Oscar Mascarilla Miro

Oscar Mascarilla Miro

Associate professor

Knowledge area: Economia Aplicada

Especialista en economía y comercio internacional, logística y finanzas internacionales
Contact Information
Department of Economics
Facultat d' Economia i Empresa- Diagonal, 696


Director Adjunt Agencia de Postgrau UB

Academic training

Doctor en Economía . Universidad de Barcelona . 17/11/2000 . (Ph.D.)

Research interests

Economia urbana,regional e internacional - Economia immobiliaria. vivienda - Localización residencial- Microeconomia

Relevant publications (Journal Publications and Other publications - last 6 years)

Crespi-Vallbona, M; Domínguez-Pérez, M.;Mascarilla Miró, O. (2019). Urban food markets and their sustainability: the compatibility of traditional and tourist uses. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(14), pp. 1723 - 1743 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1368-3500
Crespi, M: Mascarilla, O. (2018). Job satisfaction. The case of information technology (IT) professionals in Spain. Universia Business Review, 58(2), pp. 36 - 51 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1698-5117
Crespi, M; Mascarilla, O. (2017). Innovation in the managementoj interorganizational oenologic tourism projects . In Project Management Development. Practice and Perspectives. . ISBN: 2256-0513 .
Tugores, J; Mascarilla, O; Bonilla, R. (2017). Economía . In Economía . Editorial Vicens Vives .
Crespi Vallbona, M; Mascarilla Miró, O; Vilalta, R. (2017). Enología e identidad: maridaje turístico . In Tendencias actuales del turismo . (pp. 145 - 153) . Síntesis . ISBN: 978-84-9171-086-8 .

Conferences and Participations in Congresses (last 6 years)

Crespi Vallbona, Montserrat; Mascarilla Miró, Oscar; Vilalta Ribot, Ricard (2017). Innovation in the management of interorganizational oenologic tourism projects. The case of Pla de Bages wine area (Barcelona, Spain). (Presentation of communication) . Sixth International Scientific Conference on the Project Management Development - Practice and Perspectives . Conference Proceedings . Riga . LATVIA