Full professor
Knowledge area: Economia Aplicada
Rosina Moreno is Full Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Barcelona and Director of the research group AQR (Regional Quantitative Analysis). She has been visiting researcher at West ...
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Rosina Moreno is Full Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Barcelona and Director of the research group AQR (Regional Quantitative Analysis). She has been visiting researcher at West Virginia University, the University of Texas at Dallas and the University of Sardinia. Her research interests focus on the main determinants of economic growth at the regional level with special emphasis on innovation economics and economic geography. She has participated in several European projects (two Framework Programmes, one H2020, an ESPON project, several DG's Tenders and several projects for the Committee of the Regions and European Parliament) and has been the principal coordinator of projects funded by the Fundación BBVA as well as the Spanish Ministry of Education. She has been invited to give seminars in many Spanish and foreign universities as well as several Masters and PhD courses on the topic of Spatial Econometrics
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Research group:
Anàlisi Quantitativa Regional (AQR)
Grup d'Innovació Docent d'Econometria en la pràctica