Anna Alberni Jorda

Investigadora ICREA

ORCID: 0000-0002-5564-5581
Knowledge area: Filologia Catalana

Grup de Cultura i Literatura a la Baixa Edat Mitjana

My Profile

Llicenciada en Filologia Anglesa per la Universitat de Barcelona l'any 1995 i Doctora en Filologia Catalana per la Universitat de Barcelona l'any 2003. Des del curs 2009-2010, sóc professora ICREA ... + info

Academic training

Filologia Anglesa . Universitat de Barcelona . 1995 . (Diploma / Degree / Activities)
Filologia Catalana . Universitat de Barcelona . (Ph.D.)

Teaching imparted

Literatura Catalana en els seus Textos: Poètica dels Gèneres Literaris (University Master's Degree) - Formación del Profesorado de Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas - Universidad de Barcelona.

Lines of Activity (Teaching and Research)

The Last Song of the Troubadours: Linguistic Codification and Construction of a Literary Canon in the Crown of Aragon (14th-15th centuries) is the title of a project funded by a European Research Council Independent Starting Grant (The Last Song StG 2009-2013-241070). The project is based at the University of Barcelona (Department of Catalan Philology
IRCVM) and carried out with the collaboration of researchers from various institutions. The project is organized into three main research areas: 1. Edition and study of a corpus of Occitan and Catalan poetry from the chansonnier Vega-Aguiló (Biblioteca de Catalunya, mss. 7-8 [VeAg]) and other older witnesses that have not been studied extensively to date, including troubadour manuscript fragments from Siena (Archivio di Stato, C. 60 [s]) and Madrid (Real Academia de la Historia, 9-24-6/4579 [Mh]), a manuscript fragment with musical notation from Sant Joan de les Abadesses (Biblioteca de Catalunya, ms. 3871) and scattered traces of poetry in notarial records. 2. Edition and study of two seminal works from the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries on the grammar of poetics: Leys d'Amors and Doctrina d'Acort. 3. Edition and study of Roman de Cardenois, a romance from the end of the fourteenth century that was written in French by someone who was very familiar with both Catalonia and the poetry of Guillaume de Machaut. These three research areas are brought together in a webpage conceived as a proposal of a legible critical text presented with all of the philological information needed to justify the reading and broaden the field of study. The team is comprised of Anna Alberni (Universitat de Barcelona), Anna Di Fabrizio (Università degli Studi di Padova), Beatrice Fedi (Università degli Studi di Chieti), Claudio Lagomarsini (Università degli Studi di Siena), Sofia Lannutti (Università degli Studi di Pavia/Cremona), Marta Marfany (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Anna Spa (Arxiu de Cardedeu), Simone Ventura (Universitat de Barcelona), Fabio Zinelli (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris)
Diplomatari-DB Elaboración de una base de datos archivísticos para el análisis de las relaciones entre poetas, mecenas, músicos y lectores en la Corona de Aragón y Francia, así como de los contactos entre las dos literaturas producidas en estos terriorios y sus influencias mútuas, con el objetivo de trazar, en el futuro, una nueva topografía intelectual de la cultura francesa en la Catalunya medieval
MiMus DB MiMus is a research project funded by the European Research Council and based at the Universitat de Barcelona (Departament de Filologia Catalana i Lingüística General - Centre de Documentació Ramon Llull, Institut de Recerca en Cultures Medievals). It runs from September 2018 to August 2023. The project proposes an analytical examination of documents preserved in the ACA (Arxiu de la Corona d'Aragó) archives of Royal Chancellery (Chancellery letters) and Mestre Racional (Accountancy) relating to the presence of minstrels, musicians and entertainment professionals at the court of Aragon from 1235 to 1435. An initial exploration puts an estimate of the whole corpus at around 6,000 documents, 70% of which approximately have never been published. The specific objectives of the project are: 1 - to create a comprehensive Data Base of archival documents on minstrels in the Crown of Aragon between 1235-1435 on the basis of the new records. It is envisaged as a repository of data that can be interrogated through semantic queries and ontologies. Philological editions and annotation of all documents will be provided in an open-access format compatible with the standards established by the main EU infrastructures on digital humanities. 2 - to analyse the impact of minstrelsy on late medieval Catalan poetry, both in terms of intertextuality and of the implications of the contacts between different religious and ethnic backgrounds in the minstrel community; special attention will be payed to issues of queenship and to the contacts with the cultural legacy of Al-Andalus and the rest of the Iberian Peninsula. 3 - to gather an analytical comparative Lexicon on the language of music and performance drawn from: the information recorded in the archival documents (our ACA corpus), the lyric texts themselves (Catalan repertory), and a selection of contemporary poetic treatises produced in Catalonia and Languedoc (Doctrina de compondre dictatz, Leys d'Amors, tractats de Ripoll, Flors, Torcimany). Data will be displayed though a Virtual Research Environment where, among other possibilities, words and concepts in our Lexicon will be linked to items in our Corpus of Documents and to items in other textual and musical databases, such as the ERC-AdvG project European Ars Nova: Multilingual Poetry and Polyphonic Song in the Late Middle Ages (Firenze-Pavia)

Relevant publications

Alberni, Anna (2019). Guillaume de Machaut at the Court of Aragon, 1380-1430. Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures, 7(2), pp. 173 - 190 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2162-9544
Alberni, A. (2018). Ioculator seu mimus, Performing Music and Poetry in medieval Iberia. Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies, 5(2), pp. 438 - 444 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2198-0357
Alberni, A. (2021). Poesía y música en la lírica trovadoresca. Ínsula. Revista de Letras y Ciencias Humanas(900), pp. 6 - 7 . ISSN: 0020-4536
Alberni, A.; Lannuti, S. (2018). Lay ves França. Les structures formelles de la musique et de la poésie dans la lyrique catalane du Moyen Age . In Les noces de Philologie et Musicologie. Texte et musique au Moyen Âge: sources et transmission, C. CAZAUX-KOWALSKI, C. CHAILLOU-AMADIEU, A.-Z. RILLON-MARNE et F. ZINELLI (ed.) . Volume. 1 . (pp. 371 - 399) . Editions Garnier, Paris . ISBN: 978-2-406-06208-0 .
Alberni, A. (2021). «Plazens plasers» and Other Fourteenth-Century Catalan Refrain Songs . In Polyphonic Voices: Poetic and Musical Dialogues in the European Ars Nova, A. Alberni, A. Calvia, M.S. Lannutti ed. . Volume. 1 . (pp. 45 - 86) . Sismel. Edizioni del Galluzzo . ISBN: 978-88-9290-147-6 .

Conferences and Participations in Congresses

Alberni, A Organització de panel i comunicació (2019). Ioculator seu Mimus. Performing Music and Poetry in Medieval Iberia: a Reassessment. (Presentation of communication) . International Courtly Literature Society Congress (Exeter, 22-26 July 2019) . Exeter . UNITED KINGDOM
Alberni, A. (2018). La sintassi del verso tra poesia francese e catalana del XIV secolo. (Invited conference) . La traduzione orizontale nella Romània medieval. Aspetti pragmatici e testuali . Alpen-Adria Universität, Klagenfurt . AUSTRIA
Alberni, A. (2021). Les troubadours du Chansonnier VeAg: anthologie ou vestiges d'une tradition révolue?. (Invited conference) . L'auteur dans ses livres: autorité et matérialité dans les littératures romanes du Moyen Âge, Université de Genève, 14-16 avril . Ginebra . SWITZERLAND
Alberni, A. (2021). Madona, xantan vos diria i altres danses del segle XIV al marge dels cançoners. (Invited conference) . La littérature occitane médiévale dans sa tradition manuscrite: témoins, traditions, corpora (Université de Lausanne, 30 novembre - 3 décembre 2021) . Lausana . SWITZERLAND
Alberni, A. (2021). L'actualité de la recherche en occitan médiéval. (Round table) . La littérature occitane médiévale dans sa tradition manuscrite: témoins, traditions, corpora (Université de Lausanne, 30 novembre - 3 décembre 2021) . Lausana . SWITZERLAND