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Departament de Dinàmica de la Terra i de l'Oceà
Reservoir Geology and Geophysics Master Degree (University of Barcelona): Reflection Seismology: Processing and Interpretation (2018-2019,2019-2020, 2020-2021)
El meu perfil
My primary scientific interest is within Earth´s Sciences, in the study of the deep structure and tectonics in active continental margins using a multidisciplinary approach and tools (seismic, bathymetry ...
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My primary scientific interest is within Earth´s Sciences, in the study of the deep structure and tectonics in active continental margins using a multidisciplinary approach and tools (seismic, bathymetry, and gravity). 1) Scientific objectives: I investigate the style of deformation and the processes involved, identifying the active tectonic structures, mapping and imaging active faults, solving the 3D structure, providing new constraints into the deep crustal structure and looking into the nature of the crust, in two particular scenarios: a) earthquake (and tsunami) high hazard areas, as the Gulf of Cadiz, and b) lithospheric rupture and continental rifting areas, as the Gulf of California. 2) Methodological objective: I carry out the design of seismic sources to improve data acquisition (and therefore imaging), with the aim to focus the energy on the correct frequency bandwidth according to each experiment. I also performs new processing techniques, as pre-stack depth migration for MCS data and coherency filters for wide-angle seismic data, and by selecting new advanced processing and interpretation tools to make them available in a processing laboratory- info
Formació acadèmica
Llicenciatura en Ciencies Fisiques
. Universitat de Barcelona
. 07/09/1995
. (Diplomatura / Llicenciatura / Grau)Doctor en Ciencies Fisiques
. Universitat de Barcelona
. 06/06/2002
. (Doctorat )
Publicacions en revistes
Serra, Cristina S.; Martinez-Loriente, Sara; Gracia, Eulalia; Urgeles, Roger; Vizcaino, Alexis; Perea, Hector; Bartolome, Rafael; Pallas, Raimon; Lo Iacono, Claudio; Diez, Susana; Danobeitia, Juanjo; Terrinha, Pedro; Zitellini, Nevio(2020).
Tectonic evolution, geomorphology and influence of bottom currents along a large submarine canyon system: The Sao Vicente Canyon (SW Iberian margin).Marine Geology, 426
. ISSN: 0025-3227Bartolome, Rafael; Gorriz, Estefania; Danobeitia, Juanjo; Cordoba, Diego; Marti, David; Cameselle, Alejandra L.; Nunez-Cornu, Francisco; Bandy, William L.; Mortera-Gutierrez, Carlos A.; Nunez, Diana; Castellon, Arturo; Luis Alonso, Jose(2016).
Multichannel Seismic Imaging of the Rivera Plate Subduction at the Seismogenic Jalisco Block Area (Western Mexican Margin).Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173(10-11), pp. 3575 - 3594
. ISSN: 0033-4553Dañobeitia, J.J.; Bartolomé, R.; Checa, A.; Slootweg, A.P; Maldonado, A.(1999).
An interpretation of a prominent magnetic anomaly near the contact between the Eurasian and African Plates (Gulf of Cadiz, Southwest Margin of Iberia).Marine Geology, 155, pp. 45 - 62. ISSN: 0025-3227Michaud, F.; Dañobeitia, J.J.; Bartolomé, R.; Carbonell, R.; Delgado-Argote, L.; Cordoba, D.; Monfret, T.(2001).
Did the East Pacific Rise subduct beneath the North America plate (Western Mexico)?.Geo-Marine Letters(20), pp. 168 - 173. ISSN: 0276-0460Bartolomé, R.; Contrucci, I.; Nouzé, H.; Thiebot, E.; Klingelhöfer, F.(2005).
Using the OBS wide-angle reflection/refraction velocities to perform a pre-stack depth migration image of the "single bubble" multichannel seismic: example of the Moroccan margin.Journal of Applied Geophysics, 57, pp. 107 - 118. ISSN: 0926-9851Minshull, T.; Bartolomé, R.; Byrne, S.; Dañobeitia, J.J(2005).
Low heat flow from young oceanic lithosphere at the Middle America Trench off Mexico.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 239, pp. 33 - 41
. ISSN: 0012-821XBartolome, R.; Dañobeitia, JJ; Michaud, F.; Córdoba, D.; Delgado-Argote, L.(2011).
Imaging the seismic crustal structure of the western Mexican margin between 19ºN and 21ºN.Pure and Applied Geophysics, 168, pp. 1373 - 1389. ISSN: 0033-4553Bartolome, R.; Gràcia, E.; Stich, D.; Martínez-Loriente, S.; Klaeschen, D.; Mancilla, F. L.; Lo Iacono, Cl.; Dañobeitia, J.J.; Zitellini N.(2012).
Evidence for active strike-slip faulting along the Eurasia-Africa convergence zone: implications for seismic hazards on the SW Iberian Margin.Geology, 40(6), pp. 495 - 498
. ISSN: 0091-7613