Contact Information
Department of Political Science, Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law
Departament de Dret Constitucional, Universitat de Barcelona, Avinguda Diagonal, 684
Academic training
Licenciado en Derecho
Doctor en Derecho
Research interests
Inmigración y protección internacionalTrata de seres humanosJurisdicción constitucionalInteligencia Artificial
Relevant publications
Kotzur, M; Moya, D; Sozen, S; Romano, A. The External Dimension of EU Migration and Asylum Policies: Border Management, Human Rights and Development Policies in the Mediterranean Area. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
2020Romano, A. Integration/disintegration: Schengen, Dublin and the future of the EU territoriality.
KÄMMERER, KOTZUR, ZILLER (eds.) Integration and Disintegration in Europe.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
2020Romano, A. Vulnerability assessment as an instrument to enhance liberty and equality of aliens? A first balance of the ECtHR's approach in the field of migration and asylum.
Aliens Before the European Court of Human Rights: Ensuring Minimum Standards of Human Rights Protection.
Brill Academic Publishers.
2021Romano, Andrea. Accesso alla giustizia costituzionale ed eguaglianza elettorale. Legittimazione delle Corti e discrezionalità legislativa.
Diritto Pubblico .
Number 2.
. Institutional RepositoryAndrea Romano. Los programas de reasentamiento de refugiados en la UE: tendencias actuales y repercusiones en España. Inmigración y asilo, en el centro de la arena política.
Anuario de la Inmigración en España.