Informació de contacte
Departament d'Economia
Departamento de Economía, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Av. Diagonal, 690 +34 93 402 05 73 foremny(a)
Diploma in Economics
. University of Goettingen, Germany
. 01/06/2008
. (Diplomatura / Llicenciatura / Grau)Ph.D. in Economics (Dr. rer pol)
. University of Bonn
. 01/05/2012
. (Doctorat )
Docčncia Impartida (últims 5 anys)
Sistema Fiscal I (Grau) -
Economia -
Universidad de Barcelona.
Participació en Projectes (últims 6 anys)
Movilidad y redistribución: Desafíos para los sistemas tributarios
2017 - 2019
. Ref.2017FIEB_6
. Fundación Ramón Areces
. IP: Dirk ForemnyMigration and Revenue Implications of Regional Differences in the Personal Income Tax
2017 - 2019
. Ref.2017IEA300003
. Departament de la Presidčncia de la Generalitat de Catalunya
. IP: Dirk Foremny
Publicacions rellevants (publicacions en revistes i altres publicacions - últims 6 anys)
Foremny, D.; Sacchi, A.; Salotti, S.(2017).
Decentralization and the duration of fiscal consolidation: Shifting the burden across layers of government.Public Choice, 171(3-4), pp. 359 - 387
. Repositori Institucional. ISSN: 0048-5829Foremny, D.; Jofre-Monseny, J.; Sole-Olle, A.(2017).
'Ghost citizens': Using notches to identify manipulation of population-based grants.Journal of Public Economics, 154(October), pp. 49 - 66
. Repositori Institucional. ISSN: 0047-2727
Conferčncies i Participacions a Congressos (últims 6 anys)
Foremny, D.(2017).
Lindau Micro Workshop: Relocation of the Rich.
Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. Lindau
. ALEMANYAForemny, D.; Agrawal, D.R.(2017).
Relocation of the Rich: Migration in Response to Top Tax Rate Changes from Spanish Reforms.
IIPF 2017. Tokyo
. JAPÓForemny, D.; Agrawal, D.R.(2017).
Relocation of the Rich: Migration in Response to Top Tax Rate Changes from Spanish Reforms.
CESifo Area Conference on Public Sector Economics. Munich
. ALEMANYAForemny, D.; Agrawal, D.R.(2017).
Relocation of the Rich: Migration in Response to Top Tax Rate Changes from Spanish Reforms.
RIDGE Forum Public Economics. Montevideo
. URUGUAIForemny, D; Agrawal, D.R.(2017).
Relocation of the Rich: Migration in Response to Top Tax Rate Changes from Spanish Reforms.
CESIfo Venice Summer Forum - Fiscal Competition and Mobility
Relocation of the Rich: Migration in Response to Top Tax Rate Changes from Spanish Reforms. Venice