Research group:
IP Virus, bacteris i protozous d'interès en salut pública i seguretat alimentària
Contact Information
Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics
Departament de Microbiologia, edificio annexo, Av. Diagonal 645 934039043 sbofill(a)
Virology. Biotechnology DegreeMicroorganisms and Food Safety. Master of Advanced Microbiology and Master on Food Development and InnovationMedical Virology. Master in Advanced MicrobiologyHealth Aspects. Master of Science and Integral Management
Evaluation of the efficiency of Faircap filters for bacterial and viral removal from water samples in humanitarian contexts
2019 - 2020
. Ref.310347
. Faircap CIC
. PI: Silvia Bofill MasUrbaN Bio-geochemistry: Integrating the Air, water, Soil and microbiological sciEnce needed to unDerpin pollution management [UNBIASED]
2019 - 2021
. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
. PI: Maria Izquierdo i Enric VázquezTools and criteria for URBAN groundWATer management. URBANWAT
2019 - 2021
. Ref.PCI2019-103643 WW2017 2
. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)
. PI: Sílvia BofillViruses, bacteria and protozoa of interest in food safety, detection and control in the metagenomics era-MetaPatFood
2019 - 2021
. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
. PI: Rosina Girones i Rosa Araujo
Journal Publications
Fernandez-Cassi, X.; Timoneda, N.; Martinez-Puchol, S.; Rusinol, M.; Rodriguez-Manzano, J.; Figuerola, N.; Bofill-Mas, S.; Abril, J. F.; Girones, R.(2018).
Metagenomics for the study of viruses in urban sewage as a tool for public health surveillance.Science of the Total Environment, 618, pp. 870 - 880
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 0048-9697Fernandez-Cassi, X.; Timoneda, N.; Gonzales-Gustavson, E.; Abril, J. F.; Bofill-Mas, S.; Girones, R.(2017).
A metagenomic assessment of viral contamination on fresh parsley plants irrigated with fecally tainted river water.International Journal of Food Microbiology, 257, pp. 80 - 90
. ISSN: 0168-1605Hjelmsø, M.H.; Hellmér, M.; Fernandez-Cassi, X.; Timoneda, N.; Lukjancenko, O.; Seidel, M.; Elsässer, D.; Aarestrup, F.M.; Löfström, C.; Bofill-Mas, S.; Abril, J.F.; Girones, R.; Schultz, A.C.(2017).
Evaluation of methods for the concentration and extraction of viruses from sewage in the context of metagenomic sequencing.PLoS One, 12(1), p. e0170199
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 1932-6203Fernandez-Cassi, X.; Silvera, C.; Cervero-Aragó, S.; Rusiñol, M.; Latif-Eugeni, F.; Bruguera-Casamada, C.; Civit, S.; Araujo, R.M.; Figueras, M.J.; Girones, R.; Bofill-Mas, S.(2016).
Evaluation of the microbiological quality of reclaimed water produced from a lagooning system.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23, pp. 16816 - 16833
. ISSN: 0944-1344Rusiñol M; Fernandez-Cassi X; Timoneda N; Carratalà A; Abril JF; Silvera C; Figueras MJ; Gelati E; Rodó X; Kay D; Wyn-Jones P; Bofill-Mas S; Girones R.(2018).
Corrigendum to 'Evidence of viral dissemination and seasonality in a Mediterranean river catchment: implications for water pollution management' [J. Environ. Manag. 159 (2015) 58-67].Journal of Environmental Management, 223, p. 1100. ISSN: 0301-4797Aguado, D.; Fores, E.; Guerrero-Latorre, L.; Rusiñol, M.; Martínez-Puchol, S.; Codony, F.; Girones, R.; Bofill-Mas, S.(2019).
VirWaTest, A Point-of-Use Method for the Detection of Viruses in Water Samples.JoVE. Journal of Visualized Experiments(147), p. e59463
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 1940-087XRusiñol, M.; Martínez-Puchol, S.; Timoneda, N.; Fernández-Cassi, X.; Pérez-Cataluña, A.; Fernández-Bravo, A.; Moreno-Mesonero, L.; Moreno, Y.; Alonso, J.L.; Figueras, M.J.; Abril, J.F.; Bofill-Mas, S.; Girones, R.(2020).
Metagenomic analysis of viruses, bacteria and protozoa in irrigation water.International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health(224), p. 113440
. ISSN: 1438-4639Sílvia Bofill-Mas & Marta Rusiñol(2020).
Recent trends on methods for the concentration of viruses from water samples.Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health. ISSN: 2468-5844Martínez-Puchol, S.; Rusiñol, M.; Fernández-Cassi, X.; Timoneda, N.; Itarte, M.; Andrés, C.; Antón, A.; Abril, J.F.; Girones, R.; Bofill-Mas, S.(2020).
Characterisation of the sewage virome: comparison of NGS tools and occurrence of significant pathogens.Science of the Total Environment, 713, p. 136604
. ISSN: 0048-9697Rusinol, Marta; Hundesa, Ayalkibet; Cardenas-Youngs, Yexenia; Fernandez-Bravo, Ana; Perez-Cataluna, Alba; Moreno-Mesonero, Laura; Moreno, Yolanda; Calvo, Miquel; Luis Alonso, Jose; Jose Figueras, Maria; Araujo, Rosa; Bofill-Mas, Silvia; Girones, Rosina(2020).
Microbiological contamination of conventional and reclaimed irrigation water: Evaluation and management measures.Science of the Total Environment, 710, p. 136298
. Institutional Repository. ISSN: 0048-9697