Jordi Palau Capdevila

Jordi Palau Capdevila

Professor lector

Researcher ID: M-2213-2014
Àrea de coneixement : Cristal.lografia i Mineralogia

Grup de Recerca: Mineralogia Aplicada, Geoquímica i Hidrogeologia - MAGH

Informació de contacte
Departament de Mineralogia, Petrologia i Geologia Aplicada
Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències de la Terra. Departament de Mineralogia, Petrologia i Geologia Aplicada. C/ Martí i Franquès, s/n, 08028, Barcelona. Grup de recerca consolidat de Mineralogia Aplicada, Geoquímica i Geomicrobiologia

Altres Mèrits o aclariments

Reconeixement: Young Investigator - Early Career Scientist

Entitat: American Chemical Society

Any: 2019

Publicació: Amb motiu d'aquest reconeixement, les revistes 'Environmental Science and Technology' i 'Environmental Science and Technology Letters' han publicat una edició especial (22 de març de 2019. on per cadascun dels 24 investigadors rellevants seleccionats un dels Editors Associats ha seleccionat un article i ha realitzat una breu descripció de la recerca realitzada i del seu impacte.

Tesis, tesines i treballs

Gutiérrez Leon, Joan (2018) Estudi de la interacció entre aigües àcides de mina i ciment portland - roca calcària (Tesi de Masters)
Audí Miró, C (2010) Isotopic fractionation as a tool to assess degradation of chlorinated ethylenes by a zero valent iron barrier (Tesi de Masters)
Jordi Palau Capdevila (2008) Aplicación de la composición isotópica del carbono de compuestos orgánicos volátiles en acuíferos contaminados por disolventes clorados (Tesi Doctoral)
Jordi Palau Capdevila (2004) Els isòtops de carboni com a traçadors de les diferents fonts antropogèniques i dels processos de remediació en casos de contaminació per compostos organoclorats (DEA)
Sergio Gil Villalba (2023) Multi-isotopic tools for monitoring innovative remediation strategies in sites contaminated with halogenated organic compounds (Tesi Doctoral)
Daniel Sanz Mont (2021) Viabilitat d'eines isotòpiques pel seguiment de l'eficiència d'un tractament combinat de descontaminació química de compostos organoclorats a unes rases d'intercepció alcalines (Treball de Grau)

Publicacions en revistes

Benaiges-Fernandez, R.; Offeddu, F.G.; Margalef-Marti , R.; Palau, J.; Urmeneta, J.; Carrey, R.; Otero, N.; Cama, J. Geochemical and isotopic study of abiotic nitrite reduction coupled to biologically produced Fe(II) oxidation in marine environments. En Chemosphere. Volum 260. 2020 . Repositori Institucional
Blázquez-Pallí, N.; Shouakar-Stash, O.; Palau, J.; Trueba-Santiso, A.; Varias, J.; Bosch, M.; Soler, A.; Vicent, T.; Marco-Urrea, E.; Rosell, M. Use of dual element isotope analysis and microcosm studies to determine the origin and potential anaerobic biodegradation of dichloromethane in two multi-contaminated aquifers. En Science of the Total Environment. Volum 696. Número 134066. 2019 . Repositori Institucional
Rosell, M.; Palau, J.; Hatijah Mortan, S.; Caminal, G.; Soler, A.; Shouakar-Stash, O.; Marco-Urrea, E. Dual carbon-chlorine isotope fractionation during dichloroelimination of 1,1,2-trichloroethane by an enrichment culture containing Dehalogenimonas sp. En Science of the Total Environment. Volum 648. 2019 . Repositori Institucional
Benaiges-Fernandez, R.; Palau, J.; Offeddu, F. G.; Cama, J.; Urmeneta, J.; Soler, J. M.; Dold, B. Dissimilatory bioreduction of iron (III) oxides by Shewanella loihica under marine sediment conditions. En Marine Environmental Research. Volum 151. 2019 . Repositori Institucional
Rodríguez-Fernández, D.; Torrentó, C.; Palau, J.; Marchesi, M.; Soler, A.; Hunkeler, D.; Domènech, C.; Rosell, M. Unravelling long-term source removal effects and chlorinated methanes natural attenuation processes by C and Cl stable isotopic patterns at a complex field site. En Science of the Total Environment. Volum 645. 2018 . Repositori Institucional
Palau, J.; Shouakar-Stash, O.; Hatijah Mortan, S.; Yu, R.; Rosell, M.; Marco-Urrea, E.; Freedman, D.; Aravena, R.; Soler, A.; Hunkeler, D. Hydrogen isotope fractionation during biodegradation of 1,2-dichloroethane: potential for pathway identification using a multi-element (C, Cl and H) isotope approach. En Environmental Science & Technology. Volum 51. Número 18. 2017 . Repositori Institucional
Torrentó, C.; Palau, J.; Rodríguez-Fernández, D.; Heckel, B.; Meyer, A.; Domènech, C.; Rosell, M.; Soler, A.; Elsner, M.; Hunkeler, D. Carbon and chlorine isotope fractionation patterns associated with different engineered chloroform transformation reactions. En Environmental Science & Technology. Volum 51. Número 11. 2017 . Repositori Institucional
Palau, J.; Yu, R.; Hatijah Mortan; S.; Shouakar-Stash, O.; Rosell, M.; Freedman, D.; Sbarbati, C.; Fiorenza, S.; Aravena, R.; Marco-Urrea, E.; Elsner, M.; Soler, A.; Hunkeler, D. Distinct dual C-Cl isotope fractionation patterns during anaerobic biodegradation of 1,2-dichloroethane: potential to characterize microbial degradation in the field. En Environmental Science & Technology. Volum 51. Número 5. 2017 . Repositori Institucional
Heckel, B.; Rodríguez-Fernández, D.; Torrento, C.; Meyer, A.; Palau, J.; Domenech, C.; Rosell, M.; Soler, A.; Hunkeler, D.; Elsner, M. Compound-Specific Chlorine Isotope Analysis of Tetrachloromethane and Trichloromethane by Gas Chromatography-Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry vs Gas Chromatography-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry: Method Development and Evaluation of Precision and Trueness. En Analytical Chemistry. Volum 89. Número 6. 2017 . Repositori Institucional
Alice Badin; Mette M. Broholm; Carsten S. Jacobsen; Jordi Palau; Philip Dennis; Daniel Hunkeler. Identification of abiotic and biotic reductive dechlorination in a chlorinated ethene plume after thermal source remediation by means of isotopic and molecular biology tools. En Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. Volum 192. 2016 .
Jordi Palau; Pierre Jamin; Alice Badin; Nicolas Vanhecke; Bruno Haerens; Serge Brouyère; Daniel Hunkeler. Use of dual carbon-chlorine isotope analysis to assess the degradation pathways of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in groundwater. En Water Research. Volum 92. 2016 . Repositori Institucional
Audí-Miró, C.; Cretnik, S.; Torrentó, C.; Rosell, M.; Shouakar-Stash, O.; Otero, N.; Palau, J.; Elsner, M.; Soler, A. C, Cl and H compound-specific isotope analysis to assess natural versus Fe(0) barrier-induced degradation of chlorinated ethenes at a contaminated site. En Journal of Hazardous Materials. Volum 299. 2015 . Repositori Institucional
Rodríguez-Fernández, D.; Rosell, M.; Domènech, C.; Torrentó, C.; Palau, J.; Soler, A. C and Cl-CSIA for elucidating chlorinated methanes biotic and abiotic degradation at a polluted bedrock aquifer. En Procedia Earth and Planetary Science. Volum 13. 2015 .
Jordi Palau; Orfan Shouakar-Stash; Daniel Hunkeler. Carbon and chlorine isotope analysis to identify abiotic degradation pathways of 1,1,1-trichloroethane. En Environmental Science & Technology. Volum 48. Número 24. 2014 . Repositori Institucional
Jordi Palau; Stefan Cretnik; Orfan Shouakar-Stash; Martina Höche; Martin Elsner; Daniel Hunkeler. C and Cl isotope fractionation of 1,2-dichloroethane displays unique δ13C/δ37Cl patterns for pathway identification and reveals surprising C−Cl bond involvement in microbial oxidation. En Environmental Science & Technology. Volum 48. Número 16. 2014 . Repositori Institucional
Palau, J.; Marchesi, M.: Chambon, J.: Aravena, R.; Canals, A.; Binning, P. J., Bjerg P. L.; Otero, N.; Soler, A. Multi-isotope (carbon and chlorine) analysis for fingerprinting and site characterization at a fractured bedrock aquifer contaminated by chlorinated ethenes. En Science of the Total Environment. Volum 475. 2014 . Repositori Institucional
Audí-Miró, C.; Cretnik, S.; Otero, N.; Palau, J.; Shouakar-Stash, O.; Soler, A.; Elsner, M. Cl and C isotope analysis to assess the effectiveness of chlorinated ethene degradation by zero-valent iron: Evidence from dual element and product isotope values. En Applied Geochemistry. Volum 32. 2013 .
Palau, J.; Soler, A.; Canals, À; Aravena R. Use of environmental isotopes (13C, 15N, and 18O) for evaluating sources and fate of nitrate and tetrachloroethene in an alluvial aquifer. En Environmental Forensics. Volum 11. Número 3. 2010 . Repositori Institucional
Palau, J.; Soler, A.; Teixidor, P.; Aravena R. Compound-specific carbon isotope analysis of volatile organic compounds in water using solid-phase microextraction. En Journal of Chromatography A. Volum 1163. Número 1-2. 2007 . Repositori Institucional
Palau, Jordi; Benaiges Fernandez, Robert; Offeddu, Francesco; Urmeneta, Jordi; Soler, Josep M.; Cama, Jordi; Doldd, Bernhard. Release of trace elements during bioreductive dissolution of magnetite from metal mine tailings: Potential impact on marine environments. En Science of the Total Environment. Volum 788. 2021 . Repositori Institucional
Trueba-Santiso, A.; Palau, J.; Soder-Walz, J.M.; Vicent, T.; Marco-Urrea, E. Assessment of aerobic biodegradation of lower-chlorinated benzenes in contaminated groundwater using field-derived microcosms and compound-specific carbon isotope fractionation. En Journal of Environmental Sciences. Volum 118. 2022 . Repositori Institucional
Audí-Miró, C.; Espinola, R.; Torrentó, C.; Otero, N.; Rosell, M.; Rossi, A.; Palau, J.; Soler, A. Control of the effectiveness of source removal and ZVI barrier treatment in a DNAPLs contaminated site using CSIA. En MACLA. Revista de la Sociedad Española de Mineralogía. Volum 16. 2012 . Repositori Institucional
Palau, J.; Trueba-Santiso, A.; Yu, R.; Mortan, S.H.; Shouakar-Stash, O.; Freedman, D.L.; Wasmund, K.; Hunkeler, D.; Marco-Urrea, E.; Rosell, M. Dual C-Br isotope fractionation indicates distinct reductive dehalogenation mechanisms of 1,2-dibromoethane in Dehalococcoides- and Dehalogenimonas-containing cultures. En Environmental Science & Technology. Volum 57. Número 5. 2023 . Repositori Institucional
Blázquez-Pallí, N.; Shouakar-Stash, O.; Palau, J.; Trueba-Santiso, A.; Varias, J.; Bosch, M.; Soler. A.; Vicent, T., Marco-Urrea, E.; Rosell, M. Use of c-cl csia to elucidate origin and fate of dcm in complex contaminated field sites. En E3S Web of Conferences. Volum 98. Número 12003. 2019 .
Cama, J.; Gutiérrez-León, J.; Palau, J.; Fernández-Rojo, L.; Soler, J. M. Column experiments to study the interaction between acid mine drainage and rock and Portland cement. En E3S Web of Conferences. Volum 98. Número 09003. 2019 .
P. Cabello; A. Sáez; M. Guinau; M. Garcés; L. Cabrera; M. López-Blanco; G. Lastras; O. Ferrer; O. Gratacós; X. Delclòs; C. Martín-Closas; J. Sanjuan; I. Cacho; J. Palau; M. Rosell; A. Soler; C. Torrentó; P. Piña; P. Granado. Learning through emotion: learning by communicating in Earth sciences. En EDULEARN Proceedings. 2023 .