In 1997 I obtained my Chemistry Degree (Licenciatura, 300 credit hours) at the University of Barcelona. I enrolled and did my Master thesis in the group of Cyclometallated Compounds, under the supervision of Prof. Jaume Granell. I started my PhD at Indiana University (USA) in August, 1998. In 2003 I was hired and was a postdoctoral researcher (PDRA) by Prof. Richard E. P. Winpenny at the University of Manchester for two years.
In 2005 I was awarded a Juan de la Cierva Fellowship (number 1 in the area of Chemistry). I joined Prof. Joan Ribas' group at UB in March, 2006. In 2008 I was awarded a Ramón y Cajal Fellowship, (number 6 in the area of Material's Science). I joined the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of UB in December, 2008. My performance as a Ramón y Cajal Fellow was evaluated positively and I was granted the I3 Certificate.
In early 2009 I was one of the founder members of the Grup de Magnetisme i Molècules Funcionals (GMMF, As a senior member of the group, I lead the Molecular Nanoscience research line focussed on the synthesis and nanostructuration of molecular nanomagnets. I was awarded a Canon Foundation Fellowship in 2013.
In 2013 I was hired at the Universitat de Barcelona as Professor Lector. My teaching experience has been officially recognized with three five-year terms. My research experience has been officially recognized by three six-years periods. I am an expert reviewer for indexed international journals, funding agencies, and external reviewer for PhD thesis. Since 2022 I am member of the IN2UB Steering Committee and founder of the Equal Opportunities Committee a IN2UB.
Since I started my independent research career in 2009 my most important contributions have been the development of microwave-assisted synthesis in coordination chemistry and the advances in Molecular Nanosciences, nanostructuration of SMMs and surface-molecule interaction. Last but not least my contribution to molecular magnetism, SMMs and magnetic properties of MOFs, where I have focused on 2D Van der Waals MOFs and clean synthesis methods. In particular, microwave assisted synthesis and mechanosynthesis of MOFs,
I have hosted a PhD students (Costa Rica, Iran, Tunisia, Germany) and international professors, Profs. Ken Caulton and Lyudmilla Brostein (Indiana University, USA) in 2013 and Prof. Colette Boskovic (University of Melbourne, Australia) in 2017. In 2012 I was part of the organizing committee of MOLMAT 2012, an international conference on Molecular Materials that we organized in Barcelona. I have an extended network of international collaborators in Europe, Asia and the Americas for topics as MOFs, molecular magnetism, and spintronic single molecule devices. In 2015 I was invited by the Royal Society of Chemistry to write a Perspectives review for Dalton Transactions. The review entitled 'Heterometallic 3d-4f single-molecule magnets' was published in 2015 and it has received more than 100 citations.
Since 2009 I have been able to secure funding from national and regional sources for the GMMF as part of the research team and as PI. We have had continuous funding form the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity/Science and Innovation (calls of 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018) and from the Generalitat AGAUR agency (call 2014, 2021). Since 2016 GMMF is also a Working Group Member of the European COST action on molecular spintronics MolSpin (MOLSPIN Cost Action CA15128, website: and Fet-OPEN ERC project FATMOLS (2019-2022).
Since 2022 I am part of the Equal Opportunitties Committeee of IN2 UB and I was elected member of the Steereing Committe for In2UB.