Teacher and researcher at the Universitat de Barcelona since 2007 (Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació; Dep. de LLengües i de Literatures Modernes i d'Estudis Anglesos). Subjects: English phonetics and phonology levels 1 and 2 (English Studies and Linguistics degree).
Member of the GRAL research group of the Univesitat de Barcelona (www.ubgral.com), in the project Pronunciation and phono-lexical representations in Spanish EFL learners: assessing the benefits of phonetic training and form-focused instructed SLA (PhonLex-iSLA). Principal Investigator: Joan C. Mora (years funded: 2020-2023).
MA in Applied Linguistics and Acquisition of Languages in Multilingual Contexts from the Universitat de Barcelona, and PhD candidate; dissertation's title: L2 vowel perception and phonological short-term memory, supervised by Dr. Joan C. Mora (Universitat de Barcelona).
Research interests:design of reliable tests of phonological short-term memory (PSTM) with bilingual populations, and investigation of the possible relationship between PSTM and learners' perception of English vowel contrasts in a native-like manner. Other research interests include individual factors that might influence L2 speech perception and production, such as acoustic memory, attention control, age of L2 learning onset, L2 input quality and L2 experience among others.