Rosanna Rion teaches translation into Spanish and Catalan and has published translations of 18th century plays (Sheridan, Goldoni) from English and Italian into Catalan and also of contemporary plays (Christopher Hampton, Janusz Glowacki). She studied English Philology at Barcelona University and completed her PhD on humanities at the University Pompeu Fabra (2016); her thesis was on T.S. Eliot and prophetic aesthetics.
She is a member of DIGHECS interdisciplinary team in didactics at the University of Barcelona and she researches in translation and in intangible heritage. She was at Oxford University for a research stay of three months (2014) as academic visitor studying avant-garde poetry for its translation and has translated into Spanish the book of poems Arrow Music by Bryher.
She has also been a member of DIDPATRI team (UB) and has collaborated with Vic University in the study of translation for dubbing. She was given an Erasmus Plus grant (2015) for internationalization of tuition to teach in Paris Ouest University in a Master for translation. Rosanna Rion has been in charge of the innovation project Solidary translation from 2016 to 2022. She is a member of the European Society for Translation Studies.