Professor of management and business administration at the University of Barcelona (Business Department). He was associate professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya until 1994 when he was appointed as professor at the University of Girona. In October 2006 he joined the UB. Since March of 2007 he is the director of the UB Entrepreneurship Chair. In March 2015 he was appointed as the director of the "Barcelona Entrepreneurship Institute". He is also the coordinator of the "Business and Management Research Group" (SGR1168, recognition of the government of Catalonia).
He's main research interests are in the fields of innovation management and entrepreneurship. He has been involved in a number of international research projects (OCDE, FAST Monitor, TSER¿). He has also carried out many research projects for the regional government of Catalonia concerning innovation in SME and the analysis of the regional system of innovation. At present, he is a member of the Interreg project TRINNO concerning innovation and entrepreneurship in traditional industries (2016-2020) and is responsible of the report "Catalunya Emprèn: context de futur" (Generalitat de Catalunya).
He has published many articles and works related to innovation and entrepreneurship between which we can highlight the book "Tecnología e Innovación en la Empresa" (2003) jointly with the Dr. Pere Escorsa. He is the co-author of the book "Causas de fracaso de los emprendedores" (Pocket RedEmprendia collection, 2012). In 2017 he was the co-editor of book "The Global Management of Creativity" (Routledge).
Within UB he has been director of the Business PhD programme and director of the Business Department (2009-2014).
He is also the co-director, since its creation in 2009, of the Summer School "Management of Creativity in an Innovation Society" (a joint project with HEC Montreal). He is co-editor of the online magazine "Journal of Evolutionary Studies in Business" that was promoted by UB in 2016.