Georgios Athanasiadis

Georgios Athanasiadis

Lecturer Professor

ORCID: 0000-0002-2927-4035
Scopus Author ID: 55920674600
Researcher ID: A-7745-2012
Knowledge area: Antropologia Física

Research group: Gens, ambient i Fenotips: etapes del desenvolupament en l'estudi dels trastorns mentals i altres malalties complexes en poblacions humanes (Complex_Fen_GXEXD)

Contact Information
Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences
Secció Zoologia i Antropologia Biològica Dep. Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals Facultat de Biologia, UB Avda. Diagonal, 643


Coordinator and professor in the Master module 'Statistical Analysis and Presentation of Results I'
Coordinator and professor in the Master module 'Genes, Genomes and Populations'

Academic Training

Título en Biologia . Universitat Aristòtil de Tessalònica . 21/07/2003 . (Diploma / Degree / Activities)
Màster en Biologia Humana . Universitat de Barcelona . 26/06/2007 . (Official Master)
Doctorat en Genètica de Poblacions Humanes . Universitat de Barcelona . 14/07/2010 . (Ph.D.)
Màster en Bioinformàtica per a les Ciències de Salut . Universiat Pompeu Fabra . 04/07/2012 . (Official Master)

Research interests

Human population genetics
Quantitative genetics
Statistical genetics


Grup de Recerca en Antropologia Biològica (GREAB) . 2018 - 2020 . Ref.2017SGR1630 . Generalitat de Catalunya . PI: Maria Pilar Aluja
El Genoma de las Poblaciones Pirenaicas: Historia y Enfermedad . 2016 . Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnologia . PI: Pedro Moral Castrillo

Journal Publications

Athanasiadis, G., Speed, D., Andersen, M. K., Appel, E., Grarup, N., Brandslund, I., Jørgensen, M. E., Larsen, C., Bjerregaard, P., Hansen, T., Albrechtsen, A. (2020). Estimating narrow-sense heritability using family data from admixed populations. Heredity, 124, pp. 751 - 762 . ISSN: 0018-067X
Rogers, J.; Raveendran, M.; Harris, R.A.; Mailund, T.; Leppälä, K.; Athanasiadis, G.; Schierup, M.H.; Cheng, J.; Munch, K.; Walker, J.A.; Konkel, M.K.; Jordan, V.; Steely, C.J.; Beckstrom, T.O.; Bergey, C.; Burrell, A.; Schrempf, D.; Noll, A.; Kothe, M.; Kopp, G.H.; Liu, Y.; Murali, S.; Billis, K.; Martin, F.J.; Muffato, M.; Cox, L.; Else, J.; Disotell, T.; Muzny, D.M.; Phillips-Conroy, J.; Aken, B.; Eichler, E.E.; Marques-Bonet, T.; Kosiol, C.; Batzer, M.A.; Hahn, M.W.; Tung, J.; Zinner, D.; Roos, C.; Jolly, C.J.; Gibbs, R.A.; Worley, K.C; Baboon Genome Analysis Consortium. (2019). The comparative genomics and complex population history of Papio baboons. Science Advances, 5, p. eaau6947 . ISSN: 2375-2548
Raveane, A.; Aneli, S.; Montinaro, F.; Athanasiadis, G.; Barlera, S.; Birolo, G.; Boncoraglio, G.; Di Blasio, A.M.; Di, Gaetano, C.; Pagani, L.; Parolo, S.; Paschou, P.; Piazza, A.; Stamatoyannopoulos, G.; Angius, A.; Brucato, N.; Cucca, F.; Hellenthal, G.; Mulas, A.; Peyret-Guzzon, M.; Zoledziewska, M.; Baali, A.; Bycroft, C.; Cherkaoui, M.; Chiaroni, J.; Di Cristofaro, J.; Dina, C.; Dugoujon, J.M.; Galan, P.; Giemza, J.; Kivisild, T.; Mazieres, S.; Melhaoui, M.; Metspalu, M.; Myers, S.; Pereira, L.; Ricaut, F.X.; Brisighelli, F.; Cardinali, I.; Grugni, V.; Lancioni, H.; Pascali, V.L.; Torroni, A.; Semino, O.; Matullo, G.; Achilli, A.; Olivieri, A.; Capelli, C. (2019). Population structure of modern-day Italians reveals patterns of ancient and archaic ancestries in Southern Europe. Science Advances, 5, p. eaaw3492 . ISSN: 2375-2548
Álvarez-Álvarez MM; Zanetti D; Carreras-Torres R; Moral P; Athanasiadis G. (2017). A survey of sub-Saharan gene flow into the Mediterranean at risk loci for coronary artery disease. European Journal of Human Genetics, 25, pp. 472 - 476 . . ISSN: 1018-4813
Athanasiadis, G. (2017). Recent migration and sample representativeness in a Danish genetic study. Annals of Human Biology, 44, pp. 484 - 486 . ISSN: 0301-4460
Athanasiadis, G.; Arranz, L.; Ziyatdinov, A.; Brunel, H.; Camacho, M.; Malouf, J.; Sosa, N.H.; Vila, L.; Casademont, J.; Soria, J.M. (2016). Exploring correlation between bone metabolism markers and densitometric traits in extended families from Spain. Bone, 90, pp. 1 - 6 . ISSN: 8756-3282
Athanasiadis, G.; Cheng, J.Y.; Vilhjálmsson, B.J.; Jørgensen, F.G.; Als, T.D.; Le Hellard, S.; Espeseth, T.; Sullivan, P.F.; Hultman, C.M.; Kjærgaard, P.C.; Schierup, M.H.; Mailund, T. (2016). Nationwide genomic study in Denmark reveals remarkable population homogeneity. Genetics, 204, pp. 711 - 722 . ISSN: 0016-6731
Athanasiadis, G.; Jørgensen, F.G.; Cheng, J.Y.; Kjærgaard, P.C.; Schierup, M.H.; Mailund, T. (2016). Spitting for science: Danish high school students commit to a large-scale self-reported genetic study. PLoS One, 11(8)(e0161822) . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1932-6203
Malaspinas, A.S.; Westaway, M.C.; Muller, C.; Sousa, V.C.; Lao, O.; Alves, I.; Bergström, A.; Athanasiadis, G.; Cheng, J.Y.; Crawford, J.E.; Heupink, T.H.; Macholdt, E.; Peischl, S.; Rasmussen, S.; Schiffels, S.; Subramanian, S.; Wright, J.L.; Albrechtsen, A.; Barbieri, C.; Dupanloup, I.; Eriksson, A.; Margaryan, A.; Moltke, I.; Pugach, I.; Korneliussen, T.S.; Levkivskyi, I.P.; Moreno-Mayar, J.V.; Ni, S.; Racimo, F.; Sikora, M.; Xue, Y.; Aghakhanian, F.A.; Brucato, N.; Brunak, S.; Campos, P.F.; Clark, W.; Ellingvåg, S.; Fourmile, G.; Gerbault, P.; Injie, D.; Koki, G.; Leavesley, M.; Logan, B.; Lynch, A.; Matisoo-Smith, E.A.; McAllister, P.J.; Mentzer, A.J.; Metspalu, M.; Migliano, A.B.; Murgha, L.; Phipps, M.E.; Pomat, W.; Reynolds, D.; Ricaut, F.X.; Siba, P.; Thomas, M.G.; Wales, T.; Wall, C.M.; Oppenheimer, S.J.; Tyler-Smith, C.; Durbin, R.; Dortch, J.; Manica, A.; Schierup, M.H.; Foley, R.A.; Lahr, M.M.; Bowern, C.; Wall, J.D.; Mailund, T.; Stoneking, M.; Nielsen, R.; Sandhu, M.S.; Excoffier, L.; Lambert, D.M.; Willerslev, E. (2016). A genomic history of Aboriginal Australia. Nature, 538, pp. 207 - 214 . ISSN: 0028-0836
Maceda, I.; Álvarez, M.M.; Athanasiadis, G.; Tonda, R.; Camps, J.; Beltran, S.; Camps, A.; Fàbrega, J.; Felisart, J.; Grané, J.; Remón, J.L.; Serra, J.; Moral, P.; Lao, O. (2021). Fine-scale population structure in five rural populations from the Spanish Eastern Pyrenees using high-coverage whole-genome sequence data. European Journal of Human Genetics, 29, pp. 1557 - 1565 . . ISSN: 1018-4813

Relevant Activities

Handling Editor for 'BMC Journal of Biological Research - Thessaloniki'
Review Editor for 'Frontiers in Genetics'
Informe de lector (AQU)

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