Full professor

Scopus Author ID: 7202233446
Researcher ID: K-5400-2014
Knowledge area: Economia Financera i Comptabilitat

Research group: IP Teoria de Jocs, Economia i Votacions (Game Theory, Economics and Voting)

Teaching Innovation Groups: Innovació Docent en Matemàtica Econòmica i Optimització (mathEopt)

Contact Information
Department of Economic, Financial and Actuarial Mathematics
Av. Diagonal, 690

Academic training

Licenciatura en Matemáticas . Universitat de Barcelona . 06/10/1986 . (Diploma / Degree / Activities)
Doctorado en Matemáticas . Universitat de Barcelona . 04/03/2002 . (Ph.D.)

Journal Publications

Domènech, G.; Núñez, M. Axioms for optimal stable rules and fair division rules in a multiple-partners job market. In Games and Economic Behavior. Volume 136. Number 136. 2022 . Institutional Repository
Núñez, M.; Vidal-Puga, J. Stable cores in information graph games. In Games and Economic Behavior. Number 132. 2022 . Institutional Repository
v. den Brink, R.; Núñez, M.; Robles, F. Valuation monotonicity, fairness and stability in assignment problems. In Journal of Economic Theory. Volume 195. Number 105277. 2021 . Institutional Repository
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C.; Robles, F. A mechanism for package allocation problems with gross substitutes. In Journal of Mathematical Economics. Volume 87. Number March. 2020 . Institutional Repository
Atay, A.; Núñez, M. A note on the relationship between the core and stable sets in three-sided markets. In Mathematical Social Sciences. Volume 98. Number March. 2019 . Institutional Repository
Atay, A.; Núñez, M. Multi-sided assignment games on m-partite graphs. In Annals of Operations Research. Volume 279. Number 1-2. 2019 . Institutional Repository
Robles, F.; Núñez, M. One-seller assignment markets with multi-unit demands: core and competitive equilibrium. In International Journal of Economic Theory. Volume 15. Number 2. 2019 . Institutional Repository
Núñez, M.; Solymosi, T. Lexicographic allocations and extreme core payoffs: the case of assignment games. In Annals of Operations Research. Volume 254. Number 1-2. 2017 . Institutional Repository
Atay, A.; Llerena, F.; Núñez, M. Generalized three-sided assignment markets: core consistency and competitive prices. In TOP. Volume 24. Number 3. 2016 . Institutional Repository
Núñez, M. Comments on: Remarkable polyhedra related to set functions, games and capacities. In TOP. Volume 24. Number 2. 2016 . Institutional Repository
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. A survey on assignment markets. In Journal of Dynamics and Games. Volume 2. Number 3/4. 2015 . Institutional Repository
Llerena, F.; Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. An axiomatization of the nucleolus of assignment markets. In International Journal of Game Theory. Volume 44. Number 1. 2015 . Institutional Repository
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. Von Neumann-Morgenstern solutions in the assignment market. In Journal of Economic Theory. Volume 148. Number 3. 2013 . Institutional Repository
Izquierdo, J.M.; Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. A survey on assignment games and related markets. In Boletín de Estadística e Investigación Operativa. Volume 28. 2012
Tejada, O.; Núñez, M. The nucleolus and the core-center of multi-sided Böhm-Bawerk assignment markets. In Mathematical Methods of Operations Research. Volume 75. Number 2. 2012 .
Llerena, F.; Núñez, M. A geometric characterization of the nucleolus of the assignment game. In Economics Bulletin . Volume 31. Number 4. 2011
Martínez de Albéniz, F.J.; Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. Assignment markets that are uniquely determined by their core. In European Journal of Operational Research. Volume 212. Number 3. 2011 .
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. Assignment submarkets with a segment core. In Economics Bulletin . Volume 3. Number 44. 2008
Izquierdo, J.M.; Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. A simple procedure to obtain the extreme core allocations of an assignment market. In International Journal of Game Theory. Volume 36. 2007 .


Contribució a l¿ aprenentatge autònom amb la resolució de preguntes de qüestionaris de Matemàtiques per als graus d¿ADE i Economia . 2023 - 2025 . Ref.2022PMD-UB/023 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Anna Castañer Garriga
Distribución equitativa en problemas de reparto, coaliciones, redes y mercados . 2021 - 2024 . Ref.PID2020-113110GB-I00 . Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades . PI: Marina Nuñez Oliva; Carlos Rafels Pallarola
Ajuts per a la incorporació de personal investigador postdoctoral al sistema catalase de ciencia i tecnología dins el programa Beatriu de Pinós (BP 2018) . 2020 - 2023 . Ref.2018BP00051 . Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) . PI: Marina Núñez Oliva
Red Española de Elección Social . 2019 - 2022 . Ref.RED2018-102349-T . Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad . PI: Jordi Masso Carreras
Millora de l’aprenentatge autònom de les assignatures de Matemàtiques dels graus d’Economia i ADE mitjançant la utilització de qüestionaris Moodle . 2018 - 2022 . Ref.2018PID-UB/010 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Mercedes Boncompte Pons
Red Española de Elección Social . 2020 - 2021 . Ref.RED2018-102349-T . Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades . PI: Jordi Masso Carreras
Teoria de Jocs i Mercats d'Assignació . 2017 - 2021 . Ref.2017SGR778 . Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) . PI: Marina Nuñez Oliva
Distribución de recursos, juegos coalicionales y mercados de asignación . 2018 - 2020 . Ref.ECO2017-86481-P . Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad . PI: Marina Nuñez Oliva; Carlos Rafels Pallarola
Estrategia, cooperación y justicia: matemáticas para la sociedad . 2018 - 2018 . Ref.FCT-17-12121 . Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnologia . PI: Francisco Javier Martinez de Albeniz Salas
STSM in Corvinus University of Budapest: Optimal core allocations in transportation games . 2018 - 2018 . Ref.CA16228 - STSM 42069 . European Cooperation in Science and Technology . PI: Marina Nuñez Oliva
Xarxa de Referència d'R+D+I en Economia Aplicada XREAP 2017 . 2017 - 2017 . Ref.309155 . Departament d'Economia i Finances de la Generalitat de Catalunya . PI: Martin Parellada Sabata
Red Española de Elección Social . 2015 - 2017 . Ref.ECO2015-70119-REDT . Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad . PI: Jordi Masso Carreras
Cooperación en problemas de distribución de recursos y mercados de asignación . 2015 - 2017 . Ref.ECO2014-52340-P . Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad . PI: Marina Nuñez Oliva; Carlos Rafels Pallarola
Teoria de Jocs i Mercats d'Assignació . 2014 - 2017 . Ref.2014SGR40 . Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) . PI: Marina Nuñez Oliva
Aprenentatge de Matemàtiques en els graus d’Economia i Empresa utilitzant GeoGebra i Wiris . 2014 - 2017 . Ref.2014PID-UB/063 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Anna Castañer Garriga
Xarxa de Referència d'R+D+I en Economia Aplicada XREAP 2016 . 2016 - 2016 . Ref.308629 . Departament d'Economia i Finances de la Generalitat de Catalunya . PI: Martin Parellada Sabata
WORKSHOP INTERNACIONAL: ALGORITMOS Y DINÁMICAS EN OPTIMIZACIÓN Y TEORIA DE JUEGOS (ADOTJ) 2 . 2015 - 2015 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Fco. Javier Martinez de Albeniz Salas
Estada de Gerard van der Laan de VRIJE University Amsterdam . 2015 - 2015 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Marina Nuñez Oliva
Xarxa de Referència d'R+D+I en Economia Aplicada XREAP 2015 . 2015 - 2015 . Ref.308149 . Departament d'Economia i Finances de la Generalitat de Catalunya . PI: Martin Parellada Sabata
Xarxa de Referència d'R+D+I en Economia Aplicada XREAP 2014 . 2014 - 2014 . Ref.307646 . Departament d'Economia i Finances de la Generalitat de Catalunya . PI: Martin Parellada Sabata
Decisiones cooperativas y mercados de asignación . 2012 - 2014 . Ref.ECO2011-22765 . Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) . PI: Marina Nuñez Oliva
Contracte-programa entre la Facultat d'Economia i Empresa de la UB i el Grup de Recerca Consolidat de Teoria de Jocs, Investigació Operativa i Optimització . 2013 - 2013 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Carles Rafels Pallarola
Short Term Scientific Mission in the Academy of Sciences of Hungary . 2013 - 2013 . Ref.COST-STSM-ECOST-STSM-IC1205-031213-037910 . Directorate General Joint Research Centre (JRC) . PI: Marina Nuñez Oliva
Xarxa de Referència d'R+D+I en Economia Aplicada XREAP 2013 . 2013 - 2013 . Ref.307191 . Departament d'Economia i Finances de la Generalitat de Catalunya . PI: Martin Parellada Sabata
XX Jornadas Asepuma- VIII Encuentro Internacional . 2011 - 2013 . Ref.ECO2011-15148-E . Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) . PI: Mercedes Boncompte Pons
Teoria de jocs, investigació operativa i optimització . 2009 - 2013 . Ref.2009SGR960 . Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) . PI: Carlos Rafels Pallarola
Contracte programa entre la Facultat d'Economia i Empresa de la UB i en Grup de Recerca Consolidat de Teoria de Jocs, Investigació Operativa i Optimització . 2012 - 2012 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Carles Rafels Pallarol
Xarxa de Referència d'R+D+I en Economia Aplicada XREAP 2012 . 2012 - 2012 . Ref.306726 . Departament d'Economia i Finances de la Generalitat de Catalunya . PI: Martin Parellada Sabata
JOCS20112012 . 2011 - 2012 . Ref.ECO2011-13965-E . Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) . PI: Jacobus Petrus Maria Hurkens
Ajut del Vicerectorat de Política Docent i Científica per l'organització del congrés 'XX Jornades Asepuma-VIII Encuentro Internacional' . 2011 - 2012 . Ref.Carta vicerect 13-10-11 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Mercedes Boncompte Pons
Contracte-programa entre la Facultat d'Economia i Empresa i el grup consolidat Teoria de Jocs, Investigació Operativa i Optimització . 2011 - 2011 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Carles Rafels Pallarola
Subvenció per a estada en centres estrangers, inclòs programa 'Salvador de Madariaga'. Estada a European University Institute (Itàlia) . 2011 - 2011 . Ref.SM2010-0006 . Ministerio de Educación . PI: Marina Nuñez Oliva
Xarxa de Referència d'R+D+I en Economia Aplicada XREAP 2011 . 2011 - 2011 . Ref.306262 . Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa. Generalitat de Catalunya . PI: Martin Parellada Sabata
Red Española de Elección Social . 2010 - 2011 . Ref.ECO2010-09449-E . Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia . PI: Jordi Masso Carreras
Decisiones cooperativas: negociación, monotonía y mercados de asignación . 2008 - 2011 . Ref.ECO2008-02344/ECON . Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia . PI: Carlos Rafels Pallarola
Contracte-programa entre la Facultat d'Economia i Empresa i el grup consolidat Teoria de Jocs, Investigació Operativa i Optimització . 2010 - 2010 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Carles Rafels Pallarola
Xarxa de Referència d'R+D+I en Economia Aplicada XREAP 2010 . 2010 - 2010 . Ref.305858 . Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa. Generalitat de Catalunya . PI: Martin Parellada Sabata
Contracte-programa entre la Facultat d'Economia i Empresa i el grup consolidat Teoria de Jocs, Investigació Operativa i Optimització . 2009 - 2009 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Carles Rafels Pallarola
Xarxa de Referència d'R+D+I en Economia Aplicada XREAP 2009 . 2009 - 2009 . Ref.304770 . Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa. Generalitat de Catalunya . PI: Martin Parellada Sabata
Red Española de Elección Social . 2008 - 2009 . Ref.SEJ2007-30297-E/ECON . Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia . PI: Jordi Masó carreras
Barcelona Jocs . 2008 - 2009 . Ref.SEJ2007-30231-E/ECON . Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia . PI: Marina Nuñez Oliva
Grup d'Economia del Benestar: Teoria i apliacions . 2005 - 2009 . Ref.2005SGR00984 . Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació (Generalitat de Catalunya) DURSI . PI: Antonio Manresa Sanchez
Xarxa de Referència d'R+D+I en Economia Aplicada XREAP 2008 . 2008 - 2008 . Ref.304769 . Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa. Generalitat de Catalunya . PI: Martin Parellada Sabata
Fundamentos y extensiones del núcleo en decisiones cooperativas y mercados de asignación . 2005 - 2008 . Ref.SEJ2005-02443/ECON . Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia . PI: Carlos Rafels Pallarola
Implementació de l'avaluació continuada i del dossier d'aprenentatge en un entorn virtual a l'assignatura de Teoria de Jocs . 2007 - 2007 . Ref.2007PID-UB/16 . Universitat de Barcelona . PI: Josep M Izquierdo
Barcelona Jocs . 2004 - 2006 . Ref.2003XT-0055 . Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació (Generalitat de Catalunya) DURSI . PI: Clara Ponsatí Obiols
Grup d'Economia del Benestar: Teoria i Aplicacions . 2002 - 2005 . Ref.2001SGR00029 . Comissionat per a Universitats i Recerca. Generalitat de Catalunya . PI: Antonio Manresa Sanchez
Convexidad e indivisibilidades en problemas de intercambio, asignación, demanda y producción . 2002 - 2005 . Ref.BEC2002-00642 . Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología . PI: Juan Enrique Martinez Legaz
Barcelona Jocs . 2002 - 2004 . Ref.2001XT . Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació (Generalitat de Catalunya) DURSI . PI: Antonio Cabrales
Grup d'Economia del Benestar: Teoria i Aplicacions . 2000 - 2002 . Ref.1999SGR00016 . Comissionat per a Universitats i Recerca. Generalitat de Catalunya . PI: Antonio Manresa Sanchez

Thesis, minor thesis and research reports

Ata Atay (2017) Essays on multi-sided assignment markets (European Ph.D.)
Francisco Javier Robles Jiménez (2017) Essays on assignment markets: Vickrey outcome and Walrasian equilibrium (European Ph.D.)
Silvia Miquel Fernández (2005) Contributions to operations research games (European Ph.D.)
Gerard Domènech (2019) Introducing media in a model of electoral competition with candidate quality (Master's Thesis)
Levent Gumus (2019) Inequality aversion in a bargaining game: an experimental approach (Master's Thesis)
Sergi Ros Peracaula (2017) Venture capital and start-ups: a matching model (Master's Thesis)
Pol Campos Mercadé (2015) An economic study on helping behavior and group size (Master's Thesis)
Anna Rovira (2012) Teoría 'school choice': mecanismos y propiedades (Master's Thesis)
Francisco Robles (2011) An indivisible good market with one seller and many buyers: a cooperative approach (Master's Thesis)
Paula Fuster (2008) Juegos cooperativos y mercados bilaterales (Master's Thesis)

Stays abroad in Research Centers

Corvinus University of Budapest and Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Budapest. HUNGARY. 2013
European University Institute. Florencia. ITALY. 2011
Corvinus University of Budapest. Budapest. HUNGARY. 2018

Participations in Conferences

Ata Atay; Marina Núñez; Tamás Solymosi (2022). Many-to-one assignment markets: extreme core allocations. (Presentation of communication) . The 33rd Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory . Stony Brook . UNITED STATES
Domènech, G.; Núñez, M. (2022). Axioms for stable rules and fair division rules in a multiple-partners job market. (Invited conference) . Workshop Games and Optimization, GO 2022 . Saint Etienne . FRANCE
Domènech, G.; Núñez, M. (2022). Axioms for stable rules and fair division rules in a multiple-partners job market. (Presentation of communication) . Conference on Mechanism and Institutions Design 2022 . Singapore . SINGAPORE
Domènech, G.; Núñez, M. (2022). Axioms for stable rules and fair division rules in a multiple-partners job market. (Presentation of communication) . The 33rd Stony Brook International Conference on Game Theory . Stony Brook . UNITED STATES
Domènech, G.; Núñez, M. (2022). Axioms for stable rules and fair division rules in a multiple-partners job market. (Presentation of communication) . Conference on Economic Design 2022 . Padova . ITALY
Núñez, M. (2022). . (Participation in scientific/organizer committee) . 17th European Meeting on Game Theory . Padova . ITALY
Núñez, M. (2022). . (Chair of scientific/organizer committee) . UB Workshop on Game Theory . Barcelona . SPAIN
Núñez, M. (2022). . (Participation in scientific/organizer committee) . V SEIO Course on Game Theory . Barcelona . SPAIN
Núñez, M.; Robles, F. (2022). Overbidding and underbidding in package allocation problems. (Presentation of communication) . Conference Economic Design, CED 2022 . Padova . ITALY
Núñez, M.; Robles, F. (2022). Overbidding and underbidding in package allocation problems. (Invited conference) . Workshop OSGAD 2022, Ordered Structures in Games and Decisions . Paris . FRANCE
Domènech, G.; Núñez, M. (2021). Valuation monotonicity and manipulability in stable rules in a multiple-partners job market. (Presentation of communication) . SING 16 European Meeting on Game Theory . Granada (online) . SPAIN
Domènech, G.; Núñez, M. (2021). Valuation monotonicity and manipulability in stable rules in a multiple-partners job market. (Presentation of communication) . SAET 2021, Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory . Seoul (online) . REPUBLIC OF KOREA
Núñez, M. (2021). . (Participation in scientific/organizer committee) . SING 16 European Meeting on Game Theory . Granada (online) . SPAIN
Núñez, M. (2021). . (Participation in scientific/organizer committee) . SAEe 2021, Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía . Barcelona . SPAIN
Núñez, M. (2021). Axioms for stable rules in assignment markets and markets with multiple partnership. (Invited conference) . Seminario Economia Universidad Pablo Olavide, November 2021 . Sevilla . SPAIN
Núñez, M.; Robles, F. (2021). Overbidding and underbidding in package allocation problems. (Presentation of communication) . SAEe 2021, Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía . Barcelona . SPAIN
Núñez, M.; Vidal-Puga, J. (2021). Core stability and other stable sets in information graph games. (Presentation of communication) . 6th World Congress of the Game Theory Society . Budapest . HUNGARY
van den Brink, R.; Núñez, M.; Robles, F. (2021). Valuation monotonicity, fairness and stability in assignment problems. (Presentation of communication) . SING 16 European Meeting on Game Theory . Granada (online) . SPAIN
Núñez, M. (2020). Valuation monotonicity, fairness and stability in assignment problems. (Invited conference) . Seminario ECOBAS, Universidade de Vigo . SPAIN
Núñez, M.; Vidal-Puga, J. (2020). Stable cores in information graph games. (Invited conference) . Corvinus Game Theory Seminar (online) November 2020 . Budapest . HUNGARY
Atay, A.; Núñez, M.; Solymosi, T. (2019). On the core of many-to-many matching markets with transferable utility. (Presentation of communication) . SING 15 European Meeting on Game Theory . Turku . FINLAND
Atay, A.; Núñez, M.; Solymosi, T. (2019). On the core of many-to-many matching markets with transferable utility. (Presentation of communication) . Conference on Economic Design, CED 2019 . Budapest . HUNGARY
Brink, R.; Núñez, M.; Robles, F. (2019). Valuation monotonicity, fairness and stability in assignment problems. (Presentation of communication) . 2nd Catalan Economic Society Conference . Barcelona . SPAIN
Brink, R.; Núñez, M.; Robles, F. (2019). Valuation monotonicity, fairness and stability in assignment problems. (Presentation of communication) . EURO 2019. 30th European Conference on Operational Research . Dublin . IRELAND
El Obadi, S.; Miquel, S.; Núñez, M. (2019). Assignment markeys with middlemen. (Presentation of communication) . SING 15 European Meeting on Game Theory . Turku . FINLAND
Núñez, M. (2019). . (Participation in scientific/organizer committee) . SING 15 European Meeting on Game Theory . Turku . FINLAND
Núñez, M.; Vidal-Puga, J. (2019). Core stability in information graph games. (Presentation of communication) . SING 15 European Meeting on Game Theory . Turku . FINLAND
van den Brink, R.; Núñez, M.; Robles, F. (2019). Valuation monotonicity, fairness and stability in assignment problems. (Invited conference) . 8th International Workshop in Game Theory, Economics and Mathematics (GEM) . DENMARK
Núñez, M. (2018). . (Participation in scientific/organizer committee) . SING 14 European Meeting on Game Theory . Bayreuth . GERMANY
Núñez, M. (2018). Valuation monotonicity, fairness and stability in assignment problems. (Invited conference) . Corvinus Game Theory Seminar (October 2018) . HUNGARY
van den Brink, R.; Núñez, M.; Robles, F. (2018). Axioms for stable rules in assignment markets. (Presentation of communication) . SEIO 2018, XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa . ISBN: 978-84-16664-98-6 . Oviedo . SPAIN
Atay, A.; Núñez, M. (2017). Multi-sided assignment games on m-partite graphs. (Invited conference) . Workshop 'Measures, Axioms, Rights and Stability in Coalitions and Networks', Saint Etienne, France . FRANCE
Núñez, M. (2017). Miembro comité científico. (Participation in scientific/organizer committee) . SING 13 European Meeting on Game Theory . Paris . FRANCE
Núñez, M. (2017). Miembro comité científico. (Participation in scientific/organizer committee) . 1st Catalan Economic Society Conference . Barcelona . SPAIN
Núñez, M.; Solymosi, T. (2017). Lexocographic allocations, dual games and extreme core elements: the case of assignment games. (Presentation of communication) . 2017 Conference on Economics Design . York . UNITED KINGDOM
van den Brink, R.; Núñez, M.; Robles, F. (2017). Axioms for stable rules in assignment markets. (Invited conference) . Workshop Axiomatizations in Game Theory, Pecs, Hungary . HUNGARY
van den Brink, R.; Núñez, M.; Robles, F. (2017). Axioms for stable rules in the assignment market. (Presentation of communication) . Encuentro de la Red Española de Elección Social REES2017 . SPAIN
Atay, A.; Núnez, M. (2016). Multi-sided assignment games on m-partite graphs. (Presentation of communication) . 13th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare . Lund . SWEDEN
Núñez, M. (2016). Miembro comité científico. (Participation in scientific/organizer committee) . SING 12 European Meeting on Game Theory . Odense . DENMARK
Núñez, M.; Solymosi, T. (2016). Exactness, dual games and extreme points: the case of assignment games. (Invited conference) . Ordered Structures in Games and Decision, 10th Seminar Day, Paris . FRANCE
Robles, F.; Núnez, M. (2016). Core and competitive equilibria in one-seller assignment markets with multi-unit demands. (Presentation of communication) . Games 2016. 5th World Congress of the Game Theory Society . Maastricht . NETHERLANDS
Núñez, M.; Solymosi, T. (2015). Lexicographic allocations and extreme core payoffs in assignment games. (Presentation of communication) . 26th International Conference in Game Theory . Stony Brook . UNITED STATES
Robles, F.; Núñez, M. (2015). One-seller assignment markets: core and competitive equilibria. (Invited conference) . MOVE-Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality joint Workshop on 'Game Theory and its Applications' . Barcelona . SPAIN
Núñez, M. (2014). Interior-point solutions in the core of assignment markets. (Invited conference) . International Workshop on Game Theory and Economic Applications of the Game Theory Society . Sap Paulo . BRAZIL
Núñez, M. (2014). Miembro comité científico. (Participation in scientific/organizer committee) . International Workshop on Game Theory and Economic Applications of the Game Theory Society . Sap Paulo . BRAZIL
Núñez, M.; Solymosi, T. (2014). Lexicographic allocations and the core: the case of the assignment game. (Presentation of communication) . SSCW 2014: Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare . Boston . UNITED STATES
Llerena, F.; Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2013). An axiomatization of the nucleolus of the assignment game. (Presentation of communication) . Seventh International Conference on Game Theory and Management . St. Petersburg . RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Llerena, F.; Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2013). Consistency and the core of multi-sided assignment markets. (Presentation of communication) . 9th International Workshop of the Society of Dynamic Games . Barcelona . SPAIN
Llerena, F.; Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2013). Consistency and the core of multi-sided assignment markets. (Presentation of communication) . Seventh International Conference on Game Theory and Management . St. Petersburg . RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Núñez, M. (2013). Assignment markets and games with multiple partnership. (Invited conference) . Corvinus Workshop on Assignment Games . HUNGARY
Núñez, M. (2013). Fundamentos de la Teoría de Juegos. (Invited conference) . Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla (IMUS) . Sevilla . SPAIN
Núñez, M. (2013). Introduction to assignment games. (Invited conference) . Summer School on Matching Problems, Markets, and Mechanisms: the first summer school of the COST project on Computational Social Choice . HUNGARY
Núñez, M. (2013). The assignment market and game: core and competitive equilibria. (Invited conference) . Corvinus Workshop on Assignment Games . HUNGARY
Llerena, F.; Núñez, M. (2012). A geometric characterization of the nucleolus of the assignment game. (Invited conference) . XXV European Conference on Operational Research, EURO 2012 . Vilnius . LITHUANIA
Llerena, F.; Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2012). Axiomatization of the nucleolus of the assignment game. (Presentation of communication) . 11th Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare . Delhi . INDIA
Núñez, M. (2012). Assignment and multicriteria games. (Chair of session) . XXV European Conference on Operational Research, EURO 2012 . Vilnius . LITHUANIA
Núñez, M. (2012). Miembro del comité científico. (Speech) . Mutch-up 2012: The second international workshop on matching under preferences . Budapest . HUNGARY
Núñez, M. (2012). Secretaria del comité científico. (Speech) . XX Jornadas ASEPUMA y VIII Encuentro Internacional de Profesores Universitarios de Matemáticas para la Economía y la Empresa . Barcelona . SPAIN
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2012). Von Neumann-Morgenstern stable sets in the assignment game. (Presentation of communication) . GAMES 2012. 4th World Congress of the Game Theory Society . Istanbul . TURKEY
Núñez, M.; Solymosi, T. (2012). Lexicographic allocations and extreme core-payoffs in assignment games. (Presentation of communication) . SING8. Spain-Italy-Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory . Budapest . HUNGARY
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2011). Von Neumann-Morgenstern solutions in the assignment market. (Invited conference) . 6th Pan Pacific Conference on Game Theory . Tokyo . JAPAN
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2011). Von Neumann-Morgenstern solutions in the assignment market. (Invited conference) . Workshop Challenges of mathematics for games. Doc Course IMUS 2011: The mathematics of games: strategies, cooperation and fair division. March 2011 . Sevilla . SPAIN
Núñez, M. (2010). Miembro del Comité Científico. (Speech) . Second Brazilian Workshop of the Game Theory Society . Sao Paulo . BRAZIL
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2010). Von Neumann-Morgenstern solutions in the assignment market. (Presentation of communication) . Econometric Society World Congress 2010 . Shanghai . CHINA
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2010). Von Neumann-Morgenstern solutions in the assignment market. (Presentation of communication) . First Conference of the Chinese Game Theory and Experimental Economics Association . Beijing . CHINA
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2010). Von Neumann-Morgenstern solutions in the assignment market. (Invited conference) . Second Brazilian Workshop of the Game Theory Society . Sao Paulo . BRAZIL
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2010). Von Neumann-Morgenstern solutions in the assignment market. (Presentation of communication) . XXXII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa . A Coruña . SPAIN
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2009). A glove-market partitioned matrix for the assignment game. (Invited conference) . EURO XXIII Bonn, 23rd European Conference on Operational Research . Bonn . GERMANY
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2009). A glove-market partitioned matrix for the assignment game. (Presentation of communication) . XXXI Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa . Murcia . SPAIN
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2009). Von Neumann-Morgenstern stable-set solutions in the assignment market. (Presentation of communication) . SING 5, 5th Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory . Amsterdam . NETHERLANDS
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2009). Von Neumann-Morgenstern stable-set solutions in the assignment market. (Presentation of communication) . Waseda Game Theory Workshop . Tokyo . JAPAN
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2008). A glove-market partitioned matrix for the assignment game. (Poster) . Games 2008. Third World Congress of the Game Theory Society . Evanston . UNITED STATES
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2008). On the dimension of the core of the assignment game. (Presentation of communication) . The Ninth International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare . Montreal . CANADA
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2007). On the dimension of the core of the assignment game. (Speech) . SING 3, Spain, Italy, Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory . Madrid . SPAIN
Izquierdo, J.M.; Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2006). A new characterization of the extreme core allocations of the assignment game. (Speech) . EURO XXI, 21st European Conference on Operational Research . Reykjavik . ICELAND
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2006). A canonical representative for the assignment game: the kernel and the nucleolus. (Speech) . SING 2, Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory . Foggia . ITALY
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2006). A canonical representative for the assignment game: the kernel and the nucleolus. (Speech) . The Eight International Meeting of the Society for Social Choice and Welfare . Istanbul . TURKEY
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2005). Bargained stable allocations in assignment markets. (Presentation of communication) . First Spain Italy Netherlands Meeting on Game Theory . Maastricht . NETHERLANDS
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2005). Core-based solutions for assignment markets. (Speech) . 4th Twente workshop on Cooperative Game Theory joint with 3rd Dutch-Russian symposium . Proceedings of the 4th Twente workshop on Cooperative Game Theory joint with 3rd Dutch-Russian symposium, 105-116. ISSN 1574-0846 . Enschede . NETHERLANDS
Núñez, M. (2004). A note on the nucleolus and the kernel of the assignment game. (Presentation of communication) . VI Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Practice . p.117, D.L.:A-625-2004, ISBN:84-8454-359-5 . Elche . SPAIN
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2004). The Bohm-Bawerk horse market: a cooperative analysis. (Presentation of communication) . Second World Congress of the Game Theory Society . Marsella . FRANCE
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2003). Single-valued solutions for the Bohm-Bawerk horse market game. (Presentation of communication) . 27 Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa . Lleida . SPAIN
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2002). Buyer-seller exactness in the assignment game. (Presentation of communication) . Fifth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory . pp: 171-172, D.L.: SE-2.193-2002, ISBN: 84-472-0733-1 . Sevilla . SPAIN
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2002). Buyer-seller exactness in the assignment game. (Presentation of communication) . First Brazilian Workshop of the Game Theory Society . Sao Paulo . BRAZIL
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2002). The assignment game: old and new results. (Invited conference) . Second Twente Workshop on Cooperative Game Theory joint with Dutch-Russian Symposium . Enschede . NETHERLANDS
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2002). The assignment game: the tau value. (Presentation of communication) . Advances in Game Theory and Related Topics joint with Game Practice III (in honour of Stef Tijs) . Hilvarenbeek(Tilburg) . NETHERLANDS
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2002). The reduced marginal worth vectors: convex games and assignment games. (Invited conference) . LEA Workshop on Optimization, Games and Economic Applications . Bellaterra . SPAIN
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2001). The fair allocation for the assignment game. (Presentation of communication) . XIV Italian Meeting on Game Theory and Applications (IMGTA) . Ischia . ITALY
Núñez, M.; Rafels, C. (2000). Reduced marginal worth vectors and the core of the assignment game. (Invited conference) . Fourth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications, Game Practice II and Eight Summer Meeting . Valencia . SPAIN
Atay, A.; Núñez, M.; Solymosi, T. (2023). A many-to-one job market: more about the core and competitive salaries. (Presentation of communication) . SING18, 18th European Meeting on Game Theory . Messina . ITALY
Atay, A.; Núñez, M.; Solymosi, T. (2023). A many-to-one job market: more about the core and competitive salaries. (Presentation of communication) . Conference on Economic Design . Girona . SPAIN
Atay, A.; Núñez, M.; Solymosi, T. (2023). A many-to-one job market: more about the core and competitive salaries. (Presentation of communication) . SAET2023, 22nd Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory . Paris . FRANCE
Núñez, M. (2023). . (Participation in scientific/organizer committee) . 18th European Meeting on Game Theory . Messina . ITALY


The assignment game: core and competitive equilibria . (Workshop on assignment markets and multi-item auctions (online)). 07/07/2021. Vigo. SPAIN
The assignment game: cooperative-game analysis . (Workshop on assignment markets and multi-item auctions (online)). 08/07/2021. Vigo. SPAIN
Extensions of the assignment game: multiple-partnership and package auctions . (Workshop on assignment markets and multi-item auctions (online)). 09/07/2021. Vigo. SPAIN
Axioms for stable rules in assignment games and markets with multiple partnership . (Seminario Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico de la Universidad Pablo Olavide). 16/11/2021. Sevilla. SPAIN
Stable cores in information graph games . (Corvinus Game Theory Seminar (online)). 06/11/2020. Budapest. HUNGARY
Valuation monotonicity, fairness and stability in assignment problems . (Seminario ECOBAS, Universidade de Vigo). 20/02/2020. Vigo. SPAIN
Valuation monotonicity, fairness and stability in assignment problems . (Corvinus Game Theory Seminar). 11/10/2018. Budapest. HUNGARY
One-seller assignment markets with multi-unit demands: core and competitive equilibria . (Seminario Departamento Economía Aplicada IV, Universidad del País Vasco). 13/11/2015. Bilbao. SPAIN
The core of multisided assignment games: axiomatic characterizations and extensions . (Corvinus Game Theory Seminar). 09/12/2013. Budapest. HUNGARY
The assignment market: a game-theoretical approach . (Seminario de Economía de la Universidad de Vigo). 08/03/2012. Vigo. SPAIN
Von Neumann-Morgenstern stable sets solutions for the assignment market . (Working Group on Networks and Game Theory, European University Institute). 02/02/2011. Florencia. ITALY
Problemas de asignación y juegos de mercado . (Seminario del Centro de Investigación Operativa, Universidad Miguel Hernández). 28/05/2010. Elche. SPAIN
El core y las soluciones von Neumann Morgenstern en los juegos de asignación . (Seminario del Centro de Investigación Operativa, Universidad Miguel Hernández). 01/06/2009. Elche. SPAIN
Un model cooperatiu per als mercats d'assignació . (Seminari del Grup de Recerca en Teoria de Jocs de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.). 05/05/2009. Terrassa. SPAIN
Further results on the core of the assignment game . (Seminari Interuniversitari Barcelona-Jocs: Seminar on Game Theory and its aplications. ). 26/02/2007. Barcelona. SPAIN
El riesgo en la teoría de la decisión . (Seminario del grupo IAFI (Investigación en Análisis Financiero y de la Incerteza). Departamento de Matemática Económica, Financiera y Actuarial. Universidad de Barcelona.). 21/02/2003. Barcelona. SPAIN
The assignment game: extreme core allocations and point solutions . (Seminari Interuniversitari Barcelona-Jocs: Seminar on Game Theory and its aplications. ). 22/04/2002. Barcelona. SPAIN
Sobre la Sucesión de Centros de una Valoración . (Seminario del Departamento de Álgebra, Geometría y Topología Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Valladolid). 16/07/1999. Valladolid. SPAIN

Management of R+D activities

Directora del Departamento de matemática Econòmica, Financiera y Actuarial . Dirección de Departamento . 2021

Other Tasks

Acreditación ANECA Catedrática Universidad () . 18/12/2014
Acreditación de 'Recerca Avançada' por la Agencia Catalana de Calidad Universitaria (AQU) () . 02/2012