Monika Prusinowska

Monika Prusinowska

Investigadora postdoc. Maria Zambrano

ORCID: 0000-0002-5157-1191

Grup de Recerca: Dret Internacional i Dret de la Unió Europea (DIDUE)

Informació de contacte
Departament de Dret Penal i Criminologia, i Dret Internacional Públic i Relacions Internacionals
Facultat de Dret, UB Avinguda Diagonal, 684 08034 Barcelona


Publicacions rellevants

Kai-Shen Huang; Enhui Shen; Monika Prusinowska; Ji Ma; Magdalena giewska. COVID-19 and Dispute Resolution in China: Trends in Arbitration and Litigation. En Cambridge University Press. Volum 18. Número Special Issue 1. 2023 .
Matthew Erie; Monika Prusinowska. The Future of Foreign Arbitration in the Peoples Republic of China: Current Developments and Challenges Ahead. En Asia Pacific Law Review. Volum 28. Número Issue 2. 2021 .

Participació a Congressos

Monika Prusinowska. China in Latin America: Engaging with Local Norms Opportunities and Challenges, Consequences and Options. 17th Annual Conference of the European China Law Studies Association (Helsinki 2023). Helsinki. FINLÀNDIA. 2023
Calvet Martínez, Elisenda; Prusinowska, Monika. Women, Peace, and Security in Ukraine: Another Missed Opportunity for the Inclusion of Women in the Peace Processes?. ESIL Interest Group on Peace and Security pre-conference workshop on Peace and Security for whom? Inclusion and exclusion. Roundtable on Ukraine and Peace and Security. Utrecht. PAÏSOS BAIXOS. 2022
Monika Prusinowska. Recent Developments in the Area of Digitalization of Dispute Resolution in China: Chances and Risks. 14th Annual Conference of the European China Law Studies Association; Durham Law School (Durham University) and the Centre for Chinese Law and Policy (CCLP). Durham. REGNE UNIT. 2019
Monika Prusinowska. Geography and Legal Culture on the International Bench. Geography and Legal Culture on the International Bench; Centre of Excellence at the Department of Public and International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oslo, Pluri Courts (The Hague 2018). The Hague. PAÏSOS BAIXOS. 2018
Monika Prusinowska. Digitalization of Dispute Resolution in China: Chances, Risks, Lessons. Asian Law & Society Association: ALSA 4th Annual Meeting in OSAKA, JAPAN Expanding Asia: Changing Law and Social Justice. JAPÓ. 2019