Full professor

Researcher ID: L-1283-2014
Knowledge area: Zoologia

Grup de recerca en ecologia tròfica i del moviment dels vertebrats (ECOVERT)

Contact Information
Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences
Dept Biología Evolutiva, Ecología y Ciencias Ambientales. Facultad de Biología. Av. Diagonal, 645.




- Premio Europeo a la Conservación de la Naturaleza y del Patrimonio Histórico-Artístico, 1992.

- The Conservation Foundation - Ford (proyecto elaborado en colaboración con la Universidad de las Palmas, el ICONA, la Universidad de Valencia y el Fondo para la Conservación de la Foca Mediterránea).

- Premio de Conservación de Especies Protegidas. 2000. VIDAMARINA concedido por CRAMM, Generalitat de Catalunya, Ayuntamiento de Premia y Europroject.

- Premio 2001 Pew Marine Conservation Fellowship. Concedido por la fundación The Pew Charitable Trusts, Boston, EEUU.

- Premio Jaume I. 2004. Protección del Medio Ambiente. Generalitat de Valencia

- Premio de Investigación en Medio Ambiente 2010. Conselleria de Medi Ambient, Generalitat de Catalunya.

(Other Merits)

Other publications

Aguilar, A.; Sandberg, O. R (2013). Norwegians in Iberia. The Compañía Ballenera Española (1914-1927) . In Whaling and History IV . Volume. 4 . (pp. 37 - 48) . Hvalfangstmuseum Sandefjord . ISBN: 978-82-93416-00-5 .
Aguilar, A. (2013). La pesca, una activitat condemnada? . In Aula d'Ecologia . Volume. 2012 . (pp. 25 - 33) . Servei Publicacions Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona . ISBN: 9788449036194 .
Aguilar, A. (2013). Chiman, la pesca ballenera moderna en la península ibérica . (pp. 1 - 375) . Publicacions i Edicions UB . ISBN: 978-84-475-3763-1 .
Aguilar, A.; López de Prado Nistal, C (2015). De Punta Balea a Cabo Morás, la caza moderna de la ballena en Galicia . (pp. 1 - 119) . Museo Massó, Xunta de Galicia . ISBN: 978-84-453-5201-4 .

Academic training

Ciencias Biológicas . Universidad de Barcelona . 06/1979 . (Diploma / Degree / Activities)
Ciencias Biológicas . Universidad de Barcelona . 06/1985 . (Ph.D.)


Contaminación por DDTs, PCBs y metales pesados, reproducción y crecimiento en delfines listados fallecidos y supervivientes a la epizootia de 1990 . 1991 - 1994 . Ref.NAT91-1128-C04-02 . Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Inventario de los cetáceos mediterráneos ibéricos: status y problemas de conservación . 1992 - 1994 . Ref.114575 . Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación . PI: Alex Aguilar Vila
Acció integrada hispano-britànica sobre 'Efectos de la epizootia en la población del delfín listado del Mediterráneo Occidental' . 1992 . Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Problemas de conservación de los delfines mediterráneos . 1992 - 1994 . Ref.100334 . Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Transportes y Medio Ambiente . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
SUROESTE: A survey of interactions between marine mammals and fisheries in the south western water of the EEC . 1993 - 1994 . Ref.92/3507 . Unió Europea . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Acció integrada hispano-italiana: 'Efectos de los contaminantes químicos en el delfín listado del Mediterráneo'. 10A . 1993 . Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Desarrollo de marcadores de contaminación y de estado nutritivo en cetáceos . 1994 - 1997 . Ref.AMB94-0399 . Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Viabilidad de la colonia de la foca monje (Monachus monachus) de la Península de Cabo Blanco . 1995 - 1996 . Ref.B4-3200/94/741 . Unió Europea . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Inventario de los cetáceos de las aguas atlánticas peninsulares . 1995 - 1997 . Ref.92/43/CEE . Instituto para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (ICONA) . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Monitoring of Cap Blanc monk seal colony . 1997 - 1998 . Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Estudio de viabilidad en la colonia de foca monje de Cabo Blanco . 1997 - 1998 . Ref.B4-3200/96/510 . Unió Europea . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Monitoring of Cap Blanc Monk seal colony . 1998 - 1998 . Ref.300242 . Institute for Forestry & Nature Research . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Apoyo técnico al Parque Nacional del Banc d'Arguin para la gestión integral del Parque y el desarrollo del ecoturismo . 1998 - 1999 . Ref.300256 . Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI) . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Actuaciones para la Conservación del Delfín Mular . 1999 - 2001 . Instituto para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (ICONA) . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Establish a network between Mediterranean Monk Seal Projects . 1999 - 1999 . Ref.B4-3040/98/000648/MAR/D2 . Unió Europea . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Identificación de las áreas de especial interés para la conservación de los cetáceos en el Mediterráneo español . 1999 - 2002 . Ref.300870 . Universitat de València Estudi General (UVEG) . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Validación del nivel de retinol en grasa hipodérmica de delfines como biomarcador de contaminación por PCB . 2000 - 2002 . Ref.AMB99-0640 . Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Creating the tissue bank for Mediterranean marine mammals . 2001 - 2004 . The Pew Charitable Trusts, Boston. . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Protección de praderas de posidonia en lics de Baleares . 2001 - 2005 . Ref.LIFE2000-NAT-E-7303 . Unió Europea . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
“Mediterranean loggerhead sea turtles”. Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas Túnez . 2005 - 2005 . Programa de Medio Ambiente de Naciones Unidas (PNUMA) . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Evaluación del impacto ambiental del parque eólico marino Tarragona sobre aves, mamíferos y reptiles silvestres. Subproyecto de delfines y tortugas . 2005 - 2007 . Ref.303296 . Capital energy, SL . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Comparative Studies on Dolphin and Sea Turtle Conservation in the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece, and the Catalano-Balearic Basin, Spain . 2005 - 2008 . Ref.303817 . University of Miami . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Desarrollo de indicadores de condición nutritiva en cetáceos . 2005 - 2008 . Ref.CGL2005-00922/BOS . Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Efectos de la explotación humana sobre depredadores apicales y la estructura de la red trófica del mar Argentino durante los últimos 6000 años . 2009 - 2012 . Ref.305550 . Fundación Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Estudio de las amenazas para la conservación de mamíferos marinos de Patagonia . 2005 - 2008 . Fundación Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) . PI: Juan Antonio Raga Esteve
Efectos de la explotación humana sobre depredadores apicales y la estructura de la red trófica del mar Argentino durante los últimos 6000 años . 2009 - 2012 . Fundación Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Relevancia demográfica de la mortalidad de tortugas bobas (Caretta caretta) como consecuencia de la captura accidental por la flota palangrera española del Mediterráneo . 2010 - 2012 . Ref.CGL2009-100017 . Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Realitzación del “Seminar on Impact of Chemical Pollution on Aquatic Ecosystems” en la Universidad de Khulna, Bangladesh . 2011 - 2011 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Recerca conjunta amb el MRI islandès sobre pautes migratòries de balenes atlàntiques . 2015 - 2015 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Red de Seguimiento Oceánico - Línea de Gibraltar (Fase 1) . 2011 - 2012 . Ref.CTM2010-11945-E . Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) . PI: Miquel Canals Artigas
Ajuts per impulsar la participació en projectes internacionals de recerca (2014) en el marc del programa HORIZON 2020 . 2014 - 2014 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Dietary history of whales (project 28.19) . 2014 - 2016 . Ref.308059 . Marine Research Institute . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila; M. Asuncion Borrell Thio
Ajuts per impulsar la participació en projectes internacionals de recerca (2015) en el marc del programa Horizon 2020 i altres programes europeus . 2015 - 2015 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Sustaining Project - Marine Environmental Sustaining Research Project-VI . 2015 - 2018 . Ref.308565 . King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Identidad y rango de distribución del rorcual común del Atlántico nororiental y del Mediterráneo establecido mediante trazadores químicos . 2016 - 2018 . Ref.CGL2015-70468-R . Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila; Maria Asuncion Borrell Thio
Restauración de redes tróficas en espacios protegidos: ¿es posible? . 2015 - 2018 . Ref.1588/2015 . MINISTERIO DE AGRICULTURA, ALIMENTACION Y MEDIO AMBIENTE . PI: Alejandro Aguilar Vila
Laboratorio blanco de preparación de muestras geoquímicas para mediciones isotópicas mediante Espectrometría de Masas Multicolector (MC-ICPMS) . 2016 - 2016 . Ref.UNBA15-EE-2978 . Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad . PI: Eva Isabel Cacho Lascorz
Top predators in a changing ecosystem: occurrence and implications of specialisation in killer whales . 2016 - 2017 . Ref.163060-051 . Rannís. The Icelandic Research Fund . PI: Filipa Isabel Pereira Samarra
Developing Mediterranean-specific protocols to protect biodiversity from litter impact at basin and local MPAs scales (MEDSEALITTER) . 2016 - 2019 . Ref.1MED15_3.2_M12_334 . Unió Europea . PI: Maria Asuncion Borrell Thio; Alejandro Aguilar Vila

Journal Publications (last 10 years)

Zenteno, L.;Crespo, E.; Goodall, N.; Aguilar, A., De Oliveira, L.; Drago, M., Secchi, R., Garcia, N., Cardona, L. (2013). Stable isotopes of oxygen reveal dispersal patterns of the South American sea lion, Otaria byronia, in the south-western Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Zoology, 291, pp. 119 - 126 . ISSN: 0952-8369
Giménez, J.; Gómez-Campos, E.; Borrell, A.; Cardona, L.; Aguilar, A. (2013). Isotopic evidence of limited exchange between Mediterranean and eastern North Atlantic fin whales. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 27, pp. 1801 - 1806 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0951-4198
Saporiti, F.; Bala, L.O.; Crespo, E.A.; Gómez-Otero, J.; Zangrando, A.F.J.;Aguilar, A.; Cardona, L. (2013). Changing patterns of marine resource exploitation by hunter-gatherers throughout the late Holocene of Argentina are uncorrelated to sea surface temperature. Quaternary International, 299, pp. 108 - 115 . ISSN: 1040-6182
Clusa, M.; Carreras, C.; Pascual, M.; Demetropoulos, A.; Margaritoulis, D.; Rees, A.F.; Hamza, A.A.; Khalil, M.; Aureggi, M.; Levy, Y.; Türkozan, O.; Marco, A.; Aguilar, A.; Cardona, L. (2013). Mitochondrial DNA reveals Pleistocenic colonisation of the Mediterranean by loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 439, pp. 15 - 24 . ISSN: 0022-0981
Borrell, A.; Velásquez-Vacca A.; Pinela A. M.; Kinze C.; Lockyer, C. H.; Vighi, M.: Aguilar, A. (2013). Stable isotopes provide insight into population structure and segregation in eastern North Atlantic sperm whales. PLoS One, 8(12), p. e82398 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1932-6203
Cardona, L.; Clusa, M.; Eder, E.; Demetropoulos, A.; Margaritoulis, D.; Rees, A. F.; Hamza, A. A.; Khalil, M.; Levy, Y.; Türkozan, O.; Marina, I.; Aguilar, A. (2014). Distribution patterns and foraging ground productivity determine clutch size in Mediterranean loggerhead turtles. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 497, pp. 229 - 241 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0171-8630
Clusa, M.; Carreras, C.; Pascual, M.; Gaughran, S.J.; Piovano, S.; Giacoma, C.; Fernández, G.; Levy, Y.; Tomás, J.; Raga, J.A.; Maffucci, F.; Hochscheid, S.; Aguilar, A.; Cardona, L. (2014). Fine-scale distribution of juvenile Atlantic and Mediterranean loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology, 161(3), pp. 509 - 519 . . ISSN: 0025-3162
Gonzalvo, J.; Forcada, J.; Grau, E.; Aguilar, A. (2014). Strong site-fidelity increases vulnerability of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in a mass tourism destination in the western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 94(6), pp. 1227 - 1235 . . ISSN: 0025-3154
Giménez, J.; Gómez-Campos, E.; Borrell, A.; Cardona, L.; Aguilar, A. (2014). The uncertain status of the Mediterranean and northeastern North Atlantic fin whale subpopulations: Reply to Castellote. 2014. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 28, pp. 668 - 670 . . ISSN: 0951-4198
Vighi, M.; Borrell, A.; Crespo, E.A.; Oliveira, L.R.; Simões Lopes, P.C.; Flores, P.A.C.; García, N.A.; Aguilar, A. (2014). Stable isotopes indicate population structuring in the Southwest Atlantic population of right whales. PLoS One, 9(3), p. e90489 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1932-6203
Aguilar, A.; Giménez, J.; Gómez-Campos, E.; Cardona, L.; Borrell, A. (2014). δ15N value does not reflect fasting in mysticetes. PLoS One, 9(3), p. e92288 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1932-6203
Saporiti, F.; Bearhop, S.; Silva, L.; Vales, D.; Zenteno, L.; Crespo, E.A.; Aguilar, A.; Cardona, L. (2014). Longer and less overlapping food webs in anthropogenically disturbed marine ecosystems: confirmations from the past. PLoS One, 9(7) . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1932-6203
Borrell, A.; Aguilar, A.; Tornero,V.; Drago, M. (2014). Concentrations of mercury in tissues of striped dolphins suggest decline of pollution in Mediterranean open waters. Chemosphere, 107, pp. 319 - 323 . ISSN: 0045-6535
Fontaine, M.C.; Roland, K.; Calves, I.; Austerlitz, F.; Palstra, F.P.; Tolley, K.A.; Ryan, S.; Ferreira, M.; Jauniaux, Th, Llavona, A.; Öztürk, B.; Öztürk, A.A.; Ridoux, V.; Rogan, E.; Sequeira, M.; Siebert, U.; Vikingsson, G.A.; Borrell, A.; Michaux, J.R.; Aguilar, A. (2014). Postglacial climate changes and rise of three ecotypes of harbor porpoises, Phocoena phocoena, in western Palearctic waters. Molecular Ecology, 23(13), pp. 3306 - 3321 . . ISSN: 0962-1083
Saporiti, F.; Bala, L.O.; Gómez Otero, J.; Crespo, E.A.; Piana, E.L.; Aguilar, A.; Cardona, L. (2014). Paleoindian pinniped exploitation in South America was driven by oceanic productivity. Quaternary International, 352, pp. 85 - 91 . ISSN: 1040-6182
Vales, D.; Saporiti, F.; Cardona, L.; Oliveira, L.R.; Dos Santos, R.A.; Secchi, E.R.; Aguilar, A.; Crespo. E. (2014). Intensive fishing has not forced dietary change in the South American fur seal Arctophoca (=Arctocephalus) australis> off Río de la Plata and adjoining areas. Aquatic Conservation-Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 24, pp. 745 - 759 . . ISSN: 1052-7613
Borrell, A.; Clusa, M.; Aguilar, A.; Drago, M. (2015). Use of epidermis for the monitoring of tissular trace elements in Mediterranean striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba). Chemosphere, 122, pp. 288 - 294 . . ISSN: 0045-6535
Zenteno, L.; Crespo, E.; Vales, D.; Silva, L.; Saporiti, F.; Oliveira, L. R.; Secchi, E. R.; Drago, M.; Aguilar, A.; Cardona, L. (2015). Dietary consistency of male South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) in southern Brazil during three decades inferred from stable isotope analysis. Marine Biology, 162(2), pp. 275 - 289 . . ISSN: 0025-3162
Vighi, M.; García-Nisa, I.; Borrell, A.; Aguilar, A. (2015). The fin whale, a marine top consumer, exposes strengths and weaknesses of the use of fluoride as ecological tracer. Chemosphere, 127, pp. 229 - 237 . ISSN: 0045-6535
Pinela, A.M.; Borrell, A.; Aguilar, A. (2015). Variation in δ15N and δ13C stable isotope values in common dolphins (Delphinus spp.) worldwide, with particular emphasis on the eastern North Atlantic populations. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 29, pp. 855 - 863 . . ISSN: 0951-4198
Gómez-Campos, E.; Borrell, B.; Correas; J.; Aguilar, A. (2015). Topographical variation in lipid content and morphological structure of the blubber in the striped dolphin. Scientia Marina, 79(2), pp. 189 - 197 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0214-8358
Karamanlidis, A. A.; Gaughran, S.; Aguilar, A.; Dendrinos, P.; Huber, D.; Pires, R.; Schultz, J.; Skrbinsekh, T.; Amato, G. (2016). Shaping species conservation strategies using mtDNA analysis: the case of the elusive Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus). Biological Conservation, pp. 71 - 79 . ISSN: 0006-3207
Borrell, Asuncion; Tornero, Victoria; Bhattacharjee, Dola; Aguilar, Alex (2016). Trace element accumulation and trophic relationships in aquatic organisms of the Sundarbans mangrove ecosystem (Bangladesh). Science of the Total Environment, 545, pp. 414 - 423 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0048-9697
Borrell, A., Gómez-Campos, E; Aguilar, A. (2016). Influence of reproduction on stable isotope ratios: nitrogen and carbon isotope discrimination between mothers, foetuses, and milk in the fin whale, a capital breeder. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 89(1), pp. 41 - 50 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1522-2152
Jepson, P.D.; Deaville, R.; Barber, J.L.; Aguilar, A.; Borrell, A.; Murphy, S.; Barry, J.; Brownlow, A.; Barnett, J.; Berrow, S.; Cunningham, A.A.; Davison, N.; Doeschate, Mariel ten Esteban, R.; Ferreira, M.; Foote, A.D.; Genov, T.; Giménez, J.; Loveridge, J.; Llavona, Á.; Martin, V.; Maxwell, D.L.; Papachlimitzou, A.; Penrose, R.; Perkins, M.W.; Smith, B.; de Stephanis, R.; Tregenz,a N.; Verborgh, P.; Fernandez, A. ; Law, R.J. (2016). PCB pollution continues to impact populations of orcas and other dolphins in european waters. Scientific Reports(6), pp. 18573 - 18573 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2045-2322
Clusa, Marcel; Carreras, Carlos; Pascual, Marta; Gaughran, Stephen J.; Piovano, Susanna; Avolio, Diego; Ollano, Gepi; Fernandez, Gloria; Tomas, Jesus; Antonio Raga, Juan; Aguilar, Alex; Cardona, Luis (2016). Potential bycatch impact on distinct sea turtle populations is dependent on fishing ground rather than gear type in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biology, 163(5) . . ISSN: 0025-3162
Vighi, Morgana; Borrell, Asuncion; Aguilar, Alex (2016). Stable isotope analysis and fin whale subpopulation structure in the eastern North Atlantic. Marine Mammal Science, 32(2), pp. 535 - 551 . . ISSN: 0824-0469
Samarra, F. I. P.; Vighi, M.; Aguilar, A.; Víkingsson, G. A. (2017). Intra-population variation in isotopic niche in herring-eating killer whales off Iceland. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 564, pp. 199 - 210 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0171-8630
Arregui, Marina; Josa, Marta; Aguilar, Alex; Borrell, Asuncion (2017). Isotopic homogeneity throughout the skin in small cetaceans. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 31(18), pp. 1551 - 1557 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0951-4198
Cardona, Luis; Vales, Damian; Aguilar, Alex; Crespo, Enrique; Zenteno, Lisette (2017). Temporal variability in stable isotope ratios of C and N in the vibrissa of captive and wild adult South American sea lions Otaria byronia: More than just diet shifts. Marine Mammal Science, 33(4), pp. 975 - 990 . . ISSN: 0824-0469
Bird, C. S.; Veríssimo, A.; Magozzi, S.; Abrantes, K. G.; Aguilar, A.; Al-Reasi, H.; Barnett, A.; Bethea, D. M.; Biais, G.; Borrell, A.; Bouchoucha, M.; Boyle, M.; Brooks, E. J.; Brunnschweiler, J.; Bustamante, P.; Carlisle, A.; Catarino, D.; Caut, S.; Cherel, Y.; Chouvelon, T.; Churchill, D.; Ciancio, J.; Claes, J.; Colaço, A.; Courtney, D. L.; Cresson, P.; Daly, R.; de Necker, L.; Endo, T.; Figueiredo, I.; Frisch, A. J.; Hansen, J. H.; Heithaus, M.;Hussey, N. E.; Iitembu, J.; Juanes, F.; Kinney, M. J.; Kiszka, J. J.; Klarian, S. A.; Kopp, D.; Leaf, R.; Li, Y.; Lorrain, A.; Madigan, D. J.; Maljković, A.; Malpica-Cruz, L.; Matich, P.; Meekan, M. G.; Ménard, F.; Menezes, G. M.; Munroe, S. E. M.; Newman, M. C.; Papastamatiou, Y. P.; Pethybridge, H.; Plumlee, J. D.; Polo-Silva, C.; Quaeck-Davies, K.; Raoult, V.; Reum, J.; Torres-Rojas, Y. E.; Shiffman, D. S.; Shipley, O. N.; Speed, C. W.; Staudinger, M. D.; Teffer, A. K.; Tilley, A.; Valls, M.; Vaudo, J. J.; Wai, T.; Wells, R. J. D.; Wyatt, A. S. J.; Yool, A.; Trueman, C. N. (2018). A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2, pp. 299 - 305 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2397-334X
Clusa, M.; Carreras, C.; Cardona, L.; Demetropoulos, A.; Margaritoulis, D.; Rees, A.F.; Hamza, A.A.; Khalil, M.; Levy, Y.; Turkozan, O.; Aguilar, A.; Pascual, M. (2018). Philopatry in loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta): beyond the gender paradigm. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 588, pp. 201 - 213 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0171-8630
Borrell, A.; Saiz, L.; Vikingsson, G. A.; Gaufier, P.; Lopez Fernandez, A.; Aguilar, A. (2018). Fin whales as bioindicators of multi-decadal change in carbon and oxygen stable isotope shifts in the North Atlantic. Marine Environmental Research, 138, pp. 129 - 134 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0141-1136
García-Vernet, R.; Sant, P.; Víkingsson, G.; Borrell, A.; Aguilar, A. (2018). Are stable isotope ratios and oscillations consistent in all baleen plates along the filtering apparatus? Validation of an increasingly used methodology. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 32(15), pp. 1257 - 1262 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0951-4198
Borrell, A.; Sant, P.; Víkingsson, G.; Aguilar, A.; García-Vernet, R. (2018). An evaluation of whale skin differences and its suitability as a tissue for stable isotope analysis. Journal of Sea Research, 140, pp. 59 - 62 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1385-1101
Vighi, M.; Borrell, A.; Víkingsson, G.; Gunnlaugsson, Th.; Aguilar, A. (2019). Strontium in fin whale baleen: A potential tracer of mysticete movements across the oceans?. Science of the Total Environment, 650, pp. 1224 - 1230 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0048-9697
Arregui, M.; Borrell, A.; Víkingsson, G.; Ólafsdóttir, D; Aguilar, A. (2018). Stable isotope analysis of fecal material provides insight into the diet of fin whales. Marine Mammal Science, 34(4), pp. 1059 - 1060 . . ISSN: 0824-0469
Drago, M.; Franco-Trecu, V.; Segura, A.M.; Valdivia, M.; González, E.M.; Aguilar, A.; Cardona, L. (2018). Mouth gape determines the response of marine top predators to long-term fishery-induced changes in food web structure. Scientific Reports, 8(15759 ) . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2045-2322
Aznar-Alemany, Ò.; Sala, B.; Jobst, K.J.; Reiner, E.J.; Borrell, A.; Aguilar, À.; Barceló, D.; Eljarrat E. (2018). Temporal trends of flame retardants and non-targeted analysis of halogenated contaminants in striped dolphins from the Mediterranean Sea. Organohalogen Compounds, 80, pp. 265 - 268 . ISSN: 1026-4892
Cabrera, A. A.; Hoekendijk, J. P.A.; Aguilar, A.; Barco, S. G.; Berrow, S.; Bloch, D.; Borrell, A.; Cunha, H. A.; Dalla, Rosa L.; Dias, C. P.; Gauffier, P.; Hao, W.; Landry, S.; Larse,n F.; Martín, V.; Mizroch, S.; Oosting, T.; Øien, N.; Pampoulie, C.; Panigada, S.; Prieto, R.; Ramp, C.; Rivera-Léon, V. E.; Robbins, J.; Ryan, C.; Schall, E.; Sears, R.; Silva, M. A.; Urbán, J.; Wenzel, F. W.; Palsboll, P.; Bérubé, M. (2019). Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) mitogenomics: A cautionary tale of defining sub-species from mitochondrial sequence monophyly. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 135, pp. 86 - 97 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1055-7903
Gaubert, P.; Justy, F.; Mo, G.; Aguilar, A.; Danyer, E.; Borrell, A.; Dendrinos, P.; Öztürk, B.; Improta, R.; Tonay, A. M.; Karamanlidis, A. (2019). Insights from 180 years of mitochondrial variability in the endangered Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus). Marine Mammal Science, 35(4), pp. 1489 - 1511 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0824-0469
Borrell, A.; Tornero, V.; Bhattacharjee, D.; Aguilar (2019). Organochlorine concentrations in aquatic organisms from different trophic levels of the Sundarban mangrove ecosystem and their implications for human consumption. Environmental Pollution, 251, pp. 681 - 688 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0269-7491
Garcia-Garin, O.; Borrell, A.; Aguilar, A.; Vighi, M. (2019). El projecte Medsealitter: protocols comuns per al monitoratge de la brossa marina a la Mediterrània. Soldó. Informatiu del Parc Natural del Delta de l'Ebre, 50, pp. 36 - 36 . ISSN: 1696-0831
Rita, D.; Borrell, A.; Víkingsson, G.; Aguilar, A. (2019). Histological structure of baleen plates and its relevance to sampling for stable isotope studies. Mammalian Biology, 99, pp. 63 - 70 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1616-5047
Garcia-Garin, O.; Vighi, M.; Aguilar, A.; Tsangaris, C.; Digka, N.; Kaberi, E.; Borrell, A. (2019). Boops boops as a bioindicator of microplastic pollution along the Spanish Catalan coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 149, p. 110648 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0025-326X
Garcia-Garin, O.; Sala, B.; Aguilar, A.; Vighi, M.; Víkingsson, G. A.; Chosson, V.; Eljarrat, E.; Borrell, A. (2020). Organophosphate contaminants in North Atlantic fin whales. Science of the Total Environment, 721, p. 137768 . . ISSN: 0048-9697
Gauffier P., Borrell A., Silva M., Víkingsson G., López Fernández A., Giménez J., Colaço A., Halldorsson S., Vighi M., de Stephanis, R., Prieto R., Aguilar A. (2020). Wait your turn, North Atlantic fin whales share a common feeding ground sequentially. Marine Environmental Research, 155, p. 104884 . . ISSN: 0141-1136
Dayon, Julia; Lecompte, Emilie; Aguilar, Alex; de Larrinoa, Pablo Fernandez; Pires, Rosa; Gaubert, Philippe (2020). Development and characterization of nineteen microsatellite loci for the endangered Mediterranean monk sealMonachus monachus. Marine Biodiversity, 50(5) . . ISSN: 1867-1616
Ben Chehida, Yacine; Thumloup, Julie; Schumacher, Cassie; Harkins, Timothy; Aguilar, Alex; Borrell, Asuncion; Ferreira, Marisa; Rojas-Bracho, Lorenzo; Robertson, Kelly M.; Taylor, Barbara L.; Vikingsson, Gisli A.; Weyna, Arthur; Romiguier, Jonathan; Morin, Phillip A.; Fontaine, Michael C. (2020). Mitochondrial genomics reveals the evolutionary history of the porpoises (Phocoenidae) across the speciation continuum. Scientific Reports, 10(1), p. 15190 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2045-2322
Garcia-Garin O., Aguilar A., Borrell A., Gozalbes P., Lobo A., Raga J.A., Revuelta O., Vighi M. (2020). Who's better at spotting? Comparison between aerial photography and visual methods to monitor floating marine litter and marine mega-fauna. Environmental Pollution, 258, p. 113680 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0269-7491
Drago, M.; Valdivida, M.; Bragg, D.; González, E.M.; Aguilar, A.; Cardona, L. (2020). Stable oxygen isotopes reveal habitat use by marine mammals in Rio de la Plata estuary and the adjoining Atlantic Ocean. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 238, p. 106708 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0272-7714
Rita, Diego; Berdie, Lourdes; Borrell, Asuncion; Aguilar, Alex (2020). Alkenones as a temperature proxy in fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) tissues. Limnology And Oceanography-Methods, 18(8), pp. 446 - 452 . . ISSN: 1541-5856
Garcia-Garin, O.; Borrell, A.; Aguilar, A.; Cardona, L.; Vighi, M. (2020). Floating marine macro-litter in the North Western Mediterranean Sea: Results from a combined monitoring approach. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 159, p. 111467 . . ISSN: 0025-326X
Garcia-Garin, O.; Vighi, M.; Sala, B.; Aguilar, A.; Tsangaris, C.; Digka, N.; Kaberi, H.; Eljarrat, E.; Borrell, A. (2020). Assessment of organophosphate flame retardants in Mediterranean Boops boops and their relationship to anthropization levels and microplastic ingestion. Chemosphere, 252 . . ISSN: 0045-6535
Tsangaris, C.; Digka, N.; Valente, T.; Aguilar, A.; Borrell, A.; de Lucia, G.A.; Gambaiani, D.; Garcia-Garin, O.; Kaberi, H.; Martin, J.; Mauriño, E.; Miaud, C.; Palazzo, L.; del Olmo, A.P.; Raga, J.A.; Sbrana, A.; Silvestri, C.; Skylaki, E.; Vighi, M.; Wongdontree, P.; Matiddi, M. (2020). Using Boops boops (osteichthyes) to assess microplastic ingestion in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 158, p. 111397 . . ISSN: 0025-326X
Arcangeli, A.; David, L.; Aguilar, A.; Atzori, F.; Borrell, A.; Campana, I.; Carosso, L.; Crosti, R.; Darmon, G.; Gambaiani, D.; Di-méglio, N.; Di Vito, S.; Frau, F.; Garcia-Garin, O.; Orasi, A.; Revuelta, O.; Roul, M.; Miaud, C.; Vighi, M. (2020). Floating marine macro litter: Density reference values and monitoring protocol settings from coast to offshore. Results from the MEDSEALITTER project. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160, p. 111647 . . ISSN: 0025-326X
Cardona, L.; Reñones, O.; Gouragine, A.; Saporiti, F.; Aguilar, A.; Moranta, Joan (2020). Fishing alters the ecological significance of colour morphs in a temperate coastal fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 648, pp. 179 - 190 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0171-8630
Rey-Iglesia, A.; Gaubert, P.; Espregueira Themudo, G.; Pires, R.; De La Fuente, C.; Freitas, L.; Aguilar, A.; Borrell, A.; Krakhmalnaya, T.; Vasconcelos, R.; Campos, P. F. (2021). Mitogenomics of the endangered Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) reveals dramatic loss of diversity and supports historical gene flow between Atlantic and eastern Mediterranean populations. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society(xx), pp. 1147 - 1159 . . ISSN: 0024-4082
Aznar-Alemany, Oscar; Sala, Berta; Jobst, Karl J.; Reiner, Eric J.; Borrell, Asuncion; Aguilar, Alex; Eljarrat, Ethel (2021). Temporal trends of halogenated and organophosphate contaminants in striped dolphins from the Mediterranean Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 753 . . ISSN: 0048-9697
Garcia-Garin, O.; Monleón-Getino, T.; López-Brosa, P.; Borrell, A.; Aguilar, A.; Borja-Robalino, R.; Cardona, L.; Vighi, M. (2021). Automatic detection and quantification of floating marine macro-litter in aerial images: introducing a novel deep learning approach connected to a web application in R. Environmental Pollution, 273(116490), pp. 1 - 11 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0269-7491
Aguilar, A. (2018). Relative contribution of blubber and other body compartments to the lipid body pool of large whales and their role as proxies of body condition. Reports International Whaling Commission, 19, pp. 303 - 303
Rita, D.; Borrell, A.; Aguilar, A. (2021). Alkenones in oceanic odontocetes as a potential proxy of environmental water temperature. Ecological Indicators, 122, p. 107240 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1470-160X
Borrell, A., Gazo, M., Aguilar, A., Raga, J.A., Degollada, E., Gozalbes, P., García-Vernet, R., (2021). Niche partitioning amongst northwestern Mediterranean cetaceans using stable isotopes. Progress in Oceanography, 193, p. 102559 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0079-6611
Vighi, M.; Borrell, A.; Jackson, J. A.; Carroll, E. L.; Pennino, M. G.; Aguilar, A. (2021). The missing whales: relevance of 'struck and lost' rates for the impact assessment of historical whaling in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. ICES. Journal of Marine Science . . ISSN: 1054-3139
Garcia Garin, Odei; Aguilar, Àlex; Vighi, Vighi; Vikingsson, Gísil Arnór; Chosson, Valérie; Borrell, Asunción (2021). Ingestion of synthetic particles by fin whales feeding off western Iceland in summer. Chemosphere, 279(130564), pp. 1 - 8 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0045-6535
Aguilar, A.; Borrell, A. (2021). Growth of baleen along the baleen rack is constant in balaenopterid whales. Polar Biology, 44(6), pp. 1223 - 1225 . . ISSN: 0722-4060
Garcia-Garin, O.; Borrell, A.; Vighi, M.; Aguilar, A.; Valdivia, M.; González, E.M.; Drago, M. (2021). Long-term assessment of trace elements in franciscana dolphins from the Río de la Plata estuary and adjacent Atlantic waters. Science of the Total Environment, 788, p. 147797 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0048-9697
García-Vernet, R.; Martín, B.; Peinado, M.A.; Víkingsson, G.; Riutort, M.; Aguilar A. (2021). CpG methylation frequency of TET2, GRIA2, and CDKN2A genes in the North Atlantic fin whale varies with age and between populations. Marine Mammal Science, 37(4), pp. 1230 - 1244 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0824-0469
Drago, M.; Signaroli, M.; Valdivia, M.; González, E.M.; Borrell, A.; Aguilar; A.; Cardona, L. (2021). The isotopic niche of Atlantic, biting marine mammals and its relationship to skull morphology and body size. Scientific Reports, 11(15147), pp. 1 - 14 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2045-2322
García-Vernet, R.; Borrell, A.; Víkingsson, G.; Halldórsson, S. D.; Aguilar, A. (2021). Ecological niche partitioning between baleen whales inhabiting Icelandic waters. Progress in Oceanography, 199(102690), pp. 1 - 10 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0079-6611
Garcia-Garin, O.; Aguilar, A.; Monleón, T.; Borrell, A.; Cardona, L.; Morgana Vighi, López-Brosa, P.; Stalin Borja Robalino, R. (2021). Así detectamos y contamos la basura que flota en el mar. The Conversation . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2201-5639
Odei Garcia-Garin; Wissam Sahyoun; Sopheak Net; Morgana Vighi; Alex Aguilar; Baghdad Ouddane; Gísli A.Víkingsson; Valerie Chosson; Asunción Borrell (2022). Intrapopulation and temporal differences of phthalate concentrations in North Atlantic fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus). Chemosphere . . ISSN: 0045-6535
Berta Sala; Odei Garcia-Garin; Asunción Borrell; Alex Aguilar; Gísli A. Víkingsson; Ethel Eljarrat (2022). Transplacental transfer of plasticizers and flame retardants in fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) from the North Atlantic Ocean. Environmental Pollution . . ISSN: 0269-7491
Aguilar, A.; Borrell, A. (2022). Unreported catches, impact of whaling and current status of blue whales in the South European Atlantic Shelf. Scientific Reports, 12(5491), pp. 1 - 12 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2045-2322
García-Vernet R.; Aguilar, A.; Zafra, J.; Víkingsson, G.; Halldórsson, S.D; Borrell, A. (2022). Sulfur stable isotope ratios provide further insight into movements of the fin whale, an oceanic long-range migrant. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 692, pp. 185 - 194 . . ISSN: 0171-8630
Salmona; J.; Dayon; J.; Lecompte; E.; Karamanlidis; A. A.; Aguilar; A.; de Larrinoa; P. F.; Pires R.; Mo G.; Panou; A.; Agnesi S.; Borrell A.; Danyer E.; Öztürk B.; Tonay A. M.; Anestis; A.K.; González L. M.; Dendrinos P Gaubert; P. (2022). The antique genetic plight of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus). Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 20220846 . . ISSN: 0962-8452
Cardona, L.; Reñones, O.; Gouraguine, A.; Saporiti, F.; Borrell, A.; Aguilar, A.; Moranta, J. (2022). Effects of fishing on the trophic structure of carnivorous fish assemblages from shallow rocky bottoms of the Mediterranean Sea and the temperate Atlantic Ocean. ICES. Journal of Marine Science . . ISSN: 1054-3139
Samarra; F. Borrell A.; Selbmann A.; Halldórson S. D.; Pampoulie Ch.; Chosson V.; Gunnlaugsson T.; Sigurðsson G. M.; Aguilar A.; Víkingsson G. A. (2022). Insights into the trophic ecology of white-beaked dolphins (Lagenorhynchus albirostris) and harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in Icelandic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 702, pp. 139 - 152 . . ISSN: 0171-8630

Supervision of doctoral thesis

Borrell, A . (1993) . Dinámica de los contaminantes organoclorados en la ballena de aleta, el calderón común y el delfín listado de aguas mediterráneas y atlánticas (Ph.D. Thesis) . Barcelona.
Nuria Calzada Lombana . (1996) . Biología del delfín listado (Stenella coeruleoalba) del Mediterráneooccidental (Ph.D. Thesis) . Barcelona.
Jaume Forcada i Nogués . (1998) . Studies in the assessment of marine mammals populations (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Manel Gazo i Perez . (2002) . Biologia reproductiva del vell mari: del naixement a la independència nutricional (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Tornero Álvarez, V . (2004) . Retinoides como biomarcadores de contaminación en pequeños cetáceos (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Carreras Huergo, Carles . (2007) . Problemas de conservación de la tortuga boba (Caretta caretta) en el Mediterráneo (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Revelles Conde, Mónica . (2007) . Uso del habitat y alimentación de la tortuga boba (Caretta caretta) en el Mediterraneo Occidental (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Drago, M . (2010) . Dieta y dinámica poblacional del león marino del sur (Otaria flavescens) en Patagonia (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Teresa Pastor Ramos . (2010) . Biología reproductiva y variabilidad genética en la foca monje del Mediterráneo (Monachus monachus) (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universidad de Barcelona.
Encarna Gómez Campos . (2012) . El músculo y la grasa hipodérmica como fuentes de información sobre condición nutricional y dieta en delfines (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Morais Pinela, Ana . (2015) . Taxonomy, morphology and distribution of the common dolphin, Delphinus delphis (short-beaked form) and Delphinus capensis (long-beaked form), in West African waters (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Joan Gonzalvo Villegas . (2016) . Anthropogenic threats to coastal dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea: the Balearic Islands and the Eastern Ionian Sea as case-studies (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Morgana Vighi . (2016) . Use of chemical markers in the study of distribution range and population structure of large cetaceans (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Carmiña Alba Fernández . (2016) . Variación ontogenética de las propiedades mecánicas y la geometría del radio (hueso apendicular) de dos especies de odontocetos: Stenella coeruleoalba y Pontoporia blainvillei (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.

Summary of scientific trajectory

Summary of scientific trajectory. Alex Aguilar is Full Professor (catedrático) of Animal Biology at the University of Barcelona. In this university he has been Vice-Rector for Innovation and Transfer of Knowledge (2008-2010), Director of the Institute of Biodiversity Research-IRBio (2013-2016) and Vice-Rector for Outreach and Internationalization (2016-2020). He leads the Large Marine Vertebrates Research and Conservation Group (GRUMM), recognized by the Government of Catalonia as a "Consolidated Research Group of Excellence". His research activity has covered diverse fields, with emphasis on the study of the demography, ecology and management of threatened marine vertebrate species. He has also made extensive research on the impact of chemical pollutants on ecosystems. Besides his lecturing work at the University of Barcelona, he has carried out dedicated work on the awareness of the conservation of the marine environment, including extensive participation in scientific conferences, workshops and training courses. He has taught numerous subjects related to animal biology and biodiversity conservation in the degrees of Biology, Environmental Sciences, and Marine Sciences. He has directed 16 PhD thesis and 29 Degree or Masters thesis, and has authored more than 320 communications to conferences, 30 of which were invited presentations. He is also the author of more than 400 publications: 211 articles in scientific refereed journals (175 of them SCI), 13 books, 33 chapters in books, 51 articles in newspapers or popular magazines, 65 papers as Proceedings of conferences, 35 technical reports and 4 audiovisuals. He has been involved, or is currently involved, in the works of several scientific committees, including the IUCN Species Survival Commission, the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (IWC), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), the Scientific Council of the Park National du Banc d'Arguin, as well as the Bonn (ACCOBAMS) and Barcelona Conventions. He has also been regular consultant of the Spanish Ministry of the Environment. His activity has developed through over 92 projects funded by a wide range of organizations, both national and international such as UNEP, WWF, or the EU. Although always aimed at the conservation of the marine environment, these projects ranged from the purely academic to those focusing on the implementation of practical conservation measures. Geographically, his activity has had a worldwide coverage, with substantial work carried out in Europe, South America, Africa and the Indian subcontinent. The above activities and projects have often led the applicant to take a leading role in the research and conservation arena. He has been Member-at-large of the Society for Marine Mammalogy (SMM) and member of the Board as well as Chairman of the European Cetacean Society (ECS). In several cases he has coordinated action to solve acute environmental conflicts. As an example, he was the coordinator of the research undertaken to clarify the 1990 epizootic that affected the Mediterranean striped dolphin, and the coordinator for the rescue efforts to save the Mediterranean monk seal colony when a mass mortality occurred in Mauritania 1997. Also, he has coordinated numerous multi-team research projects, often international, directed fieldwork campaigns, organized workshops, conferences and symposia, and led the production of the Marine Mammal Red Lists of Threatened Species for Spain, the Balearic Islands, and the Andalusian Community. He has received the European Prize for Nature Conservation from the Ford Conservation Foundation (1992), the award for the Conservation of Protected Species of Vidamarina (2000), the Pew Marine Conservation Award of the Pew Charitable Trusts (2001), the Rey Jaime I award to the Protection of the Environment (2004), and the Award to Environmental Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2010). Since 2019 he is numerary member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona