Contact Information
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Departament de Matemātica i Informātica. Universitat de Barcelona. Gran Via 585 934034468 jmarzo(a)
Relevant publications (Journal Publications and Other publications - last 10 years)
Marzo, J.; Pridhnani, B.(2014).
Sufficient conditions for sampling and interpolation on the sphere.Constructive Approximation
. ISSN: 0176-4276Marzo, J.; Ortega-Cerdā, J.(2015).
Uniformly bounded orthonormal polynomials on the sphere .Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 47(5), pp. 883 - 891
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 0024-6093Antezana, J.; Marzo, J.; Olsen, J.-F.(2017).
Zeros of random functions generated with de Branges kernels.International Mathematics Research Notices(8), pp. 2284 - 2299
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 1073-7928Carroll, T.; Marzo, J.; Massaneda, X.; Ortega-Cerdā, J.(2018).
Equidistribution and β-ensembles.Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse, 27(2), pp. 377 - 387
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 0240-2963Beltran, C; Marzo, J.; Ortega-Cerdā, J.(2016).
Energy and discrepancy of rotationally invariant determinantal point processes in high dimensional spheres.Journal of Complexity, 37, pp. 76 - 109
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 0885-064X