Julià Lopez Vidrier

Julià Lopez Vidrier

Lecturer Professor

Scopus Author ID: 54892017100
Researcher ID: D-7717-2018
Knowledge area: Física Aplicada

Research group: IP Materials Multiferroics i Fotovoltaics per Energies Renovables (MAMFER)

Teaching Innovation Groups: e-Lindo

Contact Information
Department of Applied Physics
Departament de Física Aplicada (Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona), Martí i Franquès 1, Planta 5, Despatx 530
+34 93 4039176

Previous Tasks

Postdoctoral researcher. Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik (IMTEK) - Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg. 01/04/2016 - 15/03/2019
Postdoctoral researcher. Universitat de Barcelona. 01/08/2015 - 31/03/2016
PhD Student. Universitat de Barcelona. 01/11/2010 - 31/07/2015
Investigador Postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva. Universitat de Barcelona. 01/04/2019 - 14/09/2020
Professor Lector. Universitat de Barcelona. 15/09/2020

Teaching Activities

Neurociència per a docents universitaris: aprenentatge, cervell i metodologies docents (A1. Attendance to courses to improve university teaching) . 14/06/2021 - 17/06/2021
Pautes i eines per treballar millor (A1. Attendance to courses to improve university teaching) . 06/10/2021 - 15/10/2021
Membre de la Comissió del Programa de Doctorat en Enginyeria i Ciències Aplicades (Universitat de Barcelona) (C4. Participation in commissions on teaching, master, PhD, study councils) . 01/06/2021
Membre de la Comissió de Doctorat de la Facultat de Física (Universitat de Barcelona) (C4. Participation in commissions on teaching, master, PhD, study councils) . 01/06/2021
Membre del Consell d'Estudis del Grau d'Enginyeria Química (Universitat de Barcelona) (C4. Participation in commissions on teaching, master, PhD, study councils)
Membre del Grup d'Innovació Docent e-LINDO (Facultat de Física de la Universitat de Barcelona), coordinat per la Prof. Francesca Peiró Martínez (B3. Belonging to recognised or consolidated teaching innovation groups (GDI's))
Coordinació del Laboratori Bàsic per a Enginyeria - Secció d'Electromagnetisme i Òptica. Assignatura dels Graus d'Enginyeria Química i Enginyeria de Materials (Universitat de Barcelona) (C1. Coordination of courses (more than one group and more than one professor)) . 01/07/2021
Coordinació del Treball de Final de Màster del Màster en Energies Renovables i Sostenibilitat Energètica (Universitat de Barcelona) (C1. Coordination of courses (more than one group and more than one professor)) . 01/07/2021
Coordinació de Treballs de Fi de Màster (Graduate Courses - Directed) . 20/09/2021 - 09/09/2022
Comissió d'Igualtat de la Facultat de Física (C8. Participation in specific commissions for teaching and/or academic quality evaluation )

Stays abroad in Research Centers

Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE). Freiburg. GERMANY. 2013 (3 Months) . Full photovoltaic characterization of solar cells based on Si nanocrystals, as part of the activities embedded within the PhD Thesis Project (supervised by Dr. Stefan Janz) . Ph.D. Student
Institut de Ciències de la Terra Jaume Almera - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (ICTJA-CSIC). Barcelona. SPAIN. 2016 (3 Months) . Structural and optical characterization of crystalline materials under high hydrostatic pressure (supervied by Dr. Jordi Ibáñez) . Postdoctoral
School for Photovoltaics and Renewable Energies Engineering - University of New South Wales (SPREE-UNSW). Sydney. AUSTRALIA. 2016 (1 Months) . Deep-level transient spectroscopy measurements (supervised by Dr. Dirk König) . Postdoctoral
Group of Nanotechnology, Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik (IMTEK) - Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Freiburg. GERMANY. 2016 (3 Years) . Electronic and optical properties of silicon nanocrystals. Effect of phosphorous and boron doping on their properties. Improvement of electro-optical properties of silicon nanocrystals via new device designs and electrical excitation approaches. Teaching related to fabrication and characterization techniques in the nanoscale, both theory and lab sessions. (Supervised by Prof. Dr. Margit Zacharias) . Postdoctoral - Postdoctoral contract from 01/04/2016 to 15/03/2019

Academic training

Degree in Physics . Universitat de Barcelona . 29/07/2009 . (Diploma / Degree / Activities)
Master in Photonics . Universitat de Barcelona . 14/09/2010 . (Diploma / Degree / Activities)
Doctor in Physics . Universitat de Barcelona . 21/07/2015 . (Ph.D.)


Silicon Nanodots for Solar Cell Tandem (NASCENT) (COOPERATION. NMP. 7è Programa Marc. Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies (Nanociències, Nanotecnologies, Nanomaterials i Noves Tecnologies de Producció).) . 2010 - 2013 . Ref.NMP4-SL-2010-245977 . Unió Europea . PI: Blas Garrido Fernandez . (7 Researchers)
Micro-nanotecnologies i nanoscòpies per dispositius electrònics i fotònics (MIND) (Projectes de recerca per potenciar els grups de recerca consolidats ) . 2009 - 2013 . Ref.2009SGR35 . Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) . PI: Albert Cornet Calveras . (22 Researchers)
  • Microscopía electrónica
  • Polímers
  • Microsistemes
  • Fotónica
  • Nanotecnología
Iluminación de estado sólido innovadora e inteligente e interconexiones ópticas a 1.5 micras con fotónica de silicio basada en tecnología CMOS (Tecnologías Electrónicas (MIC) y de Comunicaciones (TEC)) . 2013 - 2015 . Ref.TEC2012-38540-C02-01 . Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad . PI: Blas Garrido Fernandez . (7 Researchers)
  • Iluminación
  • Estado sólido
  • Pantalla plana
  • Tierras raras
  • Nanocristales de silicio
Micronanotecnologies i nanoscòpies per dispositius electrònics i fotònics (MIND) (Ajuts de Suport als Grups de Recerca de Catalunya (SGR)) . 2014 - 2017 . Ref.2014SGR672 . Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) . PI: Albert Cornet Calveras . (27 Researchers)
  • Microscopía electrónica
  • Polímers
  • grafè
  • Microsistemes
  • electrónica flexible
  • Fotónica
  • Nanotecnología
Desarrollo de óxidos de metales de transición con tecnología de silicio para conmutadores electrónicos (memristores) y células solares (Tecnologías Electrónicas (MIC) y de Comunicaciones (TEC)) . 2016 - 2019 . Ref.TEC2016-76849-C2-1-R . Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad . PI: Blas Garrido Fernandez; Sergi Hernández Márquez . (2 Researchers)
  • fotodetector
  • célula solar
  • VO2
  • Memristor
  • ZnO
Nanostrukturen basierend auf Si-Nanokristallen, Bildungsmechanismen, chemischer Umgebung und grundlegende physikalisch-elektronische Eigenschaften () . 2015 - 2018 . Ref.ZA191/33-1 . Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) . PI: Margit Zacharias
Contracte del Programa Juan de la Cierva-Incorporació 2017 (Sense especificar) . 2019 - 2021 . Ref.IJCI-2017-33451 . Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad . PI: Sergi Hernández Márquez; Julià Lopez Vidrier . (2 Researchers)
DRop-on demand flexible Optoelectronics & Photovoltaics by means of Lead-Free halide perovskITes (DROP-IT) (HORIZON 2020. PILLAR 1-EXCELLENT SCIENCE. FET. Future and Emerging Technologies.) . 2019 - 2022 . Ref.NGG-274 . EUUN . PI: Blas Garrido Fernández
Contactos selectivos y capas activas para dispositivos de energía (Programa Nacional de Energía) . 2020 - 2023 . Ref.PID2019-109215RB-C43 . Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades . PI: Joan Bertomeu Balagueró . (3 Researchers)
  • célula solar
  • Silicio
  • Fotovoltaica
  • Láser
E-LINDO. e-Lindo (Projectes d'Innovació Docent) . 2008 - 2025 . Ref.GINDOC-UB/018 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Lluis Yedra Cardona . (7 Researchers)

Journal Publications

Löper,P.; Canino,M.; López-Vidrier,J.; Schnabel,M.; Schindler,F.; Heinz,F.; Witzky,A.; Bellettato,M.; Allegrezza,M.; Hiller,D.; Hartel,A.; Gutsch,S.; Hernández,S.; Guerra,R.; Ossicini,S.; Garrido,B.; Janz,S.; Zacharias,M. (2013). Silicon nanocrystals from high-temperature annealing: characterization on device level. physica status solidi (a), 210(4), pp. 669 - 675 . https://doi.org/10.1002/pssa.201200824 . ISSN: 1862-6300
López-Vidrier, J.; Berencén, Y.; Hernández, S.; Blázquez, O.; Gutsch, S.; Laube, J.; Hiller, D.; Löper, P.; Schnabel, M.; Janz, S.; Zacharias, M.; Garrido, B. (2013). Charge transport and electroluminescence of silicon nanocrystals/SiO2 superlattices. Journal of Applied Physics, 114, pp. 163701 - 163707 . https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4826898 . ISSN: 0021-8979
Zelenina, A.; Dyakov, S.A.; Hiller, D.; Gutsch, S.; Trouillet, V.; Bruns, M.; Mirabella, S.; Löper, P.; López-Conesa, L.; López-Vidrier, J.; Estradé, S.; Peiró, F.; Garrido, B.; Bläsing, J.; Krost, A.; Zhigunov, D.M.; Zacharias, M. (2013). Structural and optical properties of size controlled Si nanocrystals in Si3N4 matrix: The nature of photoluminescence peak shift. Journal of Applied Physics, 114, pp. 184311 - 184319 . https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4830026 . ISSN: 0021-8979
Blázquez, O.; López-Vidrier, J.; Hernández, S.; Montserrat, J.; Garrido, B. (2013). Investigando las propiedades electro‐ópticas de capas delgadas de nitruro de silicio no estequiométrico para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas. Óptica Pura y Aplicada, 46(4), pp. 309 - 314 . https://doi.org/10.7149/OPA.46.4.309 . ISSN: 2171-8814
Aneesh, P.M.; Jayaraj, M.K.; Reshmi, R.; Ajimsha R.S.; Kukreja, L.M.; Antony, A.; Rojas, F.; Bertomeu, J.; López-Vidrier, J.; Hernández, S. (2015). Observation of room temperature photoluminescence from asymmetric CuGaO2/ZnO/ZnMgO multiple quantum well structures. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15(5), pp. 3944 - 3950 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1533-4880
Lluscà, M.; López-Vidrier, J.; Antony, A.; Hernández, S.; Garrido, B.; Bertomeu, J. (2014). Up-conversion effect of Er- and Yb-doped ZnO thin films. Thin Solid Films, 562, pp. 456 - 461 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0040-6090
Hiller, D.; Zelenina, A.; Gutsch, S.; Dyakov, S.A.; López-Conesa, L.; López-Vidrier, J.; Estradé, S.; Peiró, S.; Garrido, B.; Valenta, J.; Korinek, M.; Trojanek, F.; Maly, P.; Schnabel, M.; Weiss, C.; Janz, S.; Zacharias, M. (2014). Absence of quantum confinement effects in the photoluminescence of Si3N4-embedded Si nanocrystals. Journal of Applied Physics, 115, p. 204301 . https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4878699 . ISSN: 0021-8979
Hernández, S.; López-Vidrier, J.; López-Conesa, L.; Hiller, D.; Gutsch, S.; Ibáñez, J.; Estradé, S.; Peiró, S.; Zacharias, M.; Garrido, B. (2014). Determining the crystalline degree of silicon nanoclusters/SiO2 multilayers by Raman scattering. Journal of Applied Physics, 115, p. 203504 . https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4878175 . ISSN: 0021-8979
Summonte, C; Allegrezza, M.; Bellettato, M.; Liscio, F.; Canino M.; Desalvo, A.; López-Vidrier, J.; Hernández, S.; López-Conesa, L.; Estradé, S.; Peiró, F.; Garrido, B.; Löper, P.; Schnabel, M.; Janz, S.; Guerra, R.; Ossicini, S. (2014). Silicon nanocrystals in carbide matrix. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 128, pp. 138 - 149 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solmat.2014.05.003 . ISSN: 0927-0248
López-Vidrier, J.; Hernández, S.; Hiller, D.; Gutsch, S.; López-Conesa, L.; Estradé, S.; Peiró, F.; Zacharias, M.; Garrido, B. (2014). Annealing temperature and barrier thickness effect on the structural and optical properties of silicon nanocrystals/SiO2 superlattices. Journal of Applied Physics, 116, pp. 133505-1 - 133505-7 . https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4896878 . ISSN: 0021-8979
Eljarrat, A.; López-Conesa, L.; López-Vidrier, J.; Hernández, S.; Garrido, B.; Magen, C.; Peirò, F.; Estrade S. (2014). Retrieving the optoelectronic properties of silicon nanocrystals embedded in a dielectric matrix by low-loss EELS. Nanoscale, 6, pp. 14971 - 14983 . https://doi.org/10.1039/C4NR03691C . ISSN: 2040-3364
López-Vidrier, J.; Berencén, Y.; Hernández, S.; Mundet, B,; Gutsch, S.; Laube, J.; Hiller, D.; Löper, P.; Schnabel, M.; Janz, S.; Zacharias, M.; Garrido, B. (2015). Structural parameters effect on the electrical and electroluminescence properties of silicon nanocrystals/SiO2 superlattices. Nanotechnology, 26, p. 185704 . https://doi.org/10.1088/0957-4484/26/18/185704 . ISSN: 0957-4484
Schnabel, M.; Canino, M.; Künhold, S.; López-Vidrier, J.; Klugermann, J.; Weiss, C.; López-Conesa, L.; Zschintzsch-Dias, M.; Summonte, C.; Löper, P.; Janz, S.; Wilshaw, P. (2015). Charge Transport in nanocrystalline SiC with and without embedded Si nanocrystals. Physical Review B, 91(19), p. 195317 . https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.91.195317 . ISSN: 2469-9950
Lluscà, M.; López-Vidrier, J.; Lauzurica, S.; Sánchez-Aniorte, M.I.; Antony, A.; Molpeceres, C.; Hernández, S.; Garrido, B.; Bertomeu, J. (2015). Activation of visible up-conversion luminescence in transparent and conducting ZnO:Er:Yb films by laser annealing. Journal of Luminescence, 167, pp. 101 - 105 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0022-2313
Ibáñez, J.; Hernández, S.; López-Vidrier, J.; Hiller, D.; Gutsch, S.; Zacharias, M.; Segura, A.; Valenta, J.; Garrido, B. (2015). Optical emission from SiO2-embedded silicon nanocrystals: a high pressure Raman and photoluminescence study. Physical Review B, 92(3), p. 035432 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2469-9950
López-Vidrier, J.; Löper, P.; Schnabel, M.; Hernández, S.; Canino, M.; Summonte, C.; Janz, S.; Garrido, B. (2015). Silicon nanocrystals embedded in silicon carbide as a wide-bandgap photovoltaic material. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 144, pp. 551 - 558 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solmat.2015.10.006 . ISSN: 0927-0248
Vescio, G.; López-Vidrier, J.; Leghrib, R.; Cornet, A.; Cirera, A. (2016). Flexible inkjet printed high-k HfO2-based MIM capacitors. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4, pp. 1804 - 1812 . ISSN: 2050-7526
Ibáñez, J; Sans, J.A.; Popescu, C.; López-Vidrier, J.; Elvira-Betanzos, J.J.; Cuenca-Gotor, V.P.; Gomis, O.; Manjón, F. J.; Rodríguez-Hernández, P.; Muñoz, A. (2016). Structural, vibrational, and electronic study of Sb2S3 at high pressure. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, pp. 10547 - 10558 . https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b01276 . ISSN: 1932-7447
Blázquez, O.; López-Vidrier, J.; López-Conesa, L.; Busquets-Masó, M.; Estradé, S.; Peiró, F.; Hernández, S.; Garrido, B. (2016). Structural and optical properties of Al-Tb/SiO2 multilayers fabricated by electron beam evaporation. Journal of Applied Physics, 120, pp. 135302 - 135302 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0021-8979
Lluscà, M.; López-Vidrier, J.; Lauzurica, S.; Canteli, D.; Sánchez-Aniorte, M.I.; Molpeceres, C.; Antony, A.; Hernández, S.; Alcobé, X.; Garrido, B.; Bertomeu, J. (2017). Investigation on the structural changes of ZnO:Er:Yb thin film during laser annealing to fabricate a transparent conducting upconverter. Journal of Luminescence, 185, pp. 112 - 119 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0022-2313
Hiller, D.; López-Vidrier, J.; Gutsch, S.; Zacharias, M.; Nomoto, K.; König, D. (2017). Defect-induced luminescence quenching vs. charge carrier generation of phosphorus incorporated in silicon nanocrystals as function of size. Scientific Reports, 7, pp. 863-1 - 863-12 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2045-2322
López-Vidrier, J.; Gutsch, S.; Blázquez, O.; Hiller, D.; Laube, J.; Kaur, R.; Hernández, S.; Garrido, B.; Zacharias, M. (2017). Modulation of the electroluminescence emission from ZnO/Si NCs/p-Si light-emitting devices via pulsed excitation. Applied Physics Letters, 110(20), pp. 203104-1 - 203104-5 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0003-6951
Hiller, D.; López-Vidrier, J.; Gutsch, S.; Zacharias, M.; Wahl, M.; Bock, W.; Brodyanski, A.; Kopnarski, M.; Nomoto, K.; Valenta, J.; König, D. (2017). Boron-incorporating silicon nanocrystals embedded in SiO2: absende of free carriers vs. B-induced defects. Scientific Reports, 7, p. 8337 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2045-2322
Frieiro, J. L.; Blázquez, O.; López-Vidrier, J.; López-Conesa, L.; Estradé, S.; Peiró, F.; Ibáñez, J.; Hernández, S.; Garrido, B. (2017). Green electroluminescence of Al/Tb/Al/SiO2 devices fabricated by electron beam evaporation. physica status solidi (a), 215(1700451) . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1862-6300
Hiller, D.; Gutsch, S.; López-Vidrier, J.; Zacharias, M.; Estradé, S.; Peiró, F.; Cruz-Matías, I.; Ayala, D. (2017). Determination of shape and sphericity of silicon quantum dots imaged by EFTEM-tomography. physica status solidi (c), 14(12), p. 1700216 . https://doi.org/10.1002/pssc.201700216 . ISSN: 1862-6351
López-Vidrier, J.; Gutsch, S.; Blázquez, O.; Valenta, J.; Hiller, D.; Laube, J.; Blanco-Portals, J.; López-Conesa, L.; Estradé, S.; Peiró, F.; Garrido, B.; Hernández, S.; Zacharias, M. (2018). Effect of Si3N4-mediated inversion layer on the electroluminescence properties of silicon nanocrystal superlattices. Advanced Electronic Materials, 4 (5), p. 1700666 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2199-160X
Blázquez, O.; López-Vidrier, J.; Hernández, S.; Montserrat, J.; Garrido, B. (2013). Electro-optical properties of non-stoichiometric silicon nitride films for photovoltaic applications. Energy Procedia, 44, pp. 145 - 150 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2013.12.021 . ISSN: 1876-6102
Blazquez, O ; Ramirez, JM ; Lopez-Vidrier, J ; Berencen, Y ; Hernandez, S ; Sanchis, P ; Garrido, B (2015). Luminescence yield in Al and Tb3+ delta-doped oxide thin films fabricated by electron beam evaporation. Proceedings of SPIE, 9520, p. 95200K . https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2178855 . ISSN: 0277-786X
Blázquez, O.; Martín, G.; Camps, I.; Mariscal, A.; López-Vidrier, J.; Ramírez, J.M.; Hernández, S.; Estradé, S.; Peiró, F.; Serna, R.; Garrido, B. (2018). Memristive behaviour of Si-Al oxynitride thin films: the role of oxygen and nitrogen vacancies in the electroforming process. Nanotechnology, 29(23), p. 235702 . https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/aab744 . ISSN: 0957-4484
Hiller, D.; López-Vidrier, J.; Nomoto, K.; Wahl, M.; Bock, W.; Chlouba, T.; Trojánek, F.; Gutsch, S.; Zacharias, M.; König, D.; Malý, P.; Kopnarski, M. (2018). Absence of free carriers in silicon nanocrystals grown from phosphorus- and boron-doped silicon-rich oxide and oxynitride. Beilstein Journal Of Nanotechnology, 9, pp. 1501 - 1511 . https://doi.org/10.3762/bjnano.9.141 . ISSN: 2190-4286
Blázquez, O.; Frieiro, J.L.; López-Vidrier, J.; Guillaume, C.; Portier, X.; Labbé, C.; Sanchis, P.; Hernández, S.; Garrido, B. (2018). Resistive switching and charge transport mechanisms in ITO/ZnO/p-Si devices. Applied Physics Letters, 113(183502) . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0003-6951
Blázquez, O.; López,-Conesa, L.; López-Vidrier, J.; Frieiro, J. L.; Estradé, S.; Peiró, F.; Ibáñez, J.; Hernández, S.; Garrido, B. (2019). Size‐Controlled Si Nanocrystals Fabricated by Electron Beam Evaporation. physica status solidi (a), 216, p. 1800619 . https://doi.org/10.1002/pssa.201800619 . ISSN: 1862-6300
Vescio, G.; Martín, G.; Crespo-Yepes, A.; Claramunt, S.; Alonso, D.; López-Vidrier, J.; Estradé, S.; Porti, M.; Rodríguez, R.; Peiró, F.; Cornet, A.; Cirera, A.; Nafría, M. (2019). Low-power, high-performance, non-volative inkjet-printed HfO2-based resistive random access memory: from device to nanoscale characterization. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, pp. 23659 - 23666 . ISSN: 1944-8244
Chlouba, T.; Trojánek, F.; Kopecký, V.; López-Vidrier, J.; Hernández, S.; Hiller, D.; Gutsch, S.; Zacharias, M.; Malý, P. (2019). Pathways of carrier recombination in Si/SiO2 nanocrystal superlattices. Journal of Applied Physics, 126, p. 163101 . ISSN: 0021-8979
Lauzurica, S.; Llusca, M.; Canteli, D.; Sanchez-Aniorte, M. I.; Lopez-Vidrier, J.; Hernandez, S.; Bertomeu, J.; Molpeceres, C. (2014). New strategies in laser processing of TCOs for light management improvement in thin-film silicon solar cells. Proceedings of SPIE, 9180 . https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2061712 . ISSN: 0277-786X
Yazicioglu, D.; Cai, Y.; Gutsch, S.; López-Vidrier, J.; Yang, Y.; Zacharias, M. (2019). Enhanced defect luminescence due to fast Auger process in cuprous iodide structures produced by solvent/anti-solvent crystallization. Journal of Luminescence, 220(116961), pp. 1 - 5 . ISSN: 0022-2313
Blázquez, O.; Frieiro, J.L.; López-Vidrier, J.; Guillaume, C.; Portier, X.; Labbé, C.; Hernández, S.; Garrido, B. (2019). Light-activated electroforming in ITO/ZnO/p-Si resistive switching devices. Applied Physics Letters, 115(26), p. 261104 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0003-6951
Frieiro, J.L.; López-Vidrier, J.; Blázquez, O.; Yazıcıoğlu, D.; Gutsch, S.; Valenta, J.; Hernández, S.; Zacharias, M.; Garrido, B. (2019). Silicon nanocrystals-based electroluminescent resistive switching device. Journal of Applied Physics, 126, p. 144501 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0021-8979
López-Vidrier, J.; Frieiro, J.L.; Blázquez, O.; Yazıcıoğlu, D.; Gutsch, S.; González-Flores, K.E.; Zacharias, M.; Hernández, S.; Garrido, B. (2020). Photoelectrical reading in ZnO/Si NCs/p-Si resistive switching devices. Applied Physics Letters, 116, p. 193503 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0003-6951
Frieiro, J.L.; Guillaume, C.; López-Vidrier, J.; Blázquez, O.; González-Torres, S.; Labbé, C.; Hernández, S.; Portier X.; Garrido, B. (2020). Toward RGB LEDs based on rare earth-doped ZnO. Nanotechnology, 31(46), p. 465207 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0957-4484
Kaur, R.; Suresh, M.; López-Vidrier, J.; Gutsch, S.; Weiss, C.; Prescher, M.; Kirste, L.; Singh, R.; Pal, B.; Zacharias, M. (2020). In situ approach to fabricate heterojunction p-n CuO-ZnO nanostructures for efficient photocatalytic reactions. New Journal of Chemistry, 44, pp. 19742 - 19752 . https://doi.org/10.1039/d0nj03770b . ISSN: 1144-0546
Ibáñez, J.; Wózniak, T.; Oliva, R.; Popescu, C.; Hernández, S.; López-Vidrier, J. (2021). Structural and high-pressure properties of rheniite (ReS2) and (Re,Mo)S2. Minerals, 11(2) . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2075-163X
Guillaume, C.; Frieiro, J.L.; Blázquez, O.; Labbé, C.; López-Vidrier, J.; Garrido, B.; Hernández, S.; Liu, B.; Khomenkova, L.; Frilay, C.; Lemarié, F.; Leroux, C.; Portier, X. (2021). Influence of post annealing treatments on the luminescence of rare earth ions in ZnO:Tb,Eu/Si heterojunction. Applied Surface Science, 556, p. 149754 . ISSN: 0169-4332
González-Flores, K.E.; Frieiro, J.L.; Horley, P.; Pérez-García, S.A.; Palacios-Huerta, L.; Moreno, M.; López-Vidrier, J.; Hernández, S.; Garrido, B.; Morales-Sánchez, A. (2021). Ultraviolet, visible and near infrared photoresponse of SiO2/Si/SiO2 multilayer system into a MOS capacitor. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 134, p. 106009 . ISSN: 1369-8001
Frieiro, J. L.; López-Vidrier, J.; Blázquez, O.; Ibáñez, J.; Yazıcıoğlu, D.; Gutsch, S.; Zacharias, M.; Garrido, B.; Hernandez, S. (2021). Electroforming of Si NCs/p-Si photovoltaic devices: Enhancement of the conversion efficiency through resistive switching. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 230, p. 111252 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0927-0248
Thomas Tom; Eloi Ros; David Rovira; Julian López-Vidrier; José Miguel Asensi; Pablo Ortega; Joaquim Puigdollers; Cristobal Voz; Joan Bertomeu (2023). Deoxyribonucleic acid-based electron selective contact for crystalline silicon solar cells. Advanced Materials Technologies, 8(3), p. 2200936 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2365-709X
Ros, Eloi; Tom, Thomas; Rovira , David; Lopez, Julià; Masmitjà, Gerard; Pusay, Benjamin; Almache, Estefania; Martin, Isidro; Jimenez, Maykel; Saucedo, Edgardo; Tormos, Eva; Asensi, Jose Miguel; Ortega, Pablo; Bertomeu, Joan; Puigdollers, Joaquim; Voz, Cristobal (2022). Expanding the perspective of polymeric selective contacts in photovoltaic devices using branched polyethilimine. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 5(9), pp. 10702 - 10709 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2574-0962
Rovira, David; Ros, Eloi; Tom, Thomas; Jiménez, Maykel; Asensi López, José Miguel; Voz Sánchez, Cristóbal; López Vidrier, Julian; Puigdollers i González, Joaquim; Bertomeu, Joan; Saucedo Silva, Edgard (2023). Polymeric interlayer in CdS-free Electron-Selective Contact for Sb2Se3 thin-film solar cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(4), pp. 3088-1 - 3088-17 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1661-6596
González, S.; Vescio, G.; Frieiro, J.L.; Hauser, A.;Linardi, F.;López‐Vidrier, J.;Oszajca, M.; Hernández, S.; Cirera, A.; Garrido, B.; (2022). Inkjet‐Printed p‐NiO/n‐ZnO Heterojunction Diodes for Photodetection Applications. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 10(15), pp. 1 - 8 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2196-7350
Zhu, K.; Vescio, G.; González-Torres, S.; López-Vidrier, J.; Frieiro, J.L.; Pazos, S.; Jing, X.; Gao, X.; Wang, S.-D.; Ascorbe-Muruzábal, J.; Ruiz-Fuentes, J.A.; Cirera, A.; Garrido, B.; Lanza, M. (2023). Inkjet-printed h-BN memristors for hardware security. Nanoscale . https://doi.org/10.1039/d3nr00030c . ISSN: 2040-3364
Ros, E.; Tom, T.; Ortega, P.; Martin, I.; Maggi, E.; Asensi, J.M.; López-Vidrier, J.; Saucedo, E.; Bertomeu, J.; Puigdollers, J.; Voz, C. (2023). Elimination of interface energy barriers using dendrimer polyelectrolytes with fractal geometry. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(23), pp. 28705 - 28715 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1944-8244
Thomas Tom; Eloi Ros; Julian López-Vidrier; José Miguel Asensi; Pablo Ortega; Joaquim Puigdollers; Joan Bertomeu; Cristobal Voz (2023). Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer as an Interfacial Dipole Modification in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14, pp. 4322 - 4326 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1948-7185

Thesis, minor thesis and research reports

Julià López Vidrier . (2015) . Silicon nanocrystal superlattices for light-emitting and photovoltaic devices (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Gary Camero Fuertes . (2021) . Cálculo y dimensionamiento de instalaciones solares fotovoltaicas en oficinas (Master's Thesis) . . http://hdl.handle.net/2445/180179
Dídac Mateu Montagut . (2021) . Fabrication and characterization of tantalum nitride thin lms (Degree work) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Iñigo Aztiria Zubillaga . (2021) . Producción energética de sistemas agrovoltaicos en Álava (Master's Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Juan Pablo Cáceres Cárdenas . (2021) . Diseño de un sistema fotovoltaico para autoabastecimiento en la ciudad de Ambato - Ecuador (Master's Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Pablo Sánchez Yáñez . (2021) . Nitruro de tántalo como material candidato para capas de transporte de electrones en celdas solares (Master's Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.