Elisabetta Aurino

Elisabetta Aurino

Profesora lectora

ORCID: 0000-0001-5814-2704
Área de conocimiento: Economía Aplicada

Grupo de Investigación: Economic History and Development (Industry, Business, Sustainability)

Información de contacto
Departamento de Historia Económica, Instituciones, Política y Economía Mundial
Av. Diagonal, 690 Torre 6, despatx 6102b (Edifici 690) Facultat d'Economia i Empresa Universitat de Barcelona


Más Información: Personal webpage (https://aurinoelisabetta.weebly.com/)

Formación académica

Development economics . University Roma Tre . 21/06/2013 . (Doctorado)
Master in Economics . University Rome Tre . (Máster Oficial)

Docencia Impartida (últimos 5 años)

Poverty and Inequality: Concepts, Measures and Politics (Master oficial) - Master in Institutions and Political Economy - Universitat de Barcelona.
Objectives and Instruments of Economic Policy (Grado) - Economía(1) - Universidad de Barcelona.

Líneas de investigación

Desarrollo de la Infancia
Economía de la Alimentación y la Nutrición
Economía de la Educación
Economía de la Salud
Economía del Desarrollo

Participación en Proyectos (últimos 6 años)

Leveraging Early Adolescence for Development: Longitudinal and Experimental Evidence from Ghana (LEAD) . 2023 - 2027 . Ref.101041741 . Unió Europea . IP: Elisabetta Aurino
Critical windows for human development: experimental and longitudinal evidence from Ghana . 2022 - 2024 . Ref.2021-1417-00 . Jacobs Foundation . IP: Elisabetta Aurino
Nudges to improve learning and gender parity: Supporting parent engagement and Ghana's educational response to Covid-19 using mobile phones . 2020 - 2021 . Ref.Sense especificar . Sin especificar . IP: Elisabetta Aurino
Children's learning and development in the time of Covid19: Evidence from an ongoing longitudinal study in Ghana . 2020 - 2021 . Ref.EP/V028200/1 . Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council . IP: Elisabetta Aurino
Examining long-term impacts of the 'Quality Preschool for Ghana' interventions on academic and non-academic outcomes in middle-childhood . 2019 - 2021 . Ref.ECE190099 . The British Academy . IP: Elisabetta Aurino

Publicaciones Relevantes (publicaciones en revistas y otras publicaciones - últimos 6 años)

Aurino, E.; Lleras-Muney, A.; Tarozzi, A.; Tinoco, B. (2023). The Rise and Fall of SES Gradients in Heights around the World. Journal of Health Economics . ISSN: 0167-6296
Angrist, N.; Aurino, E.; Patrinos, H. A.; Psacharopoulos, G.; Vargas, E.; Nordjo, R.; Wong, B. (2023). Improving Learning in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Journal Of Benefit-Cost Analysis . ISSN: 2194-5888
Wolf, S.; Aurino, E.; Suntheimer, N.M.; Avornyo, E.A.; Tsinigo, E.; Bherman,J.R.; Aber, J.L. (2022). Medium-term protective effects of quality early childhood education during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ghana. Child Development, 93(6), pp. 1912 - 1920 . https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13824 . ISSN: 0009-3920
Aurino, E., Giunti, S. (2021). Social protection for child development in crisis: A review of evidence and knowledge gaps. World Bank Research Observer . https://doi.org/10.1093/wbro/lkab007 . ISSN: 0257-3032

Conferéncias y Participaciones en Congresos (últimos 6 años)

Aurino, E. (2023). A 'great buy' for all? The unequal consequences of messaging parents for child education in Ghana. (Ponencia) . European Economic Association Congress 2023 . Barcelona . ESPAÑA
Aurino, E.; Lleras-Muney, A.; Tarozzi, A.; Tinoco, B. (2023). The Rise and Fall of SES Gradients in Heights around the World. (Ponencia) . Third Catalan Economic Society Conference . Barcelona . ESPAÑA
Aurino, E. (2022). The promise and limits of women's and girls' empowerment for nutrition. (Ponencia) . Gates Foundation Grand Challenges Meeting . Brussels . BÉLGICA
Aurino, E. (2022). Nudges to improve learning and gender parity: supporting parental engagement and Ghana's educational response to Covid-19 using mobile phones. (Ponencia) . Lisbon Economics and Statistics of Education . Lisbon . PORTUGAL
Aurino,E. (2021). Manna from the sky? Rainfall shocks and child nutrition in India. (Ponencia) . International Health Economics Association Conference . ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA

Tesis, tesinas y trabajos de Investigación dirigidos (últimos 6 años)

De Souza, P.A . (2023) . Financial experience and repayment of microfinance loans. Evidence from a large-scale microcredit program in Brazil (Tesis de Masters) . Universitat de Barcelona.