Member of the steering committee of CUSC-Research Centre for Sociolinguistics and Communication, Universitat de BarcelonaEditor of Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law.
Sociolinguist. I graduated in Catalan Philology in 2010 (UB) and earned a PhD in advanced studies on Catalan language and literature in 2017 (UB). My thesis dealt with language practices and the ...
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Sociolinguist. I graduated in Catalan Philology in 2010 (UB) and earned a PhD in advanced studies on Catalan language and literature in 2017 (UB). My thesis dealt with language practices and the construction of social identities among Catalan and Valencian teens. I am a researcher at CUSC (Research Centre for Sociolinguistics and Communication at UB), and a member of its steering committee. I am a tenure-eligible lecturer at the Department of Catalan Philology and General Linguistics at UB (I teach Sociolinguistics, Language ecology and planning, and Introduction to Linguistics in the Linguistics BA), and assistant professor of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). My research focus on the sociolinguistics of the youth, on language and immigration, on demolinguistics, and on language policy in the family and in education. I have published on such issues in journals as Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana, Revista de Llengua i Dret, Language Problems and Language Planning or Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research. I am the editor of Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law and a member of the steering committee (from 2019) and secretary (from 2022) of the Catalan Society of Sociolinguistics (SoCS), affiliate of the Institute for Catalan Studies- info
Academic training
Llicenciat en Filologia Catalana
. Universitat de Barcelona
. 14/09/2010
. (Diploma / Degree / Activities)Estudis avançats en llengua i literatura catalanes
. Universitat de Barcelona
. 22/09/2017
. (Ph.D.)Estudis avançats i aplicats en llengua i literatura catalanes
. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
. 05/10/2011
. (Official Master)Màster de Formació del Professorat de Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació
. Universitat de Barcelona
. 29/06/2018
. (Official Master)
Teaching imparted
Ecologia i Planificació Lingüístiques (Bachelor's degree) -
Lingüística -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Introducció a la Lingüística (Bachelor's degree) -
Lingüística -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Treball Final de Grau (Bachelor's degree) -
Lingüística -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Sociolingüística (Bachelor's degree) -
Lingüística -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Lines of Activity (Teaching and Research)
SociolinguisticsLanguage ecology and planningIntroduction to LinguisticsSociolinguistics in EducationLanguage Policy in Higher EducationPolítica lingüística familiarDemolinguistics
Relevant publications
Flors-Mas, Aveŀlí(2021).
Immigration and languages in Catalonia: from policies to results.JOURNAL OF IBERIAN AND LATIN AMERICAN RESEARCH, 27(2), pp. 368 - 385
. ISSN: 1326-0219Flors-Mas, Avel·lí; Sorolla, Natxo; Pradilla, Miquel Àngel; Vila, F. Xavier(2021).
The recent evolution of first languages in Catalonia: between minoritization and language maintenance.Language Problems & Language Planning, 45(1), pp. 31 - 55
. ISSN: 0272-2690Flors-Mas, Aveŀlí; Manterola, Ibon(2021).
The linguistic models of compulsory education in the Basque Autonomous Community and in Catalonia: a comparative view.Revista de Llengua i Dret, 75, pp. 27 - 45
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 0212-5056Sorolla, Natxo; Flors-Mas, Aveŀlí(2020).
L'ús del català entre els millennials de Catalunya: el pes diluït de l'origen lingüístic.Revista de Llengua i Dret(73), pp. 50 - 68
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 0212-5056Massaguer, M.; Flors-Mas, A.; Vila, F.X.(2021).
Català, youtubers i joves influenciadors: Un punt de partida per promoure l'ús de la llengua
. Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura
. ISBN: 978-84-18601-02-6
Conferences and Participations in Congresses
Flors-Mas, Avel·lí(2020).
Canvis socials i evolució de les polítiques lingüístiques a Catalunya (1979-2020).
Sisena Jornada de la Càtedra Pompeu Fabra: "Accions polítiques sobre la llengua: adequació i eficàcia". Barcelona
. SPAINCodó, Eva; Flors-Mas, Aveŀlí(2022).
Linguistic conflict, linguistic (in)equality and language discrimination: Sociopolitical and discursive struggles in present-day Catalonia.
(Presentation of communication)
Sociolinguistics Symposium 24. Gant
. BELGIUMMassaguer, Marina; Flors-Mas, Aveŀlí; Vila, F. Xavier(2021).
The legitimation of language choice among Catalan youtubers: between language ideologies and market dynamics.
(Presentation of communication)
XVIII International Conference on Minority Languages. Bilbao
. SPAINFlors-Mas, Avel·lí(2022).
Revitalització lingüística i agència dels adolescents: el cas del català a Castelló de la Plana (País Valencià).
(Presentation of communication)
Youth Engagement in Minority and Regional Languages. Dublin
. IRELANDMassaguer, Marina; Flors-Mas, Avel·lí(2022).
Contextos, motivacions i estratègies dels aprenents de català reeixits.
(Presentation of communication)
XIX Col·loqui Internacional de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes. Vic