I have a strong research interest in past greenhouse climates and oceanography, with special focus on the Late Cretaceous and Eocene. As part of an integrated stratigraphic approach, I investigate the role of orbital forcing on past climates, and I use the expression of sedimentary cyclicity to refine the Geologic Time Scale. To investigate the role of the oceans in past greenhouse climates, I use the radiogenic isotope proxy of neodymium to reconstruct deep water formation and ocean circulation.
Previous academic roles
Marie Curie Research Fellow (PI) on the role of oceanography and orbital forcing on past greenhouse climates in high southern latitudes. Université de Rennes 1, France, 2018-2021.
Post-doctoral researcher on high-latitude oceanography during greenhouse climates (UK-IODP) and Cretaceous oceanography (Shell-Oxford collaboration). University of Oxford, UK, 2015-2018.
Post-doctoral researcher on deep-ocean circulation during the opening of the Atlantic Ocean in the latest Cretaceous and early Paleogene (DFG-IODP). Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany, 2013-2015.
PhD researcher on the orbital pacing of Maastrichtian climate - integrated stratigraphy of the Zumaia and Sopelana sections (N-Spain). Marie Curie Initial Training Network GTSnext. Institute for the Coastal Marine Environment, Naples, Italy / University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom. 2009-2013.
BSc and MSc in Earth Sciences, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2003-2008.
Other roles
Member of the International Subcommission on Cretaceous Stratigraphy
Stratigraphic correlator for IODP Expeditions 369 (2017) and 392 (planned 2022)
Lecturer in Cyclostratigraphy at the Urbino Summer School in Paleoclimatology (2014, 2018, 2019)
Part-time Lecturer at the University of Portsmouth (2016)