Lecturer Professor

Knowledge area: Dret Internac. Públic i Relacions Internacionals

Research group: Dret Internacional i Dret de la Unió Europea (DIDUE)

Teaching Innovation Groups: Àrea de Dret Internacional Públic i Relacions Internacionals

Contact Information
Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Science, and Public International Law and International Relations
Av. Diagonal 684



European Law (Law Degree)
International legal labour regime (Labour Relations Degree)
International Public Law

My profile

Assistant Professor in International Public Law at the University of Barcelona (UB) and Legal Advisor in the European Union's Outreach Programme on the control of strategic trade. She holds a PhD ... + info

Academic training

Bachelor in Law, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
(M.A.) Master in International Studies: International Organizations and Cooperation, at the UB
(LL.M.) Master in Laws - specializing in International Law, at the UB
University Diploma in International Nuclear Law at the U.Montpellier & OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
PhD in Public International Law, UB (Extraordinary Doctoral Award)

Research interests

International Public Law
Dual-use items, strategic trade controls
Non-proliferation, weapons of mass destruction
EU Law

Relevant publications

Sanchez Cobaleda, Ana. Revisitando el Tratado sobre la No Proliferación de Armas Nucleares ante la Décima Conferencia de Examen. In Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales . Number 42. 2021 . Institutional Repository
Nicolini Gabriel; João Paulo; Sánchez Cobaleda, Ana. Tlatelolco Treaty: The Global South's Postcolonial Contestation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime. In Peace Review. Volume 35. Number 4. 2023 .

Other activities

ADR Fellowship (Ajuda predoctoral de formació en Docència i Recerca) for doctoral candidates of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Member of the Delegation of the Juan Bonal Foundation in Catalonia (

Participations in Congresses

Sánchez Cobaleda, Ana. La cooperación en el control de los bienes de doble uso entre la UE y terceros Estados: la vocación exterior del Instrumento en pro de la estabilidad y la paz. International Conference on the extraterritorial application of the EU Law - AEPDIRI. Vigo. SPAIN. 2015
Sánchez-Cobaleda, A.; Álvarez-Verdugo, M. Why should the international community progress in the international regulation of dual-use-goods trade?. International Conference on Trade, Business, Economics and Law (ICTBEL 2014). Londres. UNITED KINGDOM. 2014
Sánchez Cobaleda, Ana. The recast of the EU dual-use trade legislation from a national perspective: Spain. Incentives of non-proliferation outreach activities: actors and rationale, VII Meeting of the Chaudfontaine Group. Liège. BELGIUM. 2017