Profesora agregada

Scopus Author ID: 26326213800
Researcher ID: J-3648-2015
Área de conocimiento: Enfermería

Grupo de Investigación: (ECODIMI)Ecogenètica i diversitat microbianes (2017SGR1488)

Grup d'Infermeria Orientat a Tècniques Educatives Innovadores GIOTEI

Información de contacto
Departamento de Enfermería de Salud Pública, Salud Mental y Materno-infantil
Laboratori de Microbiologia 5a Planta Pavelló de Govern C/ Feixa Llarga s/n. L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona) Despatx 313. Infermeria de Salut Pública, Salut mental i Maternoinfantil. 3a Planta Pavelló de Govern C/ Feixa Llarga s/n. Campus Bellvitge. L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)


Investigación integral de terapias efectivas para el tratamiento de la fibrosis quística y enfermedades conexas (Sense especificar) . 2011 - 2014 . Ref.IPT-2011-1402-900000 . Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) . IP: Miguel Viñas Ciordia . (4 Investigadores)
  • Terapias efectivas
  • Fibrosis quística
  • Tratamiento
  • Investigacion integral
FIBRODRESS: 'Desarrollo de un apósito bioactivo basado en fibrina y bioingredientes activos' IPT-2012-0602-300000 (Proyectos Cofinanciados con fondos FEDER) . 2013 - 2015 . Ministerio de Economía . IP: ROSA MA HERNANDEZ
GIOTEI-UB - Grup d'Infermeria Orientat a Tècniques Educatives Innovadores GIOTEI (Projectes d'Innovació Docent) . 2016 - 2025 . Ref.GINDOC-UB/040 . Universitat de Barcelona . IP: Montserrat Puig Llobet . (22 Investigadores)
Breaking the borders of antimicrobial resistance: Searching new antimicrobial compounds against multi-drug resistant bacteria: A study of policationic AMPs and lipid nanoparticles. (BARNAPA) (Ajuts econòmics a projectes de recerca sobre malalties infeccioses) . 2019 - 2022 . Ref.201/C/2018 . Fundació La Marató de TV3 . IP: Miguel Viñas Ciordia . (13 Investigadores)
  • Policationic AMPs
  • antimicrobial resistance
  • drug Resistant Bacteria
  • Lipid Nanoparticles
Quality of life analysis in patients with previous Clostrdioides difficile Infection (CDI): cross-sectional analysis of current impact () . 2019 . Ref.PREI-19-007-A . Escola d`Ìnfermeria de la universitat de Barcelona . IP: Fusté, E
RaDar - Rapid Detection and control system for Antimicrobial Resistance - Public Procurement of Innovation () . 2022 - 2025 . Ref.101036228 . COSME . IP: Limon, E . RaDAR project aims to address the European urgent need of a rapid detection and effective infection control system for antimicrobial resistance (AMR) through the implementation of a value-based cross-border collaborative procurement of innovative solutions. The common identification of the needs by a cross-border group of 4 procurement organisations (from ES, FR and IT) will promote an increased impact of the adopted innovation and will collaboratively give response to the current AMR problem affecting the European Union (EU). Partners: RaDAR is composed of a cross-border Buyers Group composed of 4 public organisations from 3 different European countries (France, Spain and Italy) who will collaboratively work to act as early adopters and promote innovation, through the identification, evaluation and procurement of innovative solutions that will address their common needs related to one of the most important challenges that are currently present in the political agenda in EU and worldwide. Complementarily, a diverse and carefully selected supporting entities will ensure that the Buyers Group execute a procurement of innovative solutions that will meet both Consortium and individual needs.
EU-JAMRAI (Join Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections EU4Health MFF2021-2027 () . 2021 - 2027 . JAMRAI . IP: E. Limón
ANTISUPERBUGS-PCP (UE Grant Number 688878) () . 2016 - 2021 . Comunitat Europea Projecte H2020 (Horizon 2020) . IP: E. Limón
Grup de recerca consolidat .GRC (ECODIMI) Ecogenètica i diversitat microbianes 2021 SGR 01109 () . 2023 . Ref.2021 SGR 01109 . Generalitat de Catalunya . IP: T Vinuesa

Publicaciones en revistas

Fenosa, A.; Fusté, E.; Ruiz, L.; Veiga-Crespo, P.; Vinuesa, T.; Guallar, V.; Villa, T.G.; Viñas, M. (2009). Role of TolC in the Klebsiella oxytoca resistance to antibiotics. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 297(3), pp. 187 - 195 . ISSN: 0305-7453
Veiga-Crespo, P.; Fusté, E.; Vinuesa, T.; Viñas, M.; Villa, T.G. (2011). The synergism between OM-proteins ands antimicrobials. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 55(5), pp. 2206 - 2211 . ISSN: 0066-4804
Ruiz-Martínez, L.; López-Jiménez, L.; Fusté, E.; Vinuesa, T.; Martínez, J.P.; Viñas, M. (2011). Class 1 integrons in environmental and clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 38(5), pp. 398 - 402 . ISSN: 0924-8579
Ruiz-Martínez, L.; López-Jiménez, L.; D¿Ostuni, V.; Fusté, E.; Vinuesa, T.; Viñas, M. (2011). A mechanism of carbapenem resistance due to a new insertion element (ISPa133) in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. International Microbiology, 14(1), pp. 51 - 58 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 1139-6709
Fuste, E.; Galisteo, G.J.; Jover, L.; Vinuesa, T.; Villa, T.G.; Vinas, M. (2012). Comparison of Antibiotic susceptibility of old and current serratia. Future Microbiology, 7(6), pp. 781 - 786 . . ISSN: 1746-0913
Fusté, E.; López-Jiménez, L.; Segura, C.; Gainza, E.; Vinuesa,; Viñas, M. (2013). Carbapenem-resistance mechanisms of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 62(9), pp. 1317 - 1325 . ISSN: 0022-2615
Segura, C.; Plasencia, V.; Ventura, E.; Miró, E.; Navarro, F.; Grau, S.; Fusté, E.; Viñas, M.; Montero, M.; Horcajada, J.P. (2013). In vitro activity of ceftazidime and meropenem in combination with tobramycin or ciprofloxacin multiresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates. Journal of Microbiology Research, 3(2), pp. 99 - 105 . ISSN: 2166-5885
López-Jiménez, L.; Fusté, E.; Martínez-Garriga, B.; Arnabat-Domínguez, J.; Vinuesa, T.; Viñas, M. (2015). Effects of photodynamic therapy on Enterococcus faecalis biofilms. Lasers in Medical Science, 30(5), pp. 1519 - 1526 . ISSN: 0268-8921
Fusté E.; Viñas M. (2013). The 24th Congress of the spanish society for microbiology (SEM). International Microbiology, 16, pp. 205 - 209 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 1139-6709
Sans-Serramitjana E; Fusté E; Martínez-Garriga B; Merlos A; Pastor M; Pedraz JL; Esquisabel A; Bachiller D; Vinuesa T; Viñas M (2016). Killing effect of nanoencapsulated colistin sulfate on Pseudomonas aeruginosa from cystic fibrosis patients. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 15(5), pp. 611 - 618 . . ISSN: 1569-1993
Rudilla, H.; Fusté, E.; Cajal, Y.; Rabanal, F.; Vinuesa, T. ; Viñas, M. (2016). Synergistic Antipseudomonal effects of synthetic peptide AMP38 and carbapenems. Molecules, 21(9), p. 1223 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 1420-3049
Sierra, JM; Fusté, E; Rabanal, F: Vinuesa, T; Viñas, M. (2017). An overview of antimicrobial peptides and the latest advances in their development. Expert Opinion On Biological Therapy, 17(6), pp. 663 - 676 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 1471-2598
Sans-Serramitjana, E.; Jorba, M.; Fusté, E.; Pedraz, J.L.; Vinuesa, T.; Viñas, M (2017). Free and Nanoencapsulated tobramycin: effects on planktonic and biofilm forms of pseudomonas. Microorganisms, 5(3), p. 35 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 2076-2607
Jimenez-Galisteo, Guadalupe; Fuste, Ester; Munoz, Elisa; Vinuesa, Teresa; Villa, Tom G.; Benz, Roland; Dominguez, Angel; Vinas, Miguel (2017). Identification and characterization of a cell wall porin from Gordonia jacobaea. Journal of General and Applied Microbiology, 63(5), pp. 266 - 273 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 0022-1260
Padros C, ;Cantadori E, ;Fuste E, ;Vinuesa T, ;Viñas M, (2018). Diabetic foot infection in Spain. Acta Medica Mediterranea, Archive 2018(3), pp. 651 - 656 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 0393-6384
Rudilla, H.;Merlos, A; Sans-Serramitjana, E.;Fusté, E.; Sierra, JM.;, Zalacaín, A.; Vinuesa, T.; Viñas, M. (2018). New and old tools to evaluate new antimicrobial peptides. AIMS MICROBIOLOGY, 4(3), pp. 522 - 540 . . ISSN: 2471-1888
Armengol, E.; Domenech, O.; Fusté, E.; Pérez-Guillén, I.; Borrell, J.H.; Sierra, J.M.; Viñas, M. (2019). Efficacy of combinations of colistin with other antimicrobials involves membrane fluidity and efflux machinery. Infection and Drug Resistance, 12, pp. 2031 - 2038 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 1178-6973
Gaviria, L.P.; Montsant, L.; Azuaje, C.; González-Díaz, A.; Horcajada, J.P.; Limón, E.; Viñas, M.; Espinal, P.; Fusté, E. (2022). A Descriptive Analysis of Urinary ESBL-Producing-Escherichia coli in Cerdanya Hospital. Microorganisms, 10, p. 488 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 2076-2607
Espinal, P.; Fusté, E.; Sierra, J.M.; Jiménez-Galisteo, G.; Vinuesa, T.; Viñas, M. (2023). Progress towards the clinical use of antimicrobial peptides: challenges and opportunities. Expert Opinion On Biological Therapy . . ISSN: 1471-2598
Lladó Maura Y.; Berga Figuerola M. L.; Rodríguez Moreno M.J.; Lluch Garviv; Soler Felsner E.; Rodríguez A.; Almendral González A.; Limón E.; Fusté E. (2023). Care bundle for the prevention of peripheral venous catheter blood stream infections at a secondary care university hospital: implementation and results. Infection, Disease & Health . . ISSN: 2468-0451
Fernández-De La Cruz, E.; Wessely-Szponder, J.; Viñas, M.; Vinuesa, T.; Merlos, A.; Jorba, M.; Espinal, P.; Fusté, E. (2023). Native Pig Neutrophil Products: Insights into Their Antimicrobial Activity. Microorganisms, 11(8) . . ISSN: 2076-2607
Fusté E; Vinuesa T; Sierra JM; Puig M; Limon E (2023). Cambios en las estrategias docentes en Microbiología antes y durante la pandemia en el grado de Enfermería. Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica (FEM), 26 (S1) . ISSN: 2014-9840
Uso de nuevas tecnologías docentes en el aprendizaje de Microbiología en ciencias de la salud. ¿Qué hemos aprendido en los últimos cinco años? (2023). Vinuesa T; Sierra JM; Jimenez G; Espinal P. Revista de la Fundación Educación Médica (FEM), 26 (S1) . ISSN: 2014-9840

Otras Publicaciones

Viñas, M.; Rabanal, F.M.; Benz, R.; Vinuesa, T.; Fusté, E. (2014). Perspectives in the Research on Antimicrobial Peptides . En Antimicrobial Compounds Current Strategies and New Alternatives . (pp. 269 - 289) . Springer . ISBN: 978-3-642-40443-6 .
Viñas M.; Espinal P.; Fusté E. (2023). Current Microbiological hot topics: a critical appraisal. TG Villa, A. González-Abril and A. Sánchez Pérez . En Current Microbiological hot topics: a critical appraisal. . Cambridge Scholars Press .
Miguel Viñas; Paula Espinal; Ester Fusté (2023). Chapter 2: The emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria: chance and necessity . En A Critical Appraisal of Current Microbiological Hot Topics . (pp. 59 - 82) . Cambridge Scholars Publishing . ISBN: (10): 1-52 .

Otros Méritos o aclaraciones

Menció Europea en el títol de Doctor

Tesi Epigenetics of antimicrobial resistance in Gram-negative bacteria

Data 8/11/2012

Claustre Universitat de Barcelona - elegida 12 maig 2022 (PDI al Claustre UB)

Otras Actividades

Directora màster en nutrició en l'activitat física i a l'esport- Universitat de Barcelona () . 2015