I am associate professor in the department of Modern Languages and Literatures and English Studies in University of Barcelona (UB), Spain. My research has examined the role of contextual and individual ...
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I am associate professor in the department of Modern Languages and Literatures and English Studies in University of Barcelona (UB), Spain. My research has examined the role of contextual and individual factors in the development of L2 speech and oral fluency, and the acquisition of L2 phonology. I am a member of the GRAL research group currently investigating the acquisition of English as a foreign language through multi-modal input exposure. I also coordinate the L2 Speech Research Group, a group of researchers investigating the acquisition of second language (L2) speech in all of its perceptual and productive dimensions. You can access our website HERE. We hold regular meetings every term (fall, spring, summer) to discuss research in the acquisition of L2 speech. My current research interests focus on the role of input in bilingual phonological acquisition and the effect of cognitive and emotional individual differences on L2 speech learning. My interests also include phonetic training methods, phonological learning and the mental lexicon, and task-based pronunciation teaching and learning in instructed SLA- info
Formació acadèmica
Filol. anglo-germánica
. Universitat de Barcelona
. 15/03/2001
. (Doctorat )
Docència Impartida
Adquisició de la Parla en Segones Llengües (Màster oficial) -
Lingüística Aplicada i Adquisició de Llengües en Contextos Multilingües -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Estadística Inferencial Aplicada a Dissenys Experimentals (Màster oficial) -
Lingüística Aplicada i Adquisició de Llengües en Contextos Multilingües -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Fonètica i Fonologia Angleses I (Grau) -
Estudis Anglesos -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Fonètica i Fonologia Angleses II (Grau) -
Estudis Anglesos -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Anglès Oral (Llicenciatura) -
Filologia Anglesa -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Línies d'Activitat (Docència i Recerca)
Adquisición de fonologia de segundas lenguasFonética y fonología contrastivasEnseñanza de la pronunciación del inglés como lengua extranjeraFonología inglesa (lingüística teórica)Adquisición de fonología de segundas lenguas
Publicacions rellevants
Mora, J.C.; Ortega, M.; Mora-Plaza, I.; Aliaga-García, C.(2022).
Training the pronunciation of L2 vowels under different conditions: the use of non-lexical materials and masking noise.Phonetica, 79(1), pp. 1 - 43
. Publicació Online (https://doi.org/10.1515/phon-2022-2018). ISSN: 0031-8388Wisniewska, N.; Mora, J.C.(2020).
Can captioned video benefit second language pronunciation?.Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 42(3), pp. 599 - 624
. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/studies-in-second-language-acquisition/article/abs/can-captioned-video-benefit-second-language-pronunciation/7. ISSN: 0272-2631De Jong, N. H.; Mora, J. C.(2019).
Does having good articulatory skills lead to more fluent speech in first and second languages?.Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 41(1), pp. 227 - 239
. Repositori Institucional. ISSN: 0272-2631Mora, J.C.; Levkina, M.(2017).
Task-Based Pronunciation Teaching and Research: Key Issues and Future Directions.Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 39(2), pp. 381 - 399
. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0272263117000183. ISSN: 0272-2631Darcy, I.; Mora, J.C.; Daidone, D.(2016).
The Role of inhibitory control in second language phonological processing.Language Learning, 66(4), pp. 741 - 773
. https://doi.org/10.1111/lang.12161. ISSN: 0023-8333
Conferències i Participacions a Congressos
Mora, J. C.(2022).
Cognitive task complexity effects on L2 pronunciation, speaking fluency and Comprehensibility.
(Presentació comunicació)
12th Annual Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference - PSLLT 2022. St. Catharines
. CANADÀMora, J. C.(2021).
Promoting a focus on phonetic form: task design features and individual differences and in L2 speech learning.
(Conferència invitada)
14th International Conference on Native and Non-native Accents of English (ACCENTS 2021). Łódź
. POLÒNIAMora, J. C.(2021).
Assessing L2 vowel production gains after high-variability phonetic training (HVPT): acoustic measurements vs. perceptual judgements.
(Conferència invitada)
3rd International Symposium on Applied Phonetics ISAPh 2021
Mora, J. C. (2021). Assessing L2 vowel production gains after high-variability phonetic training: acoustic measurements vs. perceptual judgements. Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Applied Phonetics (ISAPh 2021), 9-18, doi: 10.21437/ISAPh.2021-2. Tarragona
. ESPANYAMora, J. C.; Mora-Plaza, I.(2021).
Task complexity and speaking anxiety effects on second language fluency and pronunciation.
(Presentació comunicació)
30th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association EuroSLA 30. Barcelona, Spain
. ESPANYA(724).
417713. 065
. 2Speech rhythm in L2 oral production: Individual differences in L2 proficiency, task complexity effects, and its relationship with comprehensibility and accentedness.