Rubén Cereijo Téllez

Rubén Cereijo Téllez

Lecturer Professor

ORCID: 0000-0002-1108-230X
Scopus Author ID: 55195946600
Researcher ID: K-3556-2017
Knowledge area: Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular


Contact Information
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biomedicine



Metabolisme (Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology)
Molecular Endocrinology and Cell Signalling (Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry)
Molecular and Cell Principles and Pathophysiology of Obesity (Master's degree in Biomedicine)
Writing Research Projects (Master's degree in Biomedicine)
Biochemistry (Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology)

Academic Training

Biotecnologia . Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona . 15/07/2008 . (Diploma / Degree / Activities)
Biomedicina . Universitat de Barcelona . 17/12/2015 . (Ph.D.)
Biomedicina . Universitat de Barcelona . 14/10/2009 . (Official Master)


Estudios preclínicos para determinar las alteraciones en el balance energético y/o la función adipocitaria subyacentes al incremento de peso corporal en personas que viven con VIH tratadas con INsTI y/o TAF . 2021 - 2023 . Ref.PI20/00106 . Instituto de Salud Carlos III . PI: Marta Giralt Oms
Nuevos factores secretables del tejido adiposo marrón ('batoquinas') implicados en sus funciones beneficiosas para el metabolismo . 2018 - 2020 . Ref.SAF2017-85722-R . Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad . PI: Francesc Villarroya Gombau
Estudio de la actividad termogénica y endocrina del tejido adiposo marrón en niños PEG tratados con hormona de crecimiento y su relación con la adherencia al tratamiento . 2021 - 2022 . Ref.0110449788 . Fundación Merck Salud . PI: Marta Murillo
Aproximación a los mecanismos de ganancia excesiva de peso asociada a INsTI y TAF en PVV: de la interferencia con la homeostasis ingreso-gasto energía a la alteración de la biología adipocitaria . 2020 . Instituto de Salud Carlos III . PI: Pere Domingo Pedrol

Journal Publications

Cereijo, R.; Quesada-López, T.; Gavaldà-Navarro, A.; Tarascó, J.; Pellitero, S.; Reyes, M.; Puig-Domingo, M.; Giralt, M.; Sánchez-Infantes, D.; Villarroya, F. (2021). The chemokine CXCL14 is negatively associated with obesity and concomitant type-2 diabetes in humans. International Journal of Obesity, 45(3), pp. 706 - 710 . . ISSN: 0307-0565
Peyrou, Marion; Cereijo, Ruben; Quesada-Lopez, Tania; Campderros, Laura; Gavalda-Navarro, Aleix; Linares-Pose, Laura; Kaschina, Elena; Unger, Thomas; Lopez, Miguel; Giralt, Marta; Villarroya, Francesc (2020). The kallikrein-kinin pathway as a mechanism for auto-control of brown adipose tissue activity. Nature Communications, 11(1), p. 2132 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2041-1723
Cereijo. R.; Taxerås, S.D.; Piquer-Garcia, I.; Pellitero, S.; Martínez, E., Tarascó, J.; Moreno, P.; Balibrea, J.; Puig-Domingo, M.; Jiménez-Pavón, D.; Lerin, C.; Villarroya, F.; Sánchez-Infantes, D. (2019). Elevated levels of circulating miR-92a are associated with impaired glucose homeostasis in patients with obesity and correlate with metabolic status after bariatric burgery. Obesity Surgery . . ISSN: 0960-8923
Cereijo, R.; Gavaldà-Navarro, A.; Cairó, M.; Quesada-López, T.; Villarroya, J.; Morón-Ros, S.; Sánchez-Infantes, D.; Peyrou, M.; Iglesias, R.; Mampel, T.; Turatsinze, J.V.; Eizirik, D.L.; Giralt, M.; Villarroya, F. (2018). CXCL14, a brown adipokine that mediates brown-fat-to-macrophage communication in thermogenic adaptation. Cell Metabolism, 28(5), pp. 750 - 763 . . ISSN: 1550-4131
Villarroya, F.; Cereijo, R.; Villarroya, J.; Gavaldà-Navarro, A.; Giralt, M. (2018). Toward an understanding of how immune cells control brown and beige adipobiology. Cell Metabolism, 27(5), pp. 954 - 961 . . ISSN: 1550-4131
Villarroya, F.; Cereijo, R.; Villarroya, J.; Giralt, M. (2017). Brown adipose tissue as a secretory organ. Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 13(1), pp. 26 - 35 . . ISSN: 1759-5029
Quesada-López, T.; Cereijo, R.; Turatsinze, J.V.; Planavila, A.; Cairó, M.; Gavaldà-Navarro, A.; Peyrou, M.; Moure, R.; Iglesias, R.; Giralt, M.; Eizirik, D.L.; Villarroya, F. (2016). The lipid sensor GPR120 promotes brown fat activation and FGF21 release from adipocytes. Nature Communications, 7, p. 13479 . . ISSN: 2041-1723
Cereijo, R.; Gallego-Escuredo, J.M.; Moure, R.; Villarroya, J.; Domingo, J.C.; Fontdevila, J.; Martínez, E.; Gutiérrez, Mdel, M.; Mateo, M.G.; Giralt, M.; Domingo, P.; Villarroya, F. (2015). The molecular signature of HIV-1-associated Lipomatosis reveals differential involvement of Brown and Beige/Brite Adipocyte cell lineages. PLoS One, 10(8), p. e0136571 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1932-6203
Castellá, M.; Blasco-Roset, A.; Peyrou, M.; Gavaldà-Navarro, A.; Villarroya, J.; Quesada-López, T.; Lorente-Poch, L.; Sancho, J.; Szymczak, F.; Piron, A.; Rodríguez-Fernández, S.; Carobbio, S.; Goday, A.; Domingo, P.; Vidal-Puig, A.; Giralt, M.; Eizirik, D.L.; Villarroya, F.; Cereijo, R. (2023). Adipose tissue plasticity in pheochromocytoma patients suggests a role of the splicing machinery in human adipose browning. iScience, 26(6) . . ISSN: 2589-0042

Others Publications

Shimizu, Akane (2022). Cells at Work! . ISBN: 978-84-16703-89-0 .
Issei Hatsuyoshiya; Shigemitsu Harada (2023). Cells at Work! Code Black . ISBN: 978-8-418-61218-3 .

Relevant Activities

Acreditació AQU Professor Lector
Editor associat - Revista científica Internacional: Frontiers in Endocrinology Topic: Novel Regulatory Mechanisms behind Thermogenesis of Brown and Beige Adipocytes Topic: Novel Regulatory Mechanisms behind Thermogenesis of Brown and Beige Adipocytes II

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