Enrique Tello Aragay

Enrique Tello Aragay

Full professor

ORCID: 0000-0002-4970-1524
Researcher ID: M-2843-2014
Knowledge area: Història i Institucions Econòmiques

Enric Tello is full professor of the Department of Economic History, Institutions, Policy and World Economy at the University of Barcelona (http://www.ub.edu/histeco/eng/inici.htm) and co-researcher ... + info

Research group:

Teaching Innovation Groups:

Contact Information
Department of Economic History, Institutions and Policy and World Economy
Av. Diagonal, 690.

More Information: ResearchGate (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Enric_Tello)

Academic training

Geografía e Historia . Universitat de Barcelona/Universtiy of Barcelona . 16/03/1981 . (Diploma / Degree / Activities)
Geografía e Historia . Universitat de Barcelona . 17/06/1987 . (Ph.D.)

Teaching imparted (last 5 years)

Història Econòmica (Bachelor's degree) - Administración y Dirección de Empresas(1) - Universidad de Barcelona.
Història Ambiental: Energia i Territori (University Master's Degree) - Historia Económica - Universidad de Barcelona.
Societat i Medi Ambient (Bachelor's degree) - Ciencias Ambientales - Universidad de Barcelona.

Research interests

Agricultural and Environmental History
Sustainable Farm Systems
Landscape Ecology
Socio-Ecological Transitions

Participation in Projects (last 6 years)

Sustainable farm systems: long-term socio-ecological metabolism in western agriculture . 2012 - 2017 . Ref.895-2011-1020 . Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada . PI: Enrique Tello Aragay
¿Sistemas Agrarios Sustentables? Una interpretación històrica de la agricultura en España desde la perspectiva biofísica . 2016 - 2018 . Ref.HAR2015-69620-C2-1-P . Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad . PI: Enrique Tello Aragay
Economic History and Development (Industry, Business and Sustainability) . 2017 - 2021 . Ref.2017SGR1466 . Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) . PI: Alfonso Herranz Loncan

Relevant publications (Journal Publications and Other publications - last 6 years)

Tello, E.; Jover, G.; Murray, I.; Fullana, O.; Soto, R. (2018). From feudal colonization to agrarian capitalism in Mallorca: Peasant endurance under the rise and fall of large states (1229-1900). Journal of Agrarian Change, 18(3), pp. 483 - 516 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1471-0358

Conferences and Participations in Congresses (last 6 years)

Tello, E.; Cattaneo, C. (2017). Session organizers: 'The energy trap of the green revolution - Energy profiles of past and present farm systems from a comparative perspective'. (Chair of session) . 12th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics . Budapest . HUNGARY
Tello, E. (2017). Organizer: 2-B: How the Green Revolution Led to Less Eco-Effi cient Agroecosystems, and to Cultural Landscapes Less Endowed with Farm-Associated Biodiversity? A Historical Energy-Landscape Integrated Analysis (ELIA, 1830s-2010s). (Chair of session) . European Society for Environmental History Biennial Conference 2017. Natures in between. Environments in areas of contact among states, economic systems, cultures and religions . Zagreb . CROATIA
Montero, A.; Badia-Miró, M.; Tello, E. (2017). Mild Arabicas Coffee in a time of market regulation. Costa Rica as a Case Study (1963-1989). (Presentation of communication) . Agricliometrics III. Quantitative Approaches to Rural, Environmental and Agricultural History . Cambridge . UNITED KINGDOM

Directed Thesis, minor thesis and research reports (last 6 years)

Padró, R . (2018) . Agroecological Landscape Modelling as a Deliberative Tool. Learning from Social Metabolism Assessment of Historical Transitions to Industrial Agriculture for Future Sustainable Food Systems (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.
Marco, I . (2018) . Dialogues on Nature, Class and Gender: Revisiting Socio-Ecological Reproduction from Past Organic Advanced to Industrial Agricultures (Sentmenat, Catalonia, 1860-1999) (Ph.D. Thesis) . Universitat de Barcelona.