Beatriz Fe Tena Blanco

Medical Adjunct part-time

Knowledge area: Cirurgia

Grup d’Innovació en Metodologies docents actives per el desenvolupament i avaluació de les competències clíniques en Medicina

Contact Information
Department of Surgery and Surgical Specializations
Hospital Clinic Barcelona. c/Villarroel 170

Teaching imparted (current)

Fonaments de Cirurgia - Medicina - Universidad de Barcelona.
Fonaments de Cirurgia, Anestesiologia i Reanimació - Medicina - Universidad de Barcelona.
Situacions de Risc Vital i Reanimació - Medicina - Universidad de Barcelona.
Situacions de risc vital: reanimació - Medicina - Universidad de Barcelona.
Fonaments de Cirurgia, Anestesiologia i Reanimació - Medicina - Universidad de Barcelona.

Academic training

Licenciada en Medicina . Universidad de Valladolid . 06/2003 . (Diploma / Degree / Activities)
Doctorat Cirurgia i Especialitats Quirurgicas . Universitat de Barcelona . 06/06/2014 . (Ph.D.)
Master Diseño y Estadística en Ciencias de la Salud . Universitat Autonoma Barcelona . 04/2021 . (Official Master)
Especialista Anestesiologia, Reanimació i Terapèutica del Dolor . Hospital Clinic Barcelona . 2008 . (Specialized Training)

Professional experience

Formación sanitaria especializada: Anestesiología y Reanimación. Hospital Clinic Barcelona. 05/2004 - 05/2008
Premi Fi de Residencia Emili Letang. Hospital Clinic Barcelona. 01/2009 - 01/2010

Research interests

Evaluación de la disfunción cognitiva postoperatoria
Dolor crónico postoperatorio
Prehabilitación prequirúrgica
Instructor de simulación clínica

Research Projects

Periosperative Ischemic Evaluation 3 Trial . 2020 - 2020 . Ref.2018-000539-29 . Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation . PI: Beatriz Fe Tena Blanco
European Transfusion Practice and Outcome Study (ETPOS) . 2013 - 2014 . European Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care . PI: Jens Meier
Connecare-Personalised Connected Care for Complex Chronic Patients (CONNECARE)- Grant agreement nº 689802 . 2016 - 2019 . European Commission . PI: Josep Roca
Patient empowerment for major surgery preparation at home [PAPRIKA]" - Grant agreement nº 19365 . 2019 - 2022 . European Commission . PI: Josep Roca
Simulation Approach For Education and Training in emergency (SAFETY) . 2020 - 2022 . European Commission . PI: Carlos Ferrando

Journal Publications

Tena B ;Vendrell M (2020). Perioperative considerations for kidney and pancreas-kidney transplantation. Best Practice & Research-Clinical Anaesthesiology . ISSN: 1521-6896
Biccard BM.; Sigamani A.; Chan MTV.; Sessler DI.; Kurz A.; Tittley JG.; Rapanos T.; Harlock J.; Szalay D.; Tiboni ME.; Popova E.; Vásquez SM.; Kabon B.; Amir M.; Mrkobrada M.; Mehra BR.; El Beheiry H.; Mata E.; Tena B.; Sabaté S.; Zainal Abidin MK.; Shah VR.; Balasubramanian K.; Devereaux PJ. (2018). Effect of aspirin in vascular surgery in patients from a randomized clinical trial (POISE-2). British Journal of Surgery, 105(12), pp. 1591 - 1597 . ISSN: 0007-1323
Queiroz VNF.; da Costa LGV.; Barbosa RP.; Takaoka F.; De Baerdemaeker L.; Cesar DS.; D'Orto UC.; Galdi JR.; Gottumukkala V.; Cata JP.; Hemmes SNT.; Hollman MW.; Kalmar A.; Moura LAB.; Mariano RM.; Matot I.; Mazzinari G.; Mills GH.; Posso IP.; Teruya A.; Vidal Melo MF.; Sprung J.; Weingarten TN.; Treschan TA.; Koopman S.; Eidelman L.; Chen LL.; Lee JW.; Ariño Irujo JJ.; Tena B.; Groeben H.; Pelosi P.; de Abreu MG.; Schultz MJ.; Serpa Neto A.; AVATaR and PROVE Network investigators. (2018). International multicenter observational study on assessment of ventilatory management during general anaesthesia for robotic surgery and its effects on postoperative pulmonary complication (AVATaR): study protocol and statistical analysis plan. BMJ Open, 8(8), p. e021643 . ISSN: 2044-6055
COVIDSurg Collaborative (B. Tena) (2020). Elective surgery cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic: global predictive modelling to inform surgical recovery plans. British Journal of Surgery, 12, p. 10 . ISSN: 0007-1323
Ferrando, C; Mellado-Artigas, R; Gea, A; Arruti, E; Aldecoa, C; Adalia, R; Ramasco, F; Monedero, P; Maseda, E; Tamayo, G; Hernández-Sanz, ML; Mercadal, J; Martín-Grande, A; Kacmarek; RM; Villar, J; Suárez-Sipmann, F; COVID-19 Nicolas, JM ;Spanish ICU Network. (2020). Awake prone positioning does not reduce the risk of intubation in COVID-19 treated with high-flow nasal oxygen therapy: a multicenter, adjusted cohort study. Critical Care, 24(597) . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1364-8535
Assessment of Ventilation during general AnesThesia for Robotic surgery (AVATaR) Study Investigators; PROtective VEntilation (PROVE) Network; Writing Committee Members; Steering Committee Members; AVATaR Investigators. (2021). Ventilation and outcomes following robotic-assisted abdominal surgery: an international, multicentre observational study. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 126(2), pp. 533 - 543 . ISSN: 0007-0912
Mellado-Artigas R; Ferreyro BL; Angriman F; Hernández-Sanz M; Arruti E; Torres A; Villar J; Brochard L; Ferrando C; COVID-19 Spanish ICU Network. (2021). High-flow nasal oxygen in patients with COVID-19-associated acute respiratory failure. Critical Care, 25(1), p. 58 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1364-8535
Mellado-Artigas R; Mujica LE; Ruiz ML; Ferreyro BL; Angriman F; Arruti E; Torres A; Barbeta E; Villar J; Ferrando C; COVID-19 Spanish ICU Network. (2021). Predictors of failure with high-flow nasal oxygen therapy in COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory failure: a multicenter observational stud. Journal Of Intensive Care, 9(1), p. 23 . . ISSN: 2052-0492
Grüßer L.; Keszei A.; Coburn M.; Rossaint R.; Ziemann S.; Kowark A.; ETPOS Study Group (Tena B.) (2022). Intraoperative transfusion practices and perioperative outcome in the European elderly: A secondary analysis of the observational ETPOS study. PLoS One, 17(1), p. e0262110 . ISSN: 1932-6203
Musquera M, Peri L, D'Anna M, Ajami T, Ribal MJ, Vilaseca A, Revuelta I, Álvarez-Vijande R, Palacios A, Diekmann F, Monsalve C, Tena B, Izquierdo L, Martos R, Paredes D, Beltran J, Oppenheimer F, Alcaraz A. (2022). Outcomes after 20 years of experience in minimally invasive living-donor nephrectomy. World Journal of Urology . . ISSN: 0724-4983

Other publications

Gomez L.; Tena B.; Gomar. (2020). Enseñanza por simulación. Aplicación práctica . In Gomar C, Villalonga A, Castillo J et al editores. Formación Continuada en Anestesiología y Reanimación . (pp. 1052 - 1073) . Ergon . ISBN: 978-84-17844-17-2 .