Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela

Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela

Professora lectora

ORCID: 0000-0002-7238-2074
Researcher ID: AAD-4954-2022
Ŕrea de coneixement : Economia Aplicada

Grup de Recerca: Grup de Recerca Institut d'Economia de Barcelona

Informació de contacte
Departament d'Economia
Departament d'Economia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Avinguda Diagonal 696


Més Informació: Web Personal (

Formació acadčmica

Doctora en Economia . European University Institute . 05/12/2014 . (Doctorat )
Master of Science in Economics . University College London . 01/11/2007 . (Mŕster Oficial)

Línies de recerca

Economics of Education, Labour Economics

Participació en Projectes (últims 6 anys)

Labour Market Shocks during the Covid-19 pandemic, Inequalities and Child Outcomes . 2020 - 2022 . Ref.IZA_CRG_03 . Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) . IP: Stephen Machin; Jenifer Ruiz Valenzuela
ACTive citizenship projects to enhance pupils' social and civic competences . 2017 - 2020 . Ref.582958-EPP-1-2016-2-FR-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY . Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) . IP: Eric Maurin
Youth custody: educational influences and labour market consequences . 2020 - 2022 . Ref.JUS/43820 . Nuffield Foundation . IP: Richard Dorsett
Centre for Vocational Education Research . 2015 - 2020 . UK Department for Education . IP: Sandra McNally
An Evaluation of Teaching Assistant-Based Small Group Support for Literacy . 2014 - 2017 . Education Endowment Foundation . IP: Sandra McNally

Publicacions rellevants (publicacions en revistes i altres publicacions - últims 6 anys)

Cavaglia, C; Machin, S; McNally, S; Ruiz-Valenzuela, J. (2020). Gender, achievement, and subject choice in English education. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 36(4), pp. 816 - 835 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 0266-903X
Machin, S; McNally, S; Ruiz-Valenzuela, J. (2020). Entry through the narrow door: The costs of just failing high stakes exams. Journal of Public Economics, 190, p. 104224 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 0047-2727
Ruiz-Valenzuela, J. (2020). Job loss at home: children's school performance during the Great Recession. SERIEs. Journal of the Spanish Economic Association(11), pp. 243 - 286 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 1869-4187
Ruiz-Valenzuela, J. (2020). Intergenerational effects of employment protection reforms. Labour Economics, 62, p. 101774 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 0927-5371
Johnson, H; McNally, S; Rolfe, H; Ruiz-Valenzuela, J; Savage, E; Vousden, J; Wood, C. (2019). Teaching assistants, computers and classroom management. Labour Economics, 58, pp. 21 - 36 . Repositori Institucional . ISSN: 0927-5371

Conferčncies i Participacions a Congressos (últims 6 anys)

Hupkau, C.; Isphording, I. E.; Machin, S.; Ruiz-Valenzuela, J. (2021). Labour market shocks during the Covid-19 pandemic: inequalities and child outcomes. (Pončncia) . Congress of the European Economic Association . Online . DINAMARCA
Aucejo, E.; Hupkau, C.; Ruiz-Valenzuela, J. (2019). Where versus What? Estimating the value added of colleges and the returns to field of study. (Pončncia) . Conference of the Royal Economic Society . Coventry . REGNE UNIT
Machin, S.; McNally, S., Ruiz-Valenzuela, J. (2018). Entry Through the Narrow Door: The Costs of Just Failing High Stakes Exams. (Pončncia) . Conference of the European Economic Association . Cologne . ALEMANYA
Machin, S.; McNally, S.; Ruiz-Valenzuela, J. (2018). Entry Through the Narrow Door: The Costs of Just Failing High Stakes Exams. (Pončncia) . 17 IZA/SOLE Transatlantic Meeting of Labour Economists . Buch am Ammersee . ALEMANYA