Sergio Sayago

Sergio Sayago

Professor Visitant

ORCID: 0000-0002-5227-1246
Scopus Author ID: 22836461800
Researcher ID: K-4700-2015
Área de conocimiento:

Grupo de Investigación: Computer Vision and Machine Learning at the University of Barcelona (CVMLUB)

Grup de treball dedicat a l'accessibilitat digital en docència, recerca i innovació docent

Información de contacto
Departamento de Matemáticas e Informática


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Formación académica

Doctor en Informàtica i Comunicació Digital . Universitat Pompeu Fabra . 24/07/2009 . (Doctorado)

Líneas de investigación

Interacción Persona-Ordenador, Envejecimiento

Publicaciones Relevantes (publicaciones en revistas y otras publicaciones - últimos 10 años)

Righi, Valeria; Sayago, Sergio; Blat, Josep (2017). When we talk about older people in HCI, who are we talking about? Towards a 'turn to community' in the design of technologies for a growing ageing population. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 108, pp. 15 - 31 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 1071-5819
Sayago, Sergio; Blat, Josep (2010). Telling the story of older people e-mailing: an ethnographical study. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68, pp. 105 - 120 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 1071-5819
Righi, V.; Sayago, S.; Rosales, A.; Ferreira, SM.; Blat, J. (2018). Co-designing with a community of older learners for over 10 years by moving user-driven participation from the margin to the centre. CODESIGN-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COCREATION IN DESIGN AND THE ARTS, 14(1), pp. 32 - 44 . . ISSN: 1571-0882
Rosales, A.; Sayago, S.; Carrascal, J.; Blat, J. (2014). On the evocative power and play value of a wearable movement-to-sound interaction accessory in the rich free-play of schoolchildren. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 6(3), pp. 313 - 330 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 1876-1364
Guijarro, Jose Maria; Sayago, Sergio; Blat, Josep (2012). Selective attention in web forms: an exploratory case study with older people. Behaviour & Information Technology, 31(2), pp. 171 - 184 . ISSN: 0144-929X
Sayago, Sergio; Sloan, David; Blat, Josep (2011). Everyday use of computer-mediated communication tools and its evolution over time: an ethnographical study with older people. Interacting with Computers , 23(5), pp. 543 - 554 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 0953-5438
Sayago, Sergio; Blat, Josep (2011). An ethnographical study of the accessibility barriers in the everyday interactions of older people with the web. Universal Access in the Information Society, 10(4), pp. 359 - 371 . ISSN: 1615-5289
Rosales, A.; Sayago, S.; Blat, J. (2015). Beeping Socks and Chirping Arm Bands: Wearables That Foster Free Play. Computer, 48(6), pp. 41 - 48 . Repositorio Institucional . ISSN: 0018-9162
Sayago, S.; Forbes, P.; Blat, J. (2013). Older people becoming successful ICT learners over time: challenges and strategies through an ethnographical lens. Educational Gerontology, 39(7), pp. 527 - 544 . . ISSN: 0360-1277
Ribera, M.; Pozzobon, R.; Sayago, S. (2019). Publishing accessible proceedings: the DSAI 2016 case study. Universal Access in the Information Society . . ISSN: 1615-5289
Sayago, S.; Rosales, A.; Righi, V.; Ferreira, SM.; Coleman, G.; Blat, J. (2019). digital games and older people from a theoretical and conceptual perspective: a critical literature review . En Ageing and Digital Technology. Designing and Evaluating Emerging Technologies for Older Adults . (pp. 83 - 96) . Springer Nature . ISBN: 978-981-13-3692-8 .
Sayago, S. (2019). Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research with Older People . Springer International Publishing . ISBN: 978-3-030-06075-6 .
Sayago, S. (2019). Editorial Introduction - Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research with Older People . En Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research with Older People . (pp. 3 - 17) . Springer International Publishing . ISBN: 978-3-030-06075-6 .
Llorach, G.; Agenjo, J.; Sayago, S.; Blat, J. (2019). Web-based embodied conversational agents and older people . En Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research with Older People . (pp. 119 - 135) . Springer International Publishing . ISBN: 978-3-030-06075-6 .
Ferreria, S.; Sayago, S.; Blat, J. (2019). Older People Positive, Active and Creative ICT Use: A Study in Three Countries . En Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research with Older People . (pp. 183 - 197) . Springer International Publishing . ISBN: 978-3-030-06076-3 .
Sayago, S.; Bergantiños, A.; Forbes, P. (2019). Working Towards Fostering Programming Acceptance in the Everyday Lives of Older and Adult People with Low Levels of Formal Education: A Qualitative Case Study . En Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction Research with Older People . (pp. 237 - 252) . Springer International Publishing . ISBN: 978-3-030-06075-6 .
Sayago, S. (2019). Editorial Conclusion - Where do we go from here? . En Perspectives on Human-Computer Interaction with Older People . (pp. 255 - 261) . Springer International Publishing . ISBN: 978-3-030-06075-6 .