Carmen Aguilar

Carmen Aguilar

Lecturer Professor

ORCID: 0000-0002-6265-9375
Researcher ID: L-4887-2014
Knowledge area: Petrologia i Geoquímica

Research group: Materials Geològics, Cristal·lins i Sostenibles (GEOXiS)

Contact Information
Department of Mineralogy, Petrology and Applied Geology
Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Ciències de la Terra Marti i Franqués s/n
934 021 414

Academic Training

B.Sc. degree in Geology . University of Granada . 10/10/2005 . (Diploma / Degree / Activities)
M.S. in Geology . UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA- UNIVERSITAT AUTONOMA DE BARCELONA . 07/2009 . (Diploma / Degree / Activities)
Ph.D. Thesis . University of Barcelona . 06/11/2013 . (Ph.D.)


Principal mechanism of peripheral continental growth during supercontinent cycle . 2019 - 2023 . Ref.19-27682X . Czech Science Foundation (CSF) . PI: Karel Schulmann
Role of petrogenesis in the exploration and environmental assessment of strategic ore deposits in late orogenic settings . 2021 - 2024 . Ref.PID2020-117332GB-C22 . Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades . PI: Pedro Castiñeiras

Journal Publications

Aguilar, C.; Liesa, M.; Castiñeiras, P.; Navidad, M. (2014). Late-Variscan metamorphic and magmatic evolution in the eastern Pyrenees revealed by U-Pb age zircon dating. Journal of the Geological Society, 171(2), pp. 181 - 192 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0016-7649
Aguilar, C.; Liesa, M.; Stípská, P.; Schulmann, K.; Muñoz, J.A.; Casas, J.M. (2014). P-T-t-d evolution of orogenic middle crust of the Roc de Frausa Massif (Eastern Pyrenees): a result of horizontal crustal flow and Carboniferous doming?. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 33(3), pp. 273 - 294 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0263-4929
Aguilar, C.; Liesa, M.; Reche, J.; Powell, R. (2016). Fluid-fluxed melting and melt loss in a syntectonic contact metamorphic aureole from the Variscan eastern Pyrenees. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 34(4), pp. 379 - 400 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0263-4929
Aguilar, C.; Alkmim, F.F.; Lana, C.; Farina, F. (2016). Palaeoproterozoic Assembly of the São Francisco craton crust, SE Brazil: New insights from U-Pb titanite and monazite dating. Precambrian Research, 289, pp. 95 - 115 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0301-9268
Broussolle, A.; Aguilar, C.; Sun, M.; Schulmann, K.; Stípská, P.; Jiang, Y.; Yu, Y.; Xiao, W.; Wan, Sh.; Mikova, J. (2018). Polycyclic Palaeozoic evolution of accretionary orogenic wedge in the southern Chinese Altai: Evidence from structural relationships and U-Pb geochronology. Lithos, 314-315, pp. 400 - 424 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0024-4937
Aguilar, C.; Stípská, P.; Chopin, F.; Schulmann, K.; Pitra, P.; Závada, P.; Hasalová P.; Martelat, J.-E. (2020). Syn-Deformational Melt percolation through a high-pressure orthogneiss and the exhumation of a subducted continental wedge (Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome, NE Bohemian Massif). International Journal of Earth Sciences, 109(4), pp. 1213 - 1246 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1437-3254
M. Liesa; C. Aguilar; A. Castro; G. Gisbert; J. Reche; J.A. Muñoz; M. Vilà (2021). The role of mantle and crust in the generation of calc-alkaline Variscan magmatism and its tectonic setting in the Eastern Pyrenees. Lithos, 406-407(106541), pp. 1 - 24 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0024-4937
Sukhbaatar, T; Lexa, O; Schulmann, K; Aguilar, C; Stípská, S; Wong, J; Jiang, Y; Míková, J; Zhao, D (2022). Paleozoic Geodynamics and Architecture of the Southern Part of the Mongolian Altai Zone. Tectonics, 41(8), pp. 1 - 36 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0278-7407
C. Aguilar, P. Štípská, K. Schulmann, A. R. C. Kylander-Clark, O. Lexa, T. Sukhbaatar, V. Peřestý, Y. D. Jiang6, P. Hanžl (2024). Carboniferous Barrovian to Permian Buchan-type metamorphic cycles in the Mongolian Altai Zone: implication for pressure cycles in accretionary orogens. Journal of Metamorphic Geology . . ISSN: 0263-4929
P. Štípská; K. Schulmann; I. Soejono; V. Perêsty; A.R.C. Kylander-Clark; St. Collett; C. Aguilar; P. Maierová; M. Racek; P. Hanzl (2024). Supra-subduction thickening of a continental back-arc: Ediacaran–earlyCambrian (Baikalian) metamorphism in the NE Baidrag block(Mongolian Collage). Gondwana Research, 135, pp. 234 - 265 . . ISSN: 1342-937X

Others Publications

Ribeiro, A; Reche, J; López-Carmona, A; Aguilar-Gil, C; Bento dos Santos, T; Chichorro, M; Dias da Silva, I; Diez-Montes, A; González-Clavijo, E; Gutiérrez-Alonso, G; Leal, N; Liesa, M; Martínez, FJ; Mateus, A; Mendes, MH; Moita, P; Pedro, J; Quesada, C; Santos JF; Solá, AR; Valverde-Vaquero, P (2019). Variscan metamorphism . In The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach . Volume. 2 . (pp. 1 - 65) . Springer Nature . ISBN: 978-3-030-1 . (
Alías, G.; Aulinas, M.; Aguilar, C.; Albert, H. (2021). Reconocimiento de rocas metamórficas con la ayuda del microscopio petrográfico . Dipòsit Digital de la Universitat de Barcelona/Docència/OMADO (Objectes i MAterials DOcents) .
Aulinas, M.; Rodríguez , A.; Alías, G.; Pérez-Torrado, F. J.; Albert , H.; Cabrera, M. C.; Aguilar, C. (2021). Las rocas ígneas en el microscopio petrográfico. Estrategias y recursos para su aprendizaje . Dipòsit Digital de la Universitat de Barcelona/Docència/OMADO (Objectes i MAterials DOcents) .
Alías, G.; Aguilar, C.; Liesa, M.; Aulinas, M.; Vilà, M. (2022). L'aurèola de metamorfisme de contacte de la part central de la granodiorita de Barcelona (Serra de Collserola) . In Geologia de la Ciutat de Barcelona: coneixements, condicionants i aprofitaments d'una zona urbana complexa. Col·lecció: Monografies tècniques 11 . Volume. 1 . Number. 3 . (pp. 45 - 64) . Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya . ISBN: 978-84-19326-88-1 .
J. Soler; G. Alías; C. Aguilar (2024). Estructuras relacionadas con el emplazamiento de la granodiorita de la sierra de Collserola en la aureola de contacto (CadenaCostera Catalana) . Volume. 20 . (pp. 334 - 337) . Geo-Temas . ISBN: 1576-5172 .

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