Ph. D. in Linguistics, Indiana University, 1988. Full Professor at the Department of Catalan Philology, Universitat de Barcelona, where she teaches since 1991. Research and teaching on phonology ...
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Ph. D. in Linguistics, Indiana University, 1988. Full Professor at the Department of Catalan Philology, Universitat de Barcelona, where she teaches since 1991. Research and teaching on phonology, morphology, and linguistic variation. Author of the book La fonologia del català (2011) and co-author of two books: Manual de transcripció fonètica (1997; with Eulàlia Bonet and Joan.Mascaró) and Fonologia catalana (1998; with Eulàlia Bonet). Co-director of the Gramàtica del catala contemporani, 3 vol. (2002; with Joan Solà, Joan Mascaró, and Manuel Pérez Saldanya), which was awarded the Sanchis Guarner Prize in 2002. Publications in specific volumes as well as in international journals on general linguistics (e.g. Language, Lingua, Linguistic Inquiry, Phonology, Sintagma, Catalan Journal of Linguistics), Romance linguistics (e.g. Probus, Revista de Filología Románica, Estudis Romànics, Verba), Catalan linguistics (e.g. Caplletra, Els Marges, Catalan Review), and African linguistics (e.g. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics). In 2002 she was awarded a research prize from the Catalan Government for the period 2003-2006. Since 2004, she leads research projects founded by the Spanish Government on the study of the phonology and the morphology of Catalan dialects in contrast with other Romance languages- info
Academic training
Licenciado en Filología
. Universitat de Barcelona
. 30/04/1985
. (Diploma / Degree / Activities)Master of Arts
. Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana)
. 31/05/1986
. (Diploma / Degree / Activities)Doctor of Philosophy (Homologación: Doctor en Filología, 31/01/1992)
. Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana)
. 31/12/1988
. (Ph.D.)
Teaching imparted
Llengua Catalana II (Bachelor's degree) -
Filología Catalana -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Treball Final de Màster (University Master's Degree) -
Estudis Avançats de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Morfologia Catalana (Bachelor's degree) -
Filología Catalana -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Lines of Activity (Teaching and Research)
Catalan Phonology, Catalan Morphology, Decsriptive Linguistics of Catalan, Linguistic VariationSynchronic linguistics of Catalan; Phonology; Morphology; Romance languages
Relevant publications
Bonet, E.; Lloret, M.R.(2018).
Fricative-affricate alternations in Catalan.Probus, 30(2), pp. 215 - 249
. ISSN: 0921-4771Jiménez, J.; Lloret, M.R.; Pons-Moll, C.(2019).
Syllabically-driven stricture effects in Majorcan Catalan high vocoids.Probus, 31(1), pp. 147 - 186
. ISSN: 0921-4771Jiménez, J.; Lloret, M.R.(2020).
Vowel Harmony
. In
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Phonology (ed. S. Colina; F. Martínez-Gil)
. (pp. 100 - 128)
. Routledge, Taylor & Francis
. ISBN: 9780415785693
Conferences and Participations in Congresses
Martínez-Paricio, V.; Lloret, M.R.(2017).
/s/-Weakening in Andalusian Spanish: from (partial) deletion to (in)complete gemination.
25th Manchester Phonology Meeting. Manchester
. UNITED KINGDOMLloret, M.R.(2018).
Andalusian vowel harmony at the phonology-morphology interface.
(Invited conference)
15th Old World Conference on Phonology (OCP15). Londres
. UNITED KINGDOMLloret, M.R.(2018).
Cuestiones candentes de la fonología del catalán en compración con otras lenguas románicas.
(Invited conference)
2 Encontro de línguas ibéricas (ELI 2). Covilha