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Departament de Física de la Matèria Condensada
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Publicacions en revistes
Eduardo Mendive Tapia; Christopher E Patrick; Tilmann Hickel; Jörg Neugebauer; Julie B Staunton(2023).
Quantification of electronic and magnetoelastic mechanisms of first-order magnetic phase transitions from first principles: application to caloric effects in La(FexSi1-x)13.Journal Of Physics-Energy, 5, p. 034004
. ISSN: 2515-7655Mendive-Tapia, Eduardo; Staunton, Julie B.(2017).
Theory of Magnetic Ordering in the Heavy Rare Earths: Ab Initio Electronic Origin of Pair- and Four-Spin Interactions.Physical Review Letters, 118, p. 197202
. ISSN: 0031-9007Boldrin, David; Mendive-Tapia, Eduardo; Zemen, Jan; Staunton, Julie B.; Hansen, Thomas; Aznar, Araceli; Tamarit, Josep-Lluís; Barrio, Maria; Lloveras, Pol; Kim, Jiyeob; Moya, Xavier; Cohen, Lesley F.(2018).
Multisite Exchange-Enhanced Barocaloric Response in Mn3NiN.Physical Review X, 8, p. 041035
. ISSN: 2160-3308Mendive-Tapia, Eduardo; Staunton, Julie B.(2019).
Ab initio theory of the Gibbs free energy and a hierarchy of local moment correlation functions in itinerant electron systems: The magnetism of the Mn3A materials class.Physical Review B, 99, p. 144424
. ISSN: 2469-9950Eduardo Mendive-Tapia; Manuel dos Santos Dias; Sergii Grytsiuk; Julie B. Staunton; Stefan Blügel; Samir Lounis(2021).
Short period magnetization texture of B20-MnGe explained by thermally fluctuating local moments.Physical Review B, 103, p. 024410
. ISSN: 2469-9950Eduardo Mendive-Tapia; Jörg Neugebauer; Tilmann Hickel(2022).
Ab initio calculation of the magnetic Gibbs free energy of materials using magnetically constrained supercells.Physical Review B, 105, p. 064425
. ISSN: 1098-0121