Jorge Casalderrey Solana

Jorge Casalderrey Solana

Senior lecturer

ORCID: 0000-0002-5241-0154
Researcher ID: F-8479-2016
Knowledge area: Física Teòrica

Membre del consell d'estudis del grau de física

Research group: Gravitation, Strings and Cosmology

Contact Information
Department of Quantum Physics and Astrophysics
Departament de Física Quàntica i Astrofísica

Academic training

Licenciatura en Ciencias Físicas . Universidade de Santiago de Compostela . 01/08/2001 . (Diploma / Degree / Activities)
Doctor of Philosophy Physics . State University of New York at Stony Brook . 22/08/2006 . (Ph.D.)

Research interests

Heavy Ion Collisions Phenomenology
QCD Jet physics in extreme matter
Gauge/Gravity Duality

Directed Thesis, minor thesis and research reports

Equilibration from the Boltzmann equation in a boost invariant set-up . () . IDENTIFICADOR_REGISTRE:064554 () . Marc Pascual i Solé. No
Marta Alerany Solé . (2021) . Entanglement entropy at strong coupling (Degree work) . .

Journal Publications

Bea, Y.; Casalderrey-Solana, J.; Giannakopoulos, T.; Mateos, D.; Sanchez-Garitaonandia, M. (2021). Bubble wall velocity from holography. Physical Review D, 104, p. L121903 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 2470-0010
Casalderrey-Solana, J.; Mehtar-Tani, Y.; Salgado, C.; Tywoniuk, K. (2013). New picture of jet quenching dictated by color coherence. Physics Letters B, 725(4-5), pp. 357 - 360 . ISSN: 0370-2693
Casalderrey-Solana J.; Gulhan D.C.; Milhano J.G.; Pablos, D.; Rajagopal, K. (2014). Jet quenching within a hybrid strong/weak coupling approach. Nuclear Physics A, 931, pp. 487 - 492 . ISSN: 0375-9474
Casalderrey-Solana, J; Grozdanov, S.; Starinets, A. (2018). Transport peak in thermal spectral function of  N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma at intermediate coupling. Physical Review Letters, 121, p. 191603 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 0031-9007
Maximilian Attems; Jorge Casalderrey-Solana; David Mateos; Ioannis Papadimitriou; Daniel Santos-Oliván; Carlos F. Sopuerta; Miquel Triana; Miguel Zilhão (2016). Thermodynamics, transport and relaxation in non-conformal theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(10) . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1126-6708
Casalderrey-Solana, J., Teaney, D. (2006). Heavy quark diffusion in strongly coupled N=4 Yang-Mills. Physical Review D, D74, p. 085012 . Institutional Repository . ISSN: 1550-7998