Contact Information
Department of Pathology and Experimental Therapeutics
Pabelló de Govern Feixa LLarga s/n 934020170 mimiguel(a)
Teaching imparted (current)
Anatomia d'Òrgans i Sistemes -
Medicina -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Anatomia Funcional i Embriologia de l'Aparell Locomotor -
Medicina -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Aplicació de l'Ecografia a l'Estudi de l'Aparell Locomotor -
Medicina -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Accessos Vasculars: Aplicacions Clíniques -
Medicina -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Academic training
Medicina y Cirugía
. Facultat de Medicina (Universidad de Barcelona)
. 28/11/1986
. (Diploma / Degree / Activities)Especialidad en Medicina Deportiva
. Facultad de Medicina
. 16/08/1993
. (Diploma / Degree / Activities)Master en Acupuntura
. Universidad de Barcelona
. 27/05/2006
. (Diploma / Degree / Activities)Medicina y Cirugía
. Faclutat de Medicina (Universidad de Barcelona)
. 23/02/1993
. (Ph.D.)
Research interests
Study of skeletal muscle system anatomic variations and its clinical importanceInvestigació sobre la docència d'Anatomia Humana en Medicina. Influència pedagògica i psicològica de l'assignatura en els estudiantsUltrasound human anatomy study. Anesthesia and analgesia applicationsUltrasound study of skeletal muscle system. Variations and clinical applicationsAnatomy, histology and ultrasound study of human fascia
Journal Publications
Möller I, Miguel M, Bong DA, Zaottini F, Martinoli C.(2018).
The peripheral nerves: update on ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging.Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 5(114), pp. 145 - 158. ISSN: 0392-856XMandl P, Bong D, Balint PV, Hammer HB, Miguel M, Naredo E, Terslev L, Möller I; Anatomy for the Image Study Group.(2018).
Sonographic and anatomic description of the subtalar joint.Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 1(44), pp. 119 - 123. ISSN: 0301-5629Marco C, Miguel-Pérez M, Pérez-Bellmunt A, Ortiz-Sagristà JC, Martinoli C, Möller I, Ortiz Miguel S, Agulló P.(2019).
Anatomical causes of compression of the sciatic nerve in the pelvis. Piriform syndrome.Revista Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología, 6(63), pp. 424 - 430. ISSN: 1888-4415Blasi M, De la Fuente J, Pérez-Bellmunt A, Zabalza O, Martínez S, Casasayas O, Miguel-Pérez M.(2019).
High-resolution ultrasound in the assessment of the distal biceps brachii tendinous complex.Skeletal Radiology, 3(48), pp. 395 - 404. ISSN: 0364-2348Mankia K, D'Agostino MA, Rowbotham E, Hensor EM, Hunt L, Möller I, Miguel M, Mérida-Velasco JR, Murillo-González J, Naredo E, Nam JL, Tan AL, Freeston JE, Grainger A, Emery P.(2019).
MRI inflammation of the hand interosseous tendons occurs in anti-CCP-positive at-risk individuals and may precede the development of clinical synovitis.Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 6(78), pp. 781 - 786. ISSN: 0003-4967Míguez-Fernández M; Miguel-Pérez M; Ortiz-Sagristà JC; Pérez-Bellmunt A; Blasi-Cabus J; Möller I; Martinoli C.(2020).
Ultrasound and anatomical study of accessing the nerves in the knee by fascial planes.Pain Practice, 2(20), pp. 138 - 146. ISSN: 1530-7085Möller I, Miguel-Pérez M, Bong D, Pérez A, Martinoli C.(2018).
Sonoanatomic fundamentals of musculoskeletal ultrasound.Indian Journal of Rheumatology(13), pp. S4 - S8. ISSN: 0973-3698Aguililla Liñan JM; Miguel Pérez MI; Palau González J; Möller Parera I; Martinoli C.(2020).
A Comprehensive Review of Radiohumeral Synovial Plicae for a Correct Clinical Interpretation in Intractable Lateral Epicondylitis.Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal medicine, 13(4), pp. 385 - 390
. ISSN: 1935-9748Picasso R; Zaottini F; Pistoia F; Perez MM; Klauser A; Rossi F; Schenone A; Tagliafico AS; Martinoli C .(2020).
High-Resolution Ultrasound of Small Clinically Relevant Nerves Running Across the Posterior Triangle of the Neck.Semin Musculoskelet Radiol, ;24(2), pp. 101 - 112
. F, Picasso R; Pistoia F; Perez MM; Möller I; Rossi F; Bruns A; Tagliafico AS; Martinoli C. Semin Musculoskelet Radiol. 2020(2020).
Ultrasound Imaging Guide for Assessment of the Intrinsic Ligaments Stabilizing the Subtalar and Midtarsal Joints.Semin Musculoskelet Radiol, 24(2), pp. 113 - 121