aprendizaje artificial
Soporte parcial al proyecto: Herramienta de Recuperación de Imágenes Mamográficas por Análisis de Contenido (HRIMAC) para el asesoramiento en el diagnóstico del cáncer de mama
(Sense especificar)
2003 - 2004
. Ref.PGR-PR2003-05
. Universitat Ramon Llull
. PI: Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
. (6 Researchers)
Inteligencia artificial
Cáncer de mama
aprendizaje artificial
Soporte parcial al proyecto 'Integración y desarrollo de modelos evolutivos Michigan y Pittsburgh de aprendizaje de reglas. Razonamiento basado en Casos y data Mining en el entorno KEEL'
(Sense especificar)
2003 - 2004
. Ref.PGR-PR2003-04
. Universitat Ramon Llull
. PI: Ester Bernadó Mansilla
. (6 Researchers)
Inteligencia artificial
Minería de Datos (DM)
Computación Evolutiva (EC)
Herramienta de Recuperación de Imágenes Mamográficas por Análisis de Contenido (HRIMAC) para el asesoramiento en el diagnóstico del cáncer de mama
(Programa Nacional de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones)
2002 - 2005
. Ref.TIC2002-04160-C02-02
. Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT)
. PI: Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
. (6 Researchers)
Inteligencia artificial
Cáncer de mama
Computación Evolutiva (EC)
aprendizaje artificial
KEEL: Entorno para la Extracción de Conocimiento basado en Algoritmos de Aprendizaje Genético y Evolutivo
(Programa Nacional de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones)
2002 - 2005
. Ref.TIC2002-04036-C05-03
. Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT)
. PI: Josep Maria Garrell Guiu
. (37 Researchers)
Inteligencia artificial
Computación Evolutiva (EC)
aprendizaje artificial
Suport a grups de recerca consolidats a Catalunya
(Projectes de recerca per potenciar els grups de recerca consolidats )
2002 - 2005
. Ref.2002 SGR-00155
. Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació (Generalitat de Catalunya) DURSI
. Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR)
. PI: Josep Maria Garrell Guiu
. (15 Researchers)
Inteligencia artificial
Computación Evolutiva (EC)
aprendizaje artificial
Soporte parcial al proyecto: Herramienta de Recuperación de Imágenes Mamográficas por Análisis de Contenido (HRIMAC) para el asesoramiento en el diagnóstico del cáncer de mama
(Sense especificar)
2002 - 2003
. Ref.PGR-PR2002-07
. Universitat Ramon Llull
. PI: Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
. (6 Researchers)
Inteligencia artificial
Cáncer de mama
aprendizaje artificial
Soporte parcial al proyecto 'Integración y desarrollo de modelos evolutivos Michigan y Pittsburgh de aprendizaje de reglas. Razonamiento basado en Casos y data Mining en el entorno KEEL'
(Sense especificar)
2002 - 2003
. Ref.PGR-PR2002-05
. Universitat Ramon Llull
. PI: Josep Maria Garrell Guiu
. (6 Researchers)
Inteligencia artificial
Minería de Datos (DM)
Computación Evolutiva (EC)
aprendizaje artificial
Sistema de predicción del riesgo de cáncer de mama basado en técnicas de Visión por Computador y de Aprendizaje Artificial Automático
(Ayudas para proyectos de investigación del área de Ciencias de la Salud (FIS))
2000 - 2003
. Ref.FIS00/0033-02
. Instituto de Salud Carlos III
. PI: Elisabet Golobardes Ribé
. (7 Researchers)
Inteligencia artificial
Cáncer de mama
Computación Evolutiva (EC)
aprendizaje artificial
MUSAE: a human-centred factory for a future technological sustainable development driven by arts (MUSAE)
(Digital, Industry and Space)
2022 - 2025
. Ref.101070421
. Unió Europea
. PI: Petia Ivanova Radeva; Karim Lekadir
. (12 Researchers)
Robo STEAM - Inclusive Technologies
2022 - 2025
. Ref.2022-1-BG01-KA220-VET-000089434
. Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
. PI: Petia Ivanova Radeva
. (6 Researchers)
Una herramienta digital para la estimación de la cantidad de comida usando deep learning
(Programa Nacional de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones)
2022 - 2024
. Ref.PDC2022-133642-I00
. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
. PI: Petia Ivanova Radeva
Thesis, minor thesis and research reports
Nariman Nakhjiri
. (2018)
. Adaptive Case-Based Reasoning: Maintenance and Learning Strategies (Master's Thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Marc Güell Jiménez
. (2018)
. Assistent personal per a web de comerç electrònic (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Sergi Generó Toneu
. (2018)
. Creació d'un front-end per una web de recomanació col·laborativa (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Oriol Jiménez
. (2018)
. Estudi de la recomanació d'events en xarxes socials (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Carles Tutusaus Marrugat
. (2018)
. Estudio de técnicas de aprendizaje automático en un recomendador basado en críticas (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. David Contreras Aguilar
. (2017)
. Integración de técnicas de personalización basadas en el comportamiento colaborativo del ser humano con interfaces de usuario inteligentes (Ph.D. Thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Publicació online (http://hdl.handle.net/2445/118744)Olivares Oliver, Coral
. (2016)
. CBR-KM: Integració de mecanismes de manteniment de la memòria de casos per millorar el rendiment en el CBR (Degree work)
. Universidad de Barcelona. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/104445Lin, Y
. (2016)
. Estudio y análisis de técnicas de consenso para recomendadores grupales (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/107128Torralba Barrabés, F
. (2016)
. Mejora de las recomendaciones en algoritmos conversacionales basados en experiencias (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/106526Francesc Bosch Florit
. (2016)
. Millora dels processos de recomanació a través d'algorismes d'Experience-Based (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. John Alexander Roberto Rodríguez
. (2015)
. Análisis del género discursivo aplicado a la clasificación automática de la polaridad en comentarios sobre productos (Ph.D. Thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Daniel Horowitz
. (2015)
. Context-aware knowledge-based recommender system for events (Master's Thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Jordi Rodríguez Queralto
. (2015)
. Mòdul pedagògic en un sistema tutor intel·ligent per a predir l'evolució de l'alumnat (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. http://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/handle/2445/64528Claudio Adrian Levinas
. (2014)
. An Analisys of Memory Based Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems with Improvement Proposals (Master's Thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. David Ortega Lázaro
. (2014)
. Disseny d'una xarxa social web per a poder compartir notícies (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. http://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/handle/2445/60853Jordi Pascual Milego
. (2014)
. gcoach: group collaborative and advisory recommender channel (Master's Thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Irene Martí Diéguez
. (2014)
. Plataforma de raonament basat en casos per a la gestió del coneixement (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. http://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/handle/2445/62504Singateh Queral, Bakary
. (2013)
. Plataforma en JAVA per a l'anàlisi de textos d'opinió en llenguatge natural ATOp (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. http://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/handle/2445/43601Juan Francisco López Zamorano
. (2012)
. Diseño e implementación de una red social (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Julio Perdiguer Ordoñez
. (2011)
. Integración de un sistema recomendador en una página web (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. David Gil de Arce
. (2011)
. Plataforma web basada en Mahout (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Javier de la Torre Díaz
. (2011)
. Visualizador de conversaciones online (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Juan Ramón Riera
. (2010)
. Sistema visual per a recomanar (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Gabriel Castro Doblas
. (2009)
. Diplobot desarrollo de un bot para Diplomacy (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Julián Palomo Moya
. (2009)
. Implementació d'una botiga virtual en JavaEE (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Marc Guijosa López
. (2008)
. Implementació en Java de un sistema clasificador basado en casos web CBR (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Cristian Catalan Toran
. (2008)
. Implementació gràfica del joc 'descobridors de catan' (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Jaume Nebot i Martínez
. (2008)
. Sistema de recomanació per web collaborative filtering (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Maria Salamó
. (2004)
. Disseny i implementació del nucli del gestor relacional federat dream-db (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat Ramon Llull. Luis Miranda Girbau
. (2004)
. Ecampus 3.1: segona fase de l´evolució (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat Ramon Llull. Maria Salamó
. (2004)
. Integració de la teoria dels Rough Sets dins del Raonament Basat en Casos per potenciar la fase de recuperació (Ph.D. Thesis)
. Universitat Ramon Llull. José Antonio Gayoso López
. (2004)
. Plataforma abierta de negociación distribuida sobre agentes ccbr y modelos de cooperación (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat Ramon Llull. Marc Visent Menardia
. (2003)
. Repositori digital distribuït (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat Ramon Llull. Adrià Perreau de Pinick
. (2003)
. Reputation based cooperation model for cbr agents (Undergraduate thesis)
. Universitat Ramon Llull. Venelin Kovatchev
. (2020)
. Paraphrasing, Textual Entailment, and Semantic Similarity Above the Word Level (Ph.D. Thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Carlos Shui Zhan
. (2021)
. La equidad de oportunidades de aprendizaje en las recomendaciones personalizadas (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Alejandro Ariza Casabona
. (2019)
. Fairness in Sequence-Aware Recommender Systems (Master's Thesis)
. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Nicolás Pascual
. (2019)
. Learning of models of temporal point clouds (Master's Thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Asier Gutierrez Fandiño
. (2020)
. Explainability on Recommender Systems using Contextual Data (Master's Thesis)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Artur Palasó Cera
. (2019)
. APPARKATE: Aplicación Android para encontrar aparcamiento en la calle (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Ferran Sanchez Llado
. (2021)
. Analysis of hate speech detection in social media (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Victor Adan Rodes
. (2021)
. Word Embedding para diagnostico de Alzheimer (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. María Isabel González Sánchez
. (2022)
. Research and analysis of hate and other emotions in social media (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona. Serrano Lopez, Fabian
. (2023)
. Predicció d'esdeveniments de riuades mitjançant tècniques de Machine Learning (Degree work)
. Universitat de Barcelona.