Albert Giralt Torroella

Albert Giralt Torroella

Researcher Ramon i Cajal program

Scopus Author ID: 23024562800
Researcher ID: MT-7672-2015

Research group: Fisiopatologia i Tractament de les Malalties Neurodegeneratives

Contact Information
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Dept. Biomedicina Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Barcelona. C/Casanova 143. Barcelona 08036 Edificio Cellex.3B Phone: 34-932275400 (ext4815)

Activity interests

Investigació sobre nous factors de risc genètics en la malaltia d'Alzheimer i estudi de noves estratègies de teràpia gènica en models de rosegadors. Estudi focalitzat en la regió cerebral anomenada hipocamp . Departament de biomedicina. Facultat de medicina. Unviersitat de Barcelona. . (01/03/2018 - 28/02/2023)
Investigació sobre la formació d'enagrames neuronals en models murins de depressió induits per l'estrés crònic. Estudi focalitzat en la regió cerebral anomenada hipocamp . Departament de biomedicina. Facultat de medicina. Unviersitat de Barcelona. . (01/03/2018 - 28/02/2023)
Investigació sobre nous factors de risk en esquizofrènia en models murins. Estudi focalitzat en la regió cerebral anomenada hipocamp . Departament de biomedicina. Facultat de medicina. Unviersitat de Barcelona. . (01/03/2018 - 28/02/2023)

Patents, Software and Database

Albert Giralt; Veronica Brito; Silvia Ginés; Jean-Antoine Girault. Ref. 17305340.6.. Methods and pharmaceutical composition for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases (---, 2017 ) . ---

Journal Publications

Saavedra, A; Garcia-Martinez, J.M.; Xifro, X.; Giralt, A.; Torres-Peraza, J.F.; Canals, J.M.; Diaz-Hernandez, M.; Lucas, J.J.; Alberch, J.; Perez-Navarro, E. (2010). PH domain leucine-rich repeat protein phosphatase 1 contributes to maintain the activation of the PI3K/Akt pro-survival pathway in Huntington's disease striatum. Cell Death and Differentiation, 17, pp. 324 - 335 . ISSN: 1350-9047
TWOHIG J.P., M.I. ROBERTS, N. GAVALDA, E.L. REES-TAYLOR, A. GIRALT, D. ADAMS, S.P. BROOKS, M.J. BULL, C.J. CALDER, S. CUFF, A.A. YONG, J. ALBERCH, A. DAVIES, S.B. DUNNETT, A.M. TOLKOVSKY, E.C. WANG. (2010). Age-dependent maintenance of motor control and corticostriatal innervation by death receptor 3. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(10), pp. 3782 - 3792 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0270-6474
Giralt A, Saavedra A, Carretón O, Xifró X, Alberch J, Pérez-Navarro E. (2011). Increased PKA signaling disrupts recognition memory and spatial memory: role in Huntington's disease. Human Molecular Genetics, 20(21), pp. 4232 - 4247 . ISSN: 0964-6906
Giralt A; Carretón O; Lao-Peregrin C; Martín ED; Alberch J (2011). Conditional BDNF release under pathological conditions improves Huntington's disease pathology by delaying neuronal dysfunction. Molecular Neurodegeneration, 6(1), p. 71 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1750-1326
Sánchez-Danés, A.; Richaud-Patin, Y.; Carballo-Carbajal, I.; Jiménez-Delgado, S.; Caig, C.; Mora, S.; Di Guglielmo, C.; Ezquerra, M.; Patel, B.; Giralt, A.; Canals, J.M.; Memo, M.; Alberch, J.; López-Barneo, J.; Vila, M.; Cuervo, A.M.; Tolosa, E.; Consiglio, A.; Raya, A. (2012). Disease-specific phenotypes in dopamine neurons from human iPS-based models of genetic and sporadic Parkinson's disease. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 4(5), pp. 380 - 395 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1757-4676
Anglada-Huguet, M.; Giralt, A.; Perez-Navarro, E.; Alberch, J.; Xifró, X. (2012). Activation of Elk-1 participates as a neuroprotective compensatory mechanism in models of Huntington's disease. Journal of Neurochemistry, 121(4), pp. 539 - 548 . ISSN: 0022-3042
Carretón, O.; Giralt, A.; Torres-Peraza, J.F.; Brito, V.; Lucas, J.J.; Ginés, S.; Canals, J.M.; Alberch, J. (2012). Age-dependent decline of motor neocortex but not hippocampal performance in heterozygous BDNF mice correlates with a decrease of cortical PSD-95 but an increase of hippocampal TrkB levels. Experimental Neurology, 237(2), pp. 335 - 345 . ISSN: 0014-4886
Giralt, A.; Saavedra, S.; Alberch, J.; Pérez-Navarro, E. (2012). Cognitive dysfunction in Huntington's disease: Humans, mouse models and molecular mechanisms. Journal of Huntington's disease, 1, pp. 155 - 173 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1879-6397
Giralt, A.; Saavedra, A.; Carretón, O.; Arumí, H.; Tyebji, S.; Alberch, J.; Pérez-Navarro, E. (2013). PDE10 inhibition increases GluA1 and CREB phosphorylation and improves spatial and recognition memories in a huntington's disease mouse model. Hippocampus, 23(8), pp. 684 - 695 . . ISSN: 1050-9631
Brito, V.; Puigdellívol, M.; Giralt, A.; Del Toro, D.; Alberch, J.; Ginés, S. (2013). Imbalance of p75(NTR)/TrkB protein expression in Huntington's disease: implication for neuroprotective therapies. Cell Death and Disease, 4(4), p. e595 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2041-4889
Giralt, A.; Sanchis, D.; Cherubini, M.; Ginés, S.; Cañas, X.; Comella, J.X.; Alberch, J. (2013). Neurobehavioral characterization of Endonuclease G knockout mice reveals a new putative molecular player in the regulation of anxiety. Experimental Neurology, 247, pp. 122 - 129 . ISSN: 0014-4886
Saavedra, A.; Giralt, A.; Arumí, H.; Alberch, J.; Pérez-Navarro, E. (2013). Regulation of Hippocampal cGMP Levels as a Candidate to Treat Cognitive Deficits in Huntington's Disease. PLoS One, 8(9), p. e73664 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1932-6203
Anglada-Huguet, M.; Xifró, X; Giralt, A., Zamora-Moratalla, A.; Martín, E.D.; Alberch, J. (2014). Prostaglandin E2 EP1 receptor antagonist improves motor deficits and rescues memory decline in R6/1 mouse model of huntington's disease. Molecular Neurobiology, 49(2), pp. 784 - 795 . ISSN: 0893-7648
Moreno, B.; Lopez, I.; Fernández-Díez, B.; Gottlieb, M.; Matute, C.; Sánchez-Gómez, M.V.; Domercq, M.; Giralt, A.; Alberch, J.; Collon, K.W.; Zhang, H.; Parent, J.M.; Teixido, M.; Giralt, E.; Ceña, V.; Posadas, I.; Martínez-Pinilla, E.; Villoslada, P.; Franco, R. (2014). Differential neuroprotective effects of 5'-deoxy-5'-methylthioadenosine. PLoS One, 9(3), p. e90671 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1932-6203
Brito, V.; Giralt, A.; Enriquez-Barreto, L.; Puigdellívol, M.; Suelves, N.; Zamora-Moratalla, A.; Ballesteros, J.J.; Martín, E.D., Dominguez-Iturza, N.; Morales, M.; Alberch, J.; Ginés, S. (2014). Neurotrophin receptor p75NTR mediates Huntington's disease-associated synaptic and memory dysfunction. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 124(10), pp. 4411 - 4428 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0021-9738
Puigdellívol M; Cherubini M; Brito V; Giralt A; Suelves N; Ballesteros J; Zamora-Moratalla A; Martín ED; Eipper BA; Alberch J; Ginés S (2015). A role for Kalirin-7 in corticostriatal synaptic dysfunction in Huntington's disease. Human Molecular Genetics, 24(25), pp. 7265 - 7285 . ISSN: 0964-6906
Miguez, Andres; Garcia-Diaz Barriga, Gerardo; Brito, Veronica; Straccia, Marco; Giralt, Albert; Gines, Silvia; Canals, Josep M.; Alberch, Jordi (2015). Fingolimod (FTY720) enhances hippocampal synaptic plasticity and memory in Huntington's disease by preventing p75(NTR) up-regulation and astrocyte-mediated inflammation. Human Molecular Genetics, 24(17), pp. 4958 - 4970 . . ISSN: 0964-6906
Puigdellívol-Sánchez, A.; Giralt, A.; Casanovas, A.; Alberch, J.; Prats-Galino, A. (2015). Cryostat slice irregularities may introduce bias in tissue thickness estimation: relevance for cell counting methods. Microscopy and Microanalysis, 21(4) . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1431-9276
Anglada-Huguet, M.; Vidal, L.; Giralt, A.; García-Díaz, G.; Xifró, X.; Alberch, J. (2016). Prostaglandin E2 EP2 activation reduces memory decline in R6/1 mouse model of Huntington's disease by the induction of BDNF-dependent synaptic plasticity. Neurobiology of Disease, 95, pp. 22 - 34 . ISSN: 0969-9961
Anglada-Huguet, Marta; Giralt, Albert; Rue, Laura; Alberch, Jordi; Xifro, Xavier (2016). Loss of striatal 90-kDa ribosomal S6 kinase (Rsk) is a key factor for motor, synaptic and transcription dysfunction in Huntington's disease. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Basis of Disease, 1862(7), pp. 1255 - 1266 . . ISSN: 0925-4439
Martín-Ibáñez R.; Pardo M.; Giralt A.; Miguez A.; Guardia I.; Marion-Poll L.; Herranz C.; Esgleas M.; Barriga GG.; Edel MJ.; Vicario-Abejón C.; Alberch J.; Girault JA.; Chan S.; Kastner P.; Canals JM. (2017). Helios expression coordinates the development of a subset of striatopallidal medium spiny neurons. Development, 144(8), pp. 1566 - 1577 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0950-1991
García-Díaz Barriga, G.; Giralt, A.; Anglada-Huguet, M.; Gaja-Capdevila, N.; Orlandi, J.G.; Soriano, J.; Canals, J.M.; Alberch, J. (2017). 7,8 Dihydroxyflavone ameliorates cognitive and motor deficits in a Huntington's disease mouse model through specific activation of the PLCγ1 pathway. Human Molecular Genetics, 26(16), pp. 3144 - 3160 . . ISSN: 0964-6906
Giralt, Albert; Angeles Gomez-Climent, Maria; Alcala, Rafael; Bretin, Sylvie; Bertrand, Daniel; Maria Delgado-Garcia, Jose; Perez-Navarro, Esther; Alberch, Jordi; Gruart, Agnes (2017). The AMPA receptor positive allosteric modulator S 47445 rescues in vivo CA3-CA1 long-term potentiation and structural synaptic changes in old mice. Neuropharmacology, 123, pp. 395 - 409 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0028-3908
Cases, Silvia; Saavedra, Ana; Tyebji, Shiraz; Giralt, Albert; Alberch, Jordi; Perez-Navarro, Esther (2018). Age-related changes in STriatal-Enriched protein tyrosine Phosphatase levels: Regulation by BDNF. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 86, pp. 41 - 49 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1044-7431
Suelves, N.; Miguez, A.; López-Benito, S.; Barriga, G.G.; Giralt, A.; Alvarez-Periel, E.; Arévalo, J.C.; Alberch, J.; Ginés, S.; Brito, V. (2018). Early Downregulation of p75NTR by Genetic and Pharmacological Approaches Delays the Onset of Motor Deficits and Striatal Dysfunction in Huntington's Disease Mice. Molecular Neurobiology . . ISSN: 0893-7648
Engmann, O.; Giralt, A.; Gervasi, N.; Marion-Poll, L.; Gasmi, L.; Filhol, O.; Picciotto, MR.; Gilligan, D.; Greengard, P.; Nairn, AC.; Hervé, D.; Girault, JA. (2015). DARPP-32 interaction with adducin may mediate rapid environmental effects on striatal neurons. Nature Communications . ISSN: 2041-1723
Giralt, A.; Coura, R.; Girault, JA. (2016). Pyk2 is essential for astrocytes mobility following brain lesion. Glia . ISSN: 0894-1491
Engmann, O.; Giralt, A.; Girault, JA. (2016). Acute drug-induced spine changes in the nucleus accumbens are dependent on β-adducin. Neuropharmacology . ISSN: 0028-3908
Giralt, A.; Brito, V.; Chevy, Q.; Simonnet, C.; Otsu, Y.; Cifuentes-Díaz, C.; de Pins, B.; Coura, R.; Alberch, J.; Ginés, S.; Poncer, J.C.; Girault, J.A. (2017). Pyk2 modulates hippocampal excitatory synapses and contributes to cognitive deficits in a Huntington's disease model. Nature Communications, 8(15592) . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2041-1723
Giralt, A.; Pins, B.; Cifuentes-Díaz, C.; López-Molina, L.; Farah, AT.; Tible, M.; Deramecourt, V.; Arold, ST.; Ginés, S.; Hugon, J.; Girault, JA. (2018). PTK2B/Pyk2 overexpression improves a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Experimental Neurology, 307, pp. 62 - 73 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0014-4886
Rué L.; Bañez-Coronel M.; Creus-Muncunill J.; Giralt A.; Alcalá-Vida R.; Mentxaka G.; Kagerbauer B.; Zomeño-Abellán M.T.; Aranda Z.; Venturi V.; Pérez-Navarro E.; Estivill X.; Martí E. (2016). Targeting CAG repeat RNAs reduces Huntington's disease phenotype independently of huntingtin levels. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 126(11), pp. 4319 - 4330 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0021-9738
Miguez, Andres; Garcia-Diaz Barriga, Gerardo; Brito, Veronica; Straccia, Marco; Giralt, Albert; Gines, Silvia; Canals, Josep M.; Alberch, Jordi (2015). Fingolimod (FTY720) enhances hippocampal synaptic plasticity and memory in Huntington's disease by preventing p75(NTR) up-regulation and astrocyte-mediated inflammation. Human Molecular Genetics, 24(17), pp. 4958 - 4970 . . ISSN: 0964-6906
de Pins, B.; Cifuentes-Díaz, C.; Thamila Farah, A.; López-Molina, L.; Montalban, E.; Sancho-Balsells, A.; López, A.; Ginés, S.; Delgado-García, J.M.; Alberch, J.; Gruart, A.; Girault, J.A.; Giralt, A. (2019). Conditional BDNF delivery from astrocytes rescues memory deficits, spine density and synaptic properties in the 5xFAD mouse model of Alzheimer disease. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(13), pp. 2441 - 2458 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0270-6474
Giralt, A.; Friedman, H. C.; Caneda-Ferron, B.; Urban, N.; Moreno, E.; Rubio, N.; Blanco, J.; Peterson, A.; Canals, J. M.; Alberch, J. (2010). BDNF regulation under GFAP promoter provides engineered astrocytes as a new approach for long-term protection in Huntington's disease. Gene Therapy, 17(10), pp. 1294 - 1308 . . ISSN: 0969-7128
Giralt, A.; Brito, V.; Pardo, M.; Rubio, S.E.; Marion-Poll, L.; Martín-Ibáñez, R.; Zamora-Moratalla, A.; Bosch, C.; Ballesteros, J.J.; Blasco, E.; García-Torralba, A.; Pascual, M.; Pumarola, M.; Alberch, J.; Ginés, S.; Martín, E.D.; Segovia, J.; Soriano, E.; Canals, J.M. (2020). Helios modulates the maturation of a CA1 neuronal subpopulation required for spatial memory formation. Experimental Neurology, 323, p. 113095 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0014-4886
Brito, Veronica; Giralt, Albert; Masana, Merce; Royes, Aida; Espina, Marc; Sieiro, Esther; Alberch, Jordi; Castane, Anna; Girault, Jean-Antoine; Gines, Silvia (2019). Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 5 Dysfunction Contributes to Depressive-like Behaviors in Huntington's Disease by Altering the DARPP-32 Phosphorylation Status in the Nucleus Accumbens. Biological Psychiatry, 86(3), pp. 196 - 207 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0006-3223
Marco, Sonia; Giralt, Albert; Petrovic, Milos M.; Pouladi, Mahmoud A.; Martinez-Turrillas, Rebeca; Martinez-Hernandez, Jose; Kaltenbach, Linda S.; Torres-Peraza, Jesus; Graham, Rona K.; Watanabe, Masahiko; Lujan, Rafael; Nakanishi, Nobuki; Lipton, Stuart A.; Lo, Donald C.; Hayden, Michael R.; Alberch, Jordi; Wesseling, John F.; Perez-Otano, Isabel (2013). Suppressing aberrant GluN3A expression rescues synaptic and behavioral impairments in Huntington's disease models. Nature Medicine, 19(8), pp. 1030 - 1038 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1078-8956
Montalban, Enrica; Al-Massadi, Omar; Sancho-Balsells, Anna; Brito, Veronica; de Pins, Benoit; Alberch, Jordi; Gines, Silvia; Girault, Jean-Antoine; Giralt, Albert (2019). Pyk2 in the amygdala modulates chronic stress sequelae via PSD-95-related micro-structural changes. Translational Psychiatry, 9(1) . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2158-3188
Saavedra, Ana; Giralt, Albert; Rue, Laura; Xifro, Xavier; Xu, Jian; Ortega, Zaira; Lucas, Jose J.; Lombroso, Paul J.; Alberch, Jordi; Perez-Navarro, Esther (2011). Striatal-Enriched Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Expression and Activity in Huntington's Disease: A STEP in the Resistance to Excitotoxicity. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(22), pp. 8150 - 8162 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0270-6474
Fernandez-Garcia, Sara; Sancho-Balsells, Anna; Longueville, Sophie; Herve, Denis; Gruart, Agnes; Maria Delgado-Garcia, Jose; Alberch, Jordi; Giralt, Albert (2020). Astrocytic BDNF and TrkB regulate severity and neuronal activity in mouse models of temporal lobe epilepsy. Cell Death and Disease, 11(6), p. 411 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2041-4889
Giralt, A.; Puigdellivol, M.; Carreton, O.; Paoletti, P.; Valero, J.; Parra-Damas, A.; Saura, C. A.; Alberch, J.; Gines, S. (2012). Long-term memory deficits in Huntington's disease are associated with reduced CBP histone acetylase activity. Human Molecular Genetics, 21(6), pp. 1203 - 1216 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0964-6906
Tible, M.; Mouton-Liger, F.; Schmitt, J.; Giralt, A.; Farid, K.; Thomasseau, S.; Gourmaud, S.; Paquet, C.; Rondi-Reig, L.; Meurs, E.; Girault, J.A.; Hugon, J. (2019). PKR knockout in the 5xFAD model of Alzheimer's disease reveals beneficial effects on spatial memory and brain lesions. Aging Cell . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1474-9718
Llorach-Pares, L.; Rodriguez-Urgelles, E.; Nonell-Canals, A.; Alberch, J.; Avila, C.; Sanchez-Martinez, M.; Giralt, A. (2020). Meridianins and Lignarenone B as potential GSK3β inhibitors and inductors of structural neuronal plasticity. Biomolecules, 10(4), p. E639 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2218-273X
Sancho-Balsells, A.; Brito, V.; Fernández,B.; Pardo, M.; Straccia, M.; Ginés, S.; Alberch, J.; Hernández, I.; Arranz, B.; Canals, J.M.; Giralt, A. (2020). Lack of Helios during neural development induces adult schizophrenia-like behaviors associated with aberrant levels of the TRIF-recruiter protein WDFY1. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 14 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1662-5102
Rejc, Luka; Gomez-Vallejo, Vanessa; Joya, Ana; Moreno, Oscar; Egimendia, Ander; Castellnou, Pilar; Rios-Anglada, Xabier; Cossio, Unai; Baz, Zurine; Passannante, Rossana; Tobalina-Larrea, Ignacio; Ramos-Cabrer, Pedro; Giralt, Albert; Sastre, Magdalena; Capetillo-Zarate, Estibaliz; Kosak, Urban; Knez, Damijan; Gobec, Stanislav; Marder, Mariel; Martin, Abraham; Llop, Jordi (2021). Longitudinal evaluation of a novel BChE PET tracer as an early in vivo biomarker in the brain of a mouse model for Alzheimer disease. Theranostics, 11(13), pp. 6542 - 6559 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1838-7640
de Pins, B.; Montalban, E.; Vanhoutte, P.; Giralt, A.; Girault, J.A. (2020). The non-receptor tyrosine kinase Pyk2 modulates acute locomotor effects of cocaine in D1 receptor-expressing neurons of the nucleus accumbens. Scientific Reports, 10(1), p. 6619 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2045-2322
Pérez-Sisqués, L.; Solana-Balaguer, J.; Campoy-Campos, G.; Martín-Flores, N.; Sancho-Balsells, A.; Vives-Isern, M.; Soler-Palazón, F.; Garcia-Forn, M.; Masana, M.; Alberch, J.; Pérez-Navarro, E.; Giralt, A.; Malagelada, C. (2021). Rtp801/redd1 is involved in neuroinflammation and modulates cognitive dysfunction in huntingtons disease. Biomolecules, 12(1), p. 34 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2218-273X
García‐García, E.; Chaparro‐Cabanillas, N.; Coll‐Manzano, A.; Carreras‐Caballé, M.; Giralt, A.; Del Toro, D.; Alberch, J.; Masana, M.; Rodríguez, M.J. (2021). Unraveling the spatiotemporal distribution of VPS13A in the mouse brain. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, p. 13018 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1661-6596
Pérez-Sisqués, L.; Sancho-Balsells, A.; Solana-Balaguer, J.; Campoy-Campos, G.; Vives-Isern, M.; Soler-Palazón, F.; Anglada-Huguet, M.; López-Toledano, MÁ.; Mandelkow, EM.; Alberch, J.; Giralt, A.; Malagelada, C. (2021). RTP801/REDD1 contributes to neuroinflammation severity and memory impairments in Alzheimer's disease. Cell Death and Disease . ISSN: 2041-4889
Montalban, E.; Giralt, A.; Taing, L.; Schut, E.H.S.; Supiot, L.F.; Castell, L.; Nakamura, Y.; de Pins, B.; Pelosi, A.; Goutebroze, L.; Tuduri, P.; Wang, W.; Neiburga, K.D.; Vestito, L.; Castel, J.; Luquet, S.; Nairn, A.C.; Hervé, D.; Heintz, N.; Martin, C.; Greengard, P.; Valjent, E.; Meye, F.J.; Gambardella, N.; Roussarie, J.-P.; Girault, J.-A. (2022). Translational profiling of mouse dopaminoceptive neurons reveals region-specific gene expression, exon usage, and striatal prostaglandin E2 modulatory effects. Molecular Psychiatry . . ISSN: 1359-4184
de Pins, B.; Mendes, T.; Giralt, A.; Girault, JA. (2021). The Non-receptor Tyrosine Kinase Pyk2 in Brain Function and Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases. Frontiers In Synaptic Neuroscience, 13, p. 749001 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1663-3563
Senís, E.; Esgleas, M.; Najas, S.; Jiménez-Sábado, V.; Bertani, C.; Giménez-Alejandre, M.; Escriche, A.; Ruiz-Orera, J.; Hergueta-Redondo, M.; Jiménez, M.; Giralt, A.; Nuciforo, P.; Albà, MM.; Peinado, H.; Del Toro, D.; Hove-Madsen, L; Götz, M.; Abad, M. (2021). TUNAR lncRNA Encodes a Microprotein that Regulates Neural Differentiation and Neurite Formation by Modulating Calcium Dynamics. Frontiers In Cell And Developmental Biology, 9, p. 747667 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2296-634X
Ened Rodriguez; Anna Sancho Balsells; Wanqi Chen; Laura López-Molina; Ivan Ballasch; Ignacio del Castillo; Conxita Avila; Jordi Alberch; Albert Giralt (2022). Meridianins Rescue Cognitive Deficits, Spine Density and Neuroinflammation in the 5xFAD Model of Alzheimer's Disease. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 13 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1663-9812
Verónica Brito; Enrica Montalban; Anna Sancho-Balsells; Anika Pupak; Francesca Flotta; Mercè Masana; Silvia Ginés; Jordi Alberch; Claire Martin; Jean-Antoine Girault; Albert Giralt (2022). Hippocampal Egr1-dependent neuronal ensembles negatively regulate motor learning. Journal of Neuroscience, 42(27), pp. 5346 - 5360 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0270-6474
Lopez-Molina, Laura; Fernandez-Irigoyen, Joaquin; Cifuentes-Diaz, Carmen; Alberch, Jordi; Girault, Jean-Antoine; Santamaria, Enrique; Gines, Silvia; Giralt, Albert (2022). Pyk2 Regulates MAMs and Mitochondrial Dynamics in Hippocampal Neurons. Cells, 11(5) . . ISSN: 2073-4409
Ened Rodríguez-Urgellés, Irene Rodríguez-Navarro, Iván Ballasch, Daniel Del Toro, Ignacio Del Castillo , Verónica Brito , Jordi Alberch , Albert Giralt (2022). Postnatal Foxp2 regulates early psychiatric-like phenotypes and associated molecular alterations in the R6/1 transgenic mouse model of Huntington's disease. Neurobiology of Disease . . ISSN: 0969-9961
Pupak A, Singh A, Sancho-Balsells A, Alcalá-Vida R, Espina M, Giralt A, Martí E, Ørom UAV, Ginés S, Brito V. (2022). Altered m6A RNA methylation contributes to hippocampal memory deficits in Huntington's disease mice. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 79(8) . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1420-682X
Sancho‐Balsells, A.; García‐García, E.; Flotta, F.; Chen, W.; Alberch, J.; Rodríguez, M.J.; Avila, C.; Giralt, A. (2022). Meridianins inhibit GSK3β in vivo and improve behavioral alterations induced by chronic stress. Marine Drugs, 20(648), pp. 1 - 16 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1660-3397
Ballasch, I.; García-García, E.; Vila, C.; Pérez-González, A.; Sancho-Balsells, A.; Fernández, J.; Soto, D.; Puigdellívol, M.; Gasull, X.; Alberch, J.; Rodríguez, M.J.; Canals, J.M.; Giralt. A. (2023). Ikzf1 as a novel regulator of microglial homeostasis in synaptic plasticity and neurodegeneration. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 109, pp. 144 - 161 . . ISSN: 0889-1591

Techniques or specialities you are trainned in

Western blot .
  • Western blot
Tècniques histològiques
Electrofisiologia en rodanxes de cervell. Inducció de potenciació a llarg plaç (LTP) en anglès.
Cultius cel·lulars. Línies cel·lulars.
Cultius primaris de cèl·lules neurals. Astròcits, neurones, oligodendròcits.
Assaigs bioquímics: ELISA, Activitats enzimàtiques de fosfatasses i cinases
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Manipulació a nivell avançat de microscopia confocal.
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Tècniques de biologia molecular. RT-PCR i PCR.

Teaching imparted

Organografia Microscòpica Humana (Bachelor's degree) - Medicina - Universidad de Barcelona.
Enginyeria de Teixits i Medicina Regenerativa (Bachelor's degree) - Ingeniería Biomédica(1) - Universidad de Barcelona.
Organografia Microscòpica Humana (Bachelor's degree) - Medicina - Universidad de Barcelona.
Neurobiologia. Fisiopatologia de les Malalties del Sistema Nerviós (Llicenciatura degree) - Medicina - Universidad de Barcelona.
Tècniques Bàsiques en Neurociències (University Master's Degree) - Neurociencias - Universidad de Barcelona.
Neurobiologia: Fisiopatologia de les Malalties del Sistema Nerviós (Bachelor's degree) - Medicina - Universidad de Barcelona.